The home-based guardian robot can actually search the Internet to find solutions by itself!

A large number of melon-eating people immediately sent comments asking, since the household guardian robot can search the Internet for how to wash cashmere clothes, can it learn to cook by searching for recipe tutorials on the Internet?

However, the operation planners of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group clearly anticipated the problem of the shady netizens and explained it in the narration of the promotional video.

‘Considering that cooking is a very professional and highly precise job, the Guardian robot cannot learn recipes through Internet search. It can only load the corresponding professional cooking module through our group. '

This narration explanation immediately caused netizens to make fun of them.


‘Important points: Cooking is a very professional and highly precise job!’

‘Chef: I didn’t expect that I could get such a job evaluation!’

‘Professional and precision work:【×】, the cooking module is unlocked for a fee:【√】’

‘Is there a charge for DLC? Steam calls you an expert!’

‘Is the household guardian robot good at cooking?’

‘I only care about one question, and that is whether the food cooked by the household guardian robot is delicious?’


Regarding the question of whether the food cooked by the household guardian robot is delicious, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group did not explain it in the video, because it would be useless to explain it.

After all, the words in the video are empty, do you believe what you say?

Of course it's impossible!

Even if the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group affirms how delicious the meals cooked by the household guardian robot are in its promotional video, it will still be questioned by troll netizens.

So Anliang arranged a special Valentine's Day event for the home-based guardian robot!

"Mr. Li, I have tidied up the room. The related cleaning work will be carried out after you leave for work. Do you want to go home for dinner in the evening?"The home-type guardian robot asked.

Faced with the inquiry of the home-type guardian robot, Mr. Li responded,"I will go to the company first and then talk about it. If I want to come back for dinner, I will call you."

The narration of the promotional video immediately explains: 'The home guardian robot needs to be used with a mobile phone communication card to ensure that the home guardian robot is connected to the network, so that the owner of the home guardian robot can contact you at any time’

"Alright, I got it."Response from the household guardian robot

"Jingjing, help me pack my briefcase. I need a laptop, an"Urban Greening Project Plan", a mobile phone charger, and chewing gum."Mr. Li took the initiative to give instructions.

"Received, please wait."The household guardian robot immediately started to act.

In the promotional video, the household guardian robot put the relevant items into the briefcase one by one, and then reported,"Mr. Li, I put the relevant items into the briefcase. Inside, he put the laptop's power adapter and an umbrella inside."

"According to the weather forecast, the probability of rain this afternoon is as high as 76%, so I recommend you bring an umbrella. Do you want to bring it?"Home Guardian Robot asked

"Then bring it!"Mr. Li responded

"Your car keys are in the key bowl at the entrance."The home-based guardian robot reminded again.

Mr. Li took the briefcase from the home-based guardian robot, then took the car keys at the entrance door, then opened the door and left.

When the door was closed, the guardian robot's Valentine's Day special The promotional video ends, but in the middle of the promotional video, a line of text lights up

‘Household guardian robot, your perfect life assistant!

Judging from the promotional video, the household guardian robot is indeed a very good life assistant. As for describing it as 'the most perfect', that is of course just an exaggeration.

However, after the Tiantian artificial intelligence system is connected to the home guardian robot, the home guardian robot is enough to serve as a qualified life assistant.

The home-based Guardian robot integrates all the cutting-edge technologies of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, from the image recognition system of the lighthouse helmet to the operating system of the Guardian prosthetic frame, plus the assistance of the Tianji artificial intelligence system, making the home-based Guardian robot The technological content has reached the highest level of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

Logically speaking, a household guardian robot equipped with weapons can be used as a security guardian robot, but a security guardian robot cannot perform the work of a household guardian robot.

If Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is willing to establish a professional functional database for home-based guardian robots, then home-based guardian robots will be able to replace quite a few jobs.

This includes cooking, driving, laundry, cleaning, taking care of children and the elderly, and even farming.

However, the price of a basic version of a household guardian robot starts at eight figures. Who is willing to let a household guardian robot farm?

Isn't that a big injustice?

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