A quarter of an hour after Anliang posted the news using the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, the official blog account of Amgen Company interacted.


Amgen Company:

@Dreaming about the future of graphene: has the price increased?


Can our company get a preferential price?


Eric Watt, representative of Amgen Xia Guo, contacted An Liang by phone and waited for the call to be connected. Eric first greeted him in the familiar Xia Guo dialect,"Mr. An, Happy New Year."

An Liang responded with a smile,"Happy New Year, Ai Rick."

Eric continued to greet,"I like the Spring Festival in the Xia Kingdom. I think the Spring Festival in the Xia Kingdom is more festive than the Bald Eagle's Christmas."

An Liang responded jokingly,"There are no Spring Festivals in big cities now. What a festive atmosphere."

Eric replied with a smile,"I'm in my girlfriend's hometown, and the festive atmosphere here is quite strong."

"You must have been watched, right? An Liang said jokingly,"A foreign son-in-law who comes to visit, I bet, will definitely attract onlookers." Eric did not deny it,"

It did attract onlookers, and everyone was very enthusiastic.""

"When do you plan to get married?" An Liang asked casually.

Eric answered seriously,"If there are no unexpected circumstances, we should get married this year. When I get married, I hope Mr. An will come as a witness. An

Liang did not agree or refuse,"Remember to notify me in advance. If you have time, I will definitely come." Eric agreed repeatedly, and then he got back to the topic,"Mr. An, I saw on Weibo that your official blog account announced the price increase of the Guardian robot, regarding the Guardian robot that our company had previously ordered...."Eric felt hesitant to speak.

An Liang replied with a smile,"Don't worry, our Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is a law-abiding company. The price of the 100 Guardian robots you previously ordered will be in accordance with the previous contract, which is still US$2.6 million per unit.""

"Thank you, Mr. An!"Eric immediately replied with thanks.

"You're welcome, that's as it should be. An Liang responded.

Eric added,"Mr. An, our company plans to purchase guardian robots on a large scale in the future. Are there any discounts?" An

Liang replied with a smile,"Since the cooperation between us has been very pleasant, we can let you serve as the agent of Guardian Robot in Bald Eagle, and you will be the only agent!""

"Thank you, Mr. An!"Eric immediately laughed.

If Amgen becomes the only agent of the Guardian robot in Bald Eagle, then whether Amgen sells the Guardian robot as an agent or directly provides security services in Bald Eagle through the Guardian robot, they will You can make a lot of money.

The two parties briefly talked about the sole agent, and finally agreed to discuss it after the year, and ended the phone conversation.

An Liang opened Weibo again and checked the official blog of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group Account situation.

Seeing more and more troll netizens making jokes about prices, Anliang decided to post an additional message


Dreaming of Future Graphene:

Regarding the price of the Guardian robot, our group would like to make the following responses.

Q1: Why did the price increase?

A1: The only factor that determines the price of a product is the relationship between supply and demand. When the quality of the product is excellent and the demand for the product exceeds the supply, the price of the product will naturally increase.

Q2: Why are the prices of guardian robots divided into Xia Kingdom regions and non-Xia Kingdom regions, and there is a huge price gap?

A2: There are many reasons for the price difference.

For example, regarding the issue of after-sales costs, the comprehensive costs of after-sales repairs in Xia Guo and after-sales repairs overseas are completely two orders of magnitude.

Secondly, there is the issue of product upgrades. Our guardian robot is equipped with an upgradable artificial intelligence operating system. If it is necessary to upgrade, the difficulty is also different in Xia Kingdom and overseas.

Finally, thinking from the perspective of profitability, we are a business group aiming to make profits, and we naturally hope to pursue higher profits within the scope of the law.

Q3: Is it too ungraceful to raise prices from the ground up?

A3: Dear, I suggest you refuse to buy our group’s guardian robot, because if you don’t buy it, you will save 100%!

Enthusiastic sand sculptures, do you have anything else to ask?


Faced with An Liang's somewhat ridiculous reply, a large number of melon-eaters immediately responded enthusiastically.


It’s green again:

After seeing A3’s reply, the sense of familiarity came back, everything came back, it’s still the same editor, and it’s still the same familiar taste!


Nan Tingfeng:

It’s true that you save 100% if you don’t buy it!

But what we want to ask is, you idiot editor, why don’t you draw a lottery now?

Have you forgotten your past traditions?

Your family used to have a lottery when posting on Weibo. Why don’t you arrange a lottery now?

Strongly recommend the lottery!

It is strongly recommended to draw a quota for a customized guardian robot. If you win, you will save 100%!


This reply immediately received a large number of likes. In just a few minutes, the number of likes exceeded 100,000, and it is still increasing rapidly.

Shadiao netizens are very knowledgeable. The customization price of a Guardian robot exceeding RMB 10 million is too high, so why not get one for free?

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