Facing Li Cunyuan's inquiry, An Liang gave an affirmative answer.

‘An Liang: Of course!’

‘An Liang: In fact, even if you don’t tell me, I will recommend to you that guardian robots be placed in overseas agricultural planting bases to mainly carry out agricultural base patrols and security work. '

As the scale of Anliang's industries becomes larger and larger, more and more industries are involved, and cooperation between industries becomes more and more frequent.

For example, guardian robots can join the overseas agricultural planting base plan to provide better security services for the overseas agricultural planting base plan.

Another example is that the Titan new energy vehicle project under Dream Future Graphene Technology Group can be combined with the cold chain transportation project.

There are also flying motorcycle projects combined with various unmanned service projects.

These are the results of the growing scale of Anliang's industries, thus forming a positive effect of industrial alliances.

‘Li Cunyuan: Great!’

‘Li Cunyuan: The biggest problem in overseas agricultural planting bases at present is security.’

‘Li Cunyuan: If the guardian robots join, the development of overseas agricultural planting bases will definitely be smoother.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: The security pressure on overseas agricultural planting bases is indeed very high’

‘Qian Xiaogang: We originally planned to make armed patrol drones by transforming flying motorcycles. Now that we have the guardian robot, it is naturally a better solution.’

‘An Liang: Since such a situation exists, the guardian robots will be sold at an internal price in our club at a cost price of 620,000 Xia Guoyuan.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Then we will order a thousand aircraft here!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Yes, yes, we want to order a thousand aircraft!’

‘Lin Yili: I think we can make more reservations and we can further expand the scope of overseas agricultural planting bases.’

‘An Liang: Just take it easy!’

‘An Liang: The overseas agricultural planting base plan has become a thorn in the side of the four major grain groups’

‘An Liang: In addition, Bald Eagle is also eyeing the overseas agricultural planting base plan. We have to deal with possible changes at any time, so the scale of overseas agricultural planting bases is not bigger, the better, but we need to absolutely control the overseas agricultural planting bases. '

The Overseas Agricultural Planting Base Plan is a very beneficial plan to Xia State. It can seriously attack the global monopoly of the four major grain groups.

However, precisely because of this, the four major grain groups have regarded the nascent overseas agricultural planting base plan as a thorn in their flesh, and they are eager to eradicate the overseas agricultural planting base plan immediately.

Three of the four major grain groups are owned by Bald Eagle, so An Liangcai reminded Li Cunyuan and others to control the scale of overseas agricultural planting bases in Lia.

In order to prevent overseas agricultural planting bases from being too large and unable to be absolutely controlled by security forces, they may be attacked by external parties.

The four major grain groups have many ways to plan for overseas agricultural planting bases.

After all, the overseas agricultural planting base plan is not an immigration plan. It is just to plant crops in overseas enclosures.

According to the power controlled by the four major grain groups, they can release relevant crop viruses in overseas agricultural planting bases, causing the corresponding overseas agricultural planting bases to lose their harvest.

In order to avoid such problems, Anliang requires overseas agricultural planting bases to have absolute security control.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a waste of work?

The members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club expressed their understanding and then began to place reservations for the guardian robots.

Just members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club ordered 7,000 Guardian robots in a short period of time. It must be said that the Guardian robots are really popular.

‘Qian Xiaogang: @安梁: Brother Liang, I suddenly have a question!’

‘An Liang: What’s the problem?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: How long is the designed service life of the Guardian robot? '

An Liang looked at the question raised by Qian Xiaogang. He was stunned for a moment, and then replied to the message.

‘An Liang: Wait a moment, I have never paid attention to this issue. Let me ask the relevant person in charge of the group first. An

Liang immediately called Hao Zhipeng, the person in charge of the Guardian Robot project.

Waiting for the call to connect, An Liang first asked about the design life of the guardian robot.

Hao Zhipeng responded,"Mr. An, regarding the design life of the Guardian robot, we promise a three-year warranty in the event of non-human damage."

"What about more than three years?"An Liang asked

"In fact, three years is only a conservative time. Just like car manufacturers, most cars only promise three years, and even have a mileage limit of 80,000 kilometers or 100,000 kilometers."Hao Zhipeng gave an example

"However, the vast majority of cars will not break down or require major repairs after three years. The same is true for our Guardian robots. The three-year limited warranty is only based on cost considerations, because some wearing parts may have problems after three years. , such as artificial muscle fibers, such as hydraulic pumps, such as foot joint hemispheres, etc." Hao Zhipeng’s additional explanation

"If the Guardian robot is used according to the instruction manual, in a reasonable working environment, and with regular replacement of wearing parts, our Guardian robot can even be used for more than twenty years."Hao Zhipeng said a little proudly

"How long has it taken?"An Liang was a little surprised.

Hao Zhipeng asked weakly,"This...Mr. An...Wouldn't it be nice to have a longer service life?"

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