However, by the time Detective Qian Ning discovered the problem, it was already too late!

The high-horsepower modified car was less than 800 meters away from the entrance of Central Park Elementary School, and it was very fast. He visually estimated that it exceeded sixty miles per hour, which was close to one hundred kilometers per hour.

At this speed, Detective Qian Ning couldn't stop him even if he wanted to!

"Faco! Detective Qian Ning cursed, and then ordered,"Get ready for rescue!""

However, while Detective Qian Ning was thinking about how to deal with the subsequent bad situation, two Guardian robots at the entrance of Central Park Elementary School had already picked up their equipped assault rifles.

‘The system found that the highly suspected target vehicle violated the law and implemented a vehicle interception operation! '

Both guardian robots made independent judgments, and they directly aimed at the engine position of the high-horsepower modified vehicle and opened fire.

Bang bang bang bang!

The two guardian robots fired two shots respectively, destroying the engine of the high-horsepower modified car, causing the high-horsepower modified car to lose power, resulting in a decrease in the speed of the high-horsepower modified car.

‘The vehicle interception operation was successfully executed and the safety inspection operation was performed! '

In the high-horsepower modified car, when the engine was destroyed, Lucien's expression changed slightly. He realized that the guardian robots were equipped with very powerful artificial intelligence chips. Even if they were disconnected from the network, they could still act independently.

Nathan roared angrily,"Get out of the car and rush together!"

Nathan directly opened the passenger door and rushed out.

Brandon is a little behind. His cousin is an illegal arms dealer. He knows relatively much about firearms, so he knows what a powerful shot it is to use a rifle to hit the engine of a high-speed moving car from a distance of seven or eight hundred meters.

Brand was very sure in his heart that if the guardian robot wanted to kill them, there would be no problem at all.

So when Nathan just got out of the car and raised his pistol, he was shot in the abdomen by the Guardian robot before he could fire.

"Lucian, don't go out!"Brandon reminded.

Lucian was already a little frightened. He was originally too supportive of this action. Now after Nathan was shot, he no longer had the courage to act.

"We surrender immediately! Brandon reminded again,"Turn off the signal jammer first to avoid causing trouble.""

Lucian immediately turned off the signal jammer.

This situation was discovered by the Guardian robots, so the two Guardian robots carried assault rifles and walked towards the stopped high-horsepower modified vehicle while contacting the Bald Eagle 911 alarm center.

"This is the 911 call center."The operator at the 911 alarm center spoke.

The Guardian robot still reported in a neutral electronic tone,"This is the gate of Central Park Elementary School. A shooting case occurred. The suspect has been controlled. Please request the police to handle it on site."

"receive."Although the operator of the 911 alarm center was a little confused about the neutral electronic sound of the Guardian robot, he responded immediately. In less than half a minute, Detective Qian Ning's walkie-talkie made a sound, and the 911 alarm center asked Detective Qian Ning to go to Central Park Elementary School for processing. Shooting case.

Detective Channing immediately stated that he was at the scene and reported some basic situations.

Two Guardian robots came to the side of the high-powered modified vehicle with assault rifles. Brandon spoke first," We surrender!"

Lucian also agreed,"We surrender, we will not resist."

One of the guardian robots ordered,"Please leave the vehicle slowly, do not hold any weapons, and do not do any radical behavior."

Brandon and Lucian carefully opened the car door and raised their hands to show that they were not a threat.

When the two got out of the car, one of the Guardian robots put down their assault rifles and used plastic ties to secure Lucian and Brandon His hands were tied behind his back.

The next moment, the neutral electronic voice of the Guardian robot came from the wireless earphones worn by Williams,"The highest authority administrator, the system has killed one suspect and controlled two suspects." personnel and defused the attack, asking the top administrator to assist in handling subsequent incidents."

"During this operation, the system recorded all operational video information, and administrators with the highest authority can freely retrieve relevant records. At the same time, the system backup stores the firearm license certificate and human killing authorization information provided by the highest authority administrator to facilitate the investigation of law enforcement agencies."The guardian robot added a reminder.

Williams was unable to complain. Is this dream future graphene technology group really cautious?

Williams immediately contacted Inspector Qian Ning and waited for the call to be connected. Williams spoke first," Detective Qian Ning, where are you? Have you seen what's going on outside? Detective Chan

Ning said with suppressed excitement,"Mr. Williams, we are right opposite the gate of Central Park Elementary School. We witnessed the entire incident. The Guardian robot you deployed is very powerful. I think you have Be busy because you have a lot of things to explain. Williams smiled bitterly,"I have received a notification from the Guardian robot. The Guardian robot stated that it killed one suspect and controlled two suspects. I need to deal with any subsequent issues." Detective Qian Ning warned,"The robot killed a human. This situation is a bit troublesome. Mr. Williams, you'd better prepare in advance.""

"Don’t worry, I’m already prepared!"Williams responded.

Williams was not worried about subsequent troubles at all, not only because Williams believed in the safety logic provisions set by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group for the Guardian robot, but also because when Williams was on the phone , while looking at the reason why the Guardian robot killed the suspect.

The suspect had raised his pistol. Although he did not fire a shot, he was already suspected of attacking.

In addition, the high-horsepower modified car did not slow down at all, and even accelerated towards The situation at the gate of Central Park Elementary School is proof enough of the threat posed by the suspect.

So what does Williams have to worry about?

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