Eric listened to the final test project and asked cautiously again,"Is there really no danger?"

Hao Zhipeng did not answer directly. He reloaded the magazine into the butt of the gun and then aimed it at Eric's abdomen at close range. one shot


The dye-added water bomb hit Eric's abdomen. Eric was wearing a thick down jacket. The water bomb hit the down jacket and the kinetic energy was absorbed by the down jacket. It only caused the water bomb to explode, blowing away the black down jacket. stained red

"Does it hurt?"Hao Zhipeng asked.

Eric shook his head,"I didn't feel anything. It was as if someone had pushed me gently."

"So what's the danger?"Hao Zhipeng asked back

"There's really no danger. Eric responded affirmatively.

But Edwin said cautiously,"What if it hits the face directly?""

"Don’t you have full-coverage riot helmets?"Hao Zhipeng asked back.

This seems to make sense!

Edwin was unable to refute.

Jonas asked,"How to determine the outcome?"

"Don’t worry, you can’t win!"Hao Zhipeng responded calmly.

"..."Jonas was speechless.

Edwin also looked at Hao Zhipeng speechlessly.

"Each pistol can only fire six water bombs. Each of you has one, and the two guardian robots only have one. Then you are given three minutes to prepare. You can hide in any corner of the food storage warehouse in advance."Hao Zhipeng explains the final test rules

"Three minutes later, two guardian robots will come looking for you. If you hit the guardian robot's head with two consecutive shots, you will win!"Hao Zhipeng added the conditions for Edwin and Jonas to win.

After stating the conditions for victory, Hao Zhipeng added,"In fact, the head of the Guardian robot uses a high-strength bulletproof layer, and all camera systems are only Using bulletproof glass lens isolation, it is impossible to be destroyed by a pistol unless it is hit by an anti-material sniper rifle at close range."

Edwin ignored Hao Zhipeng's last words. He took the initiative and said,"Can we try shooting the water gun first?

Hao Zhipeng handed the water gun to Edwin,"It still has five shots left." Edwin looked at Jonas,"We have two shots each?" Jonas responded casually,"You shoot three times, I shoot two.""

Edwin was not greedy for cheap. After only firing two bullets, he handed the water gun to Jonas. He reminded him,"The power of the water gun is good. Feel it with your heart."

"Thanks for reminding."Jonas responded.

The two were competitors, but now they are partners.

After Jonas also fired two bullets, he returned the water gun to Hao Zhipeng.

Hao Zhipeng took the water gun and he did When asked to clean up,"You can choose a water gun, and then find a place to hide or ambush."

Edwin and Jonas quickly picked up two water cannons.

Hao Zhipeng added a reminder,"Friendly reminder, the guardian robot is equipped with infrared thermal radiation detectors and night vision devices. You can only use the terrain advantage to A slight chance of hitting the Guardian robot, otherwise no chance at all."

Both Edwin and Jonas once joined the Bald Eagle Army, and they naturally understood the advantages of infrared thermal radiation detectors and night vision devices in low-light environments.

So the two picked up the water gun and started Immediately rushed to the grain storage warehouse, where they planned to ambush the guardian robot.

Three minutes passed in a flash.

The two guardian robots picked up two water cannons and turned on the infrared thermal radiation detectors. They directly Head to the direction of the grain storage warehouse and lock Edwin and Jonas.

Inside the grain storage warehouse, Edwin and Jonas hide behind a pillar, one on the left and one on the right, to avoid being attacked.

"I heard footsteps. After a while, according to the plan, we will focus on one robot first. Only by killing one robot will we have a chance to win. Edwin said the tactics.

Jonas responded with approval,"Roger that.""

The two people had a very good idea, but they underestimated the strength of the Guardian robot.

When the Guardian robot stood outside the food storage warehouse, it had already locked the precise location of the two people through infrared thermal radiation detectors.

When the Guardian robot When entering the food storage warehouse, Edwin leaned out and wanted to shoot, but as soon as he leaned out, he was attacked by a Guardian robot.

‘Puff puff puff~'

The guardian robot fired three shots in a row, each shot accurately hitting Edwin, and one of the shots even hit the goggles of the full-coverage riot helmet, causing Edwin to directly Lost vision.

What happened next was a little simpler. Two Guardian robots surrounded him in both directions, one on the left and the other on the right. Jonas had no ability to resist at all. He was immediately hit in the position of his goggles and lost his vision.

Hao Zhipeng held a tablet computer and shared the field of vision with the Guardian robot. When the two Guardian robots easily solved Edwin and Jonas, Hao Zhipeng looked at Eric

"Mr. Eric, what do you think of the performance of the Guardian robot? Hao Zhipeng asked.

Eric responded with excitement,"The Guardian robot is great, especially the functions optimized for our bald eagle. We like it very much!""

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