Hearing Hao Zhipeng say that the interception vehicle would be tested, both Edwin and Jonas' eyes were full of rejection.

The crisis rescue test and the first round of interception vehicle testing just now were full of dangers. Who knows whether the second round of interception vehicle testing will be more dangerous?

Edwin looked at Jonas, and Jonas looked at Edwin. The two seemed to be trying to blame each other.

Eric glanced at the two people who were pushing each other, and he directly suggested,"You two are competing for the position of director of the security department. I suggest that you two participate in the test together to better understand the guardian robot."



The two of them were speechless at the same time. The two people who were obviously competitors actually felt a sense of sympathy for each other.

Edwin looked at Hao Zhipeng and asked in detail,"How will we test the interception vehicle next?"

Hao Zhipeng did not hide anything,"There will be two tests later. The first test is when the guardian robot does not have a vehicle. In this case, try to intercept the vehicle, and also intercept the vehicle that has no fixed target and is moving."

"The second test is for the Guardian robot to try to track and intercept the vehicle when it is present. Hao Zhipeng added.

Jonas asked tentatively,"Are the two tests dangerous?""

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no danger!"Hao Zhipeng once again solemnly stated that it was absolutely safe.

However, Edwin and Jonas couldn't believe it!

There is absolutely no danger?

Whoever believes it is a fool!

Hao Zhipeng did not give Edwin and Jonas more time to think. He pointed to an SUV at the edge of the internal field of the grain storage warehouse,"You can drive that SUV in the internal field in a moment. You can plan the route yourself, but I hope you can drive as fast as possible."

The internal space of the grain storage warehouse is quite large. After all, the grain storage warehouse used to have cars coming and going, and they were all large trucks.

Edwin and Jonas looked at each other, then walked towards the SUV. When they opened the door At that time, I realized the seriousness of the problem.

Because the car was once again equipped with a full-coverage anti-riot helmet, and it was equipped with a racing suit and racing gloves. More importantly, the seat belt was replaced with a four-point racing safety helmet. belt to further ensure safety

"Jonas, I think the problem is serious! Edwin looked at the equipment in the car with a heavy heart.

Jonas sighed,"Then you quit the test?""

"Let you be the head of the security department? Edwin asked back.

The two began to change into full racing suits together.

Eric looked at this situation, and he asked in Xia Mandarin a little worriedly,"Hao Gong, are you sure there is no problem?""

"I am sure! Hao Zhipeng answered affirmatively,"We have made strict calculations and there is absolutely no risk to life in the test of intercepting the vehicle.""

Eric could only smile helplessly.

After a while, Edwin and Jonas had changed into full racing suits, put on full-coverage anti-riot helmets, and put on racing gloves.

Edwin looked at the dim As for the weather, he asked nervously,"It will get dark soon, Guardian Robot..."

Hao Zhipeng interrupted the other party directly,"The Guardian robot is equipped with night vision devices, as well as infrared thermal radiation detectors, as well as millimeter-wave radar and lidar. You don't have to worry about their detection capabilities in low-light environments."

Edwin He could only respond with resignation,"We just need to drive casually in the venue, right?"

Hao Zhipeng nodded,"Yes! You just need to simulate the aimless driving of illegal people. Are you ready?""

"Start testing now?"Edwin asked back.

"Start now!"After Hao Zhipeng responded, he immediately took Eric away.

Edwin started the engine and then drove quickly in the internal venue. While driving the SUV, he paid attention to the two Guardian robots participating in the test.

Only two Guardian robots were seen. The Guardian robot raised the explosion-proof steel fork in its hand and made a throwing motion.

This situation made Edwin nervous. He was worried that the Guardian robot failed to throw the explosion-proof steel fork, and then he was hit by the explosion-proof steel fork. The tragedy of penetration.

However, while Edwin was still imagining danger, a guardian robot had already thrown an explosion-proof steel fork


"Click, click, click!"

""Squeak, squeak, squeak~"

The sound of steel colliding and twisting, and the sound of tires rubbing against the ground were heard continuously. The explosion-proof steel fork flew out quickly and accurately hit the left front wheel of the moving SUV.

Because the explosion-proof steel fork The reason is that the left front wheel of the SUV was directly scrapped, and then the driving SUV suddenly started to swing to the right with the left front wheel as the center point, as if a human being had stumbled, and the body became unstable. Fortunately

, Edwin had been vigilant for a long time. When the guardian robot took action, Edwin had already subconsciously stepped on the brakes, so when the SUV was hit by the explosion-proof steel fork on the left front wheel, it did not roll over directly.

When the SUV When they stopped, Edwin and Jonas both felt like they were surviving a disaster. They wanted to curse. Is this what is called no danger?

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