It is true that the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group cannot provide robots like those in science fiction movies, but the real world does not need those kind of science fiction robots.

The security robot, which is deeply customized based on the Guardian prosthetic frame, is a thick-skinned robot.

According to the report provided to Anliang by the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, ordinary small-caliber pistols have no fatal damage to security robots.

The damage caused by conventional assault rifles to security robots is also quite limited. At least the security robots can counterattack criminals holding assault rifles if they are attacked first.

Great threats to security robots are sniper rifles, individual rocket launchers, and even small missiles.

But how can ordinary criminals have these things?

Even security robots can't deal with these things!

As the saying goes: there are specialties in the art industry.

The biggest role of security robots is to deter ordinary criminals, such as various petty thieves, and robbers who are eager to try based on the Saber Act No. 82.

For example, inIf several security robots were deployed to patrol a commercial street 24 hours a day, it would be too much of a deterrent to criminals who break into homes late at night, right?

An Liang read the report sent by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. He was a little dissatisfied. That was, was the price of US$2.6 million too cheap?

Although the cost price is less than 700,000 Xia Guoyuan, currently only Dream Future Graphene Technology Group can provide this kind of in-depth customization service globally, so it’s okay if the price is a little higher, right?

In Xiaguo Internet, after Eric reached a cooperation agreement with Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, he disclosed the corresponding information on Weibo


Amgen Company:

Thank you @DreamFutureGraphene Technology Group!

Our company has officially reached a strategic cooperation agreement with Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Our company will entrust Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to deeply customize the security robot based on the Guardian prosthetic frame.

【Security Robot Information]

Our Amgen company will put security robots into corresponding usage scenarios, thereby improving the safety factor of the corresponding scenarios and ensuring the life safety of users in the corresponding scenarios.

Finally, thank you again to Dream Future Graphene Technology Group!


Amgen has a large number of fans because of its long-term interaction with the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group on the Internet.

When the official blog account of Amgen released the corresponding information, a large number of netizens started to take advantage of it.


Cinnabar Red:

The focus of the painting: security robot!

According to the security robot information released by Amgen, I boldly predict that this security robot may be able to use firearms!


Brother Hutou:

Dreaming that in the future, Graphene Technology Group can actually produce security robots?

A bit outrageous!

Can Dream Future Graphene Technology Group produce a Miss Kaguya?

If I could, I would definitely buy it!


Technology Guy:

Friendly reminder @虎头哥, according to the information released by Amgen, the price of a security robot is US$2.6 million.

Even if you dream that Graphene Technology Group can produce two-dimensional robots in the future, can you afford it?

One more thing, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has more technologies in reserve than you think.

For example, [Flying Motorcycle Technology], although Dream Future Graphene Technology Group named it 'Flying Motorcycle', it is actually a [Drone].

Another example is the 'Guardian Prosthetic Framework', which is now [robotic technology], and in the future it may even be [human exoskeleton armor technology].

There is also the graphene lithium-ion battery technology that everyone has been ignoring. It is rumored that Xia Guo has applied graphene lithium-ion batteries in the fields of electromagnetic weapons and laser weapons.

Dreaming about the future graphene technology group is not as simple as everyone imagines!


【Technology Guy]’s comments were quickly liked by the masses, because the majority of the masses also feel that dreaming of a future graphene technology group is indeed not easy.

An Liang naturally also saw the information on Amgen's official blog account. He logged into the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. He first liked the latest information on Amgen's official blog account and then interacted with it.


Dreaming about future graphene:

@Amgen: I wish you a happy cooperation!

@Technology Guy: Please don’t spread rumors! The related technology of our company’s flying motorcycles does not involve the field of drones, and our company has not conducted any research on human exoskeleton armor.

@Bald Eagle Embassy: Are you interested in cooperation?

You bald eagles are so messy, do you really not consider security robots?

If you purchase in large quantities, we can give you a preferential price.

Amgen’s price for deep customization at our house is US$2.6 million. If you want to purchase in large quantities, we will give you a price of US$2.5 million. What do you think?


An Liang deliberately used the quotation of 2.5 million to connotate the official blog account of the Bald Eagle Embassy, ​​and also made fun of the chaotic situation in Bald Eagle's country.

A large number of melon-eating people watched the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group speak out. Of course they followed the melon-eating, and there were also some shady netizens who followed @Bald Eagle Embassy.

Such a situation makes it impossible for the Bald Eagle Embassy to pretend to be dead!

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