Facing Yang Maoyi's inquiry, An Liang smiled and rubbed her long hair.

"I'll stay with you."An Liang said dotingly.

Yang Maoyi was so happy that her eyes narrowed. Her happiness was so simple. She only needed An Liang to accompany her.

The two of them walked and chatted in Linshanju. The main thing was Yang Maoyi telling An Liang about foxes. Interesting facts about Xian Food Review

"Your Majesty, I want to change the evaluation mechanism of our Fox Fairy food evaluation."Yang Maoyi explained

"How are you going to change?"An Liang asked back.

"I want to introduce a multi-person evaluation scheme."Yang Maoyi responded

"For example, a Cantonese restaurant in Pengcheng applied for Hu Xian Food Review. Because I am from Shengqing, my food taste is inevitably biased towards Sichuan style, so when reviewing Cantonese restaurants, there may be biased evaluations."Yang Maoyi explained.

An Liang nodded slightly to express understanding.

Just like the evaluation of food by the Life Winner System, it is completely based on An Liang's subjective preferences. Only when An Liang finds it delicious will he be recognized by the Life Winner System, and thus receive a random lottery gift pack for food rewards.

An Liang himself will not deceive himself.

After all, An Liang cannot make something that is obviously not delicious taste delicious. There is absolutely no chance of it, because it is just instinct.

"Do you plan to bring in local reviewers? An Liang asked.

Yang Maoyi answered affirmatively,"That's right!""

"There are advantages and disadvantages to introducing external evaluators. The key is how to ensure the fairness of the evaluators."An Liang raised the key question.

Yang Maoyi responded,"I have prepared two plans."

"First of all, during the first review, I will review it personally and invite a certain number of local reviewers to review with me, and then I will synthesize their review results."Yang Maoyi explained

"Secondly, there are the special evaluators who will make follow-up visits. For example, we have reviewed Restaurant A and issued a Huxian Food Evaluation sign to Restaurant A. Our special evaluators of Huxian Food Evaluation can continue to make unannounced visits and provide continuous evaluations."Yang Maoyi added

"Regarding special evaluators, we will adopt a strict invitation system. We will only invite people with certain achievements to become special evaluators."Yang Maoyi added

"After all, special reviewers with certain achievements will be better able to remain neutral. Yang Maoyi added.

An Liang responded affirmatively,"That's true!" For example, if I become a special reviewer, I will definitely not talk nonsense for financial gain."

"By the way, little fox, when you invite special evaluators, I suggest you let the special evaluators have their real names, and also use their real names when commenting, so as to increase the credibility of the special evaluators." An Liang added.

Yang Maoyi answered affirmatively,"I think so too. However, I'm worried about not being able to invite special reviewers.

An Liang replied with a smile,"I'll make the arrangements.""

This matter is indeed a bit difficult for Yang Maoyi.

Although the reputation of Fox Fairy Food Review has become famous in the catering field, its popularity in the public field is far less than that of Michelin-starred restaurants.

Let Yang Maoyi invite a certain social As a special evaluator of achievements, it is indeed difficult.

But for Anliang, such a thing is too simple!

The resources in Anliang’s hands can easily solve this matter, such as the cold chain transportation project, which covers Large-scale projects across the country have great influence in every region.

Those who have participated in the cold chain transportation project can serve as special evaluators for the Fox Fairy Food Evaluation. The relevant personnel of the cold chain transportation project become Fox Fairy Food There is also another benefit to having special evaluators for the evaluation.

Because the relevant personnel who have joined the cold chain transportation project have made good achievements in the business field, these people become special evaluators for Huxian Food Evaluation, which will set off the style of Huxian Food Evaluation. Taking Shengqing as an example, Anliang can definitely ask Wu Zhengfeng of Chengyuan Real Estate Group and various persons in charge of Chengyuan Real Estate Group to join the special evaluators of Fox Fairy Food Evaluation.

Another example is Bian Xiaogang of Anxin Life Sciences Group, Jingjing Wang Anfeng and Wu Yonghua from the pharmaceutical company, as well as the heads of various departments of AXA Construction, all participated in the Fox Fairy Food Review. The participation of these special evaluators and their real-name reviews greatly enhanced the style of the Fox Fairy Food Review. After all , no one would say that these executives in the business field also collected black money, right?

An Liang briefly explained how he planned to arrange it, and Yang Maoyi agreed.

"We're going to trouble the king again!"Yang Maoyi said a little embarrassed.

An Liang responded with a smile,"These are all small things. Besides, your business is my business. I am also very happy that you have reviewed Hu Xian’s food. I very much look forward to the future when Hu Xian’s food review exceeds the Michelin star restaurant guide.

Yang Maoyi responded seriously,"I will work hard!""

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