Faced with Fan Ping's analysis, An Liang affirmed very rationally,"The situation in the South Vietnam stock market is indeed very bad, and we cannot easily enter."

The biggest problem in the South Vietnam stock market is the T+3 mechanism

T+The mechanism of 3 means that the advantage of first arrival is extremely huge.

What's more, the financial institutions of the Bald Eagle Country deployed in South Vietnam two years in advance. This huge first-arrival advantage makes it difficult for Anxin Investment to directly intervene in the South Vietnam stock market.

Since the problem of South Vietnam cannot be solved through financial means, An Liang decided to use magic means to solve the problem.

"Lao Fan, you have collected some information that denigrates the economic development of South Vietnam." An Liang ordered.

Fan Ping agreed first, and then added,"Does Mr. An plan to trap Bald Eagle's financial institution in the South Vietnam stock market?"

"If Bald Eagle's financial institutions could be integrated into South Vietnam's stock market, that would naturally be the best thing. However, the other party made plans two years in advance, so it was very difficult for us to trap them."An Liang explained.

Two years ago, the stock market index of South Vietnam was very sluggish. Currently, the stock market index of South Vietnam has tripled. Under such circumstances, it would be very unscrupulous to involve Bald Eagle's financial institutions. easy

"Even if we can't trap them, the negative news we spread can still make South Vietnam vigilant, thereby avoiding the easy victory of Bald Eagle's financial institutions."An Liang added. What

An Liang means is that he is prepared to harm others without benefiting oneself!

Although 'harming others without benefiting oneself' is usually a derogatory meaning, harming others without benefiting oneself is indeed the best choice in some cases.

For example, in the current situation, through regular financial Means, An Liang cannot stop Bald Eagle's financial institution, so naturally it can only be described by magical means that harm others without benefiting himself.

Besides, is An Liang really harming others without benefiting himself?

Although from a third-party perspective, An Liang is indeed harming others. It’s not self-serving.

But from An Liang’s own point of view, he will receive a reward for increasing the peach yield of Shiliwan Peach Garden by 50%.

Even if this reward is a bit flawed, it is also very meaningful. At least it can brew more There is a lot of peach wine, so of course it is not harming others but benefiting oneself. In just half an hour, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan and Anxin Investment Company both completed their work.

The difficulty of sorting out the black materials is far lower than the difficulty of thinking of ways to deal with it!

An Liang First, he checked the information sent by No. 4 Tianji Shensuan, and then immediately sent the command message.

‘No. 0: Send all the correct information to the corresponding company in South Vietnam’

‘Zero: The conspiracy of Bald Eagle's financial institutions to try to control real enterprises in South Vietnam was exposed on the South Vietnam Internet.’

‘No. 0: Also announced that Bald Eagle's financial institution had set up in the South Vietnam stock market two years ago, and reminded Bald Eagle's financial institution to prepare to harvest leeks in South Vietnam.’

‘Number Zero: At critical moments, you can also take the initiative to help companies in South Vietnam break the news!’

‘Number 4: Got it! '

Anliang's plan to drastically reduce the salary will directly expose the conspiracy of the Bald Eagle financial institutions under the sun.

The reason why a conspiracy is a conspiracy is naturally something that cannot be seen in the light.

Once An Liang exposes the conspiracy of Bald Eagle Financial Institution, it will become very difficult for Bald Eagle Financial Institution to cut leeks in South Vietnam and acquire South Vietnam entity enterprises at a low price.

‘Number Zero: You complete the above-mentioned things first, and then disseminate the information collected by Anxin Investment. '

Anxin Investment has collected information that is bearish on the economic development of South Vietnam. That information is not only for Bald Eagle's financial institutions, but also for the economic development of the entire South Vietnam.

Under such a double attack, can the conspiracy of the Bald Eagle financial institutions be realized?

Not even a dream!

South Vietnam.

In the Internet world, after An Liang ordered the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, there were a large number of exposure posts exposing Bald Eagle Financial Institutions.


《The insidious thoughts of the bald eagle: completely control the fate of South Vietnam! 》

The first piece of evidence first!

【Bald Eagle Financial Institution’s 2019 Investment Plan: Entering the South Vietnam Stock Market]

From the first piece of evidence, we can find that Bald Eagle’s financial institution entered the South Vietnam stock market as early as 2019, and exceeded the Open a position at a low price.

Let’s look at the second piece of evidence!

【Detailed information on Bald Eagle Financial Institution’s shareholdings]

This piece of evidence clearly lists the stock information held by Bald Eagle Financial Institution.

Bald Eagle's financial institutions hold large-scale shares in South Vietnam's physical manufacturing companies, including traditional manufacturing, clothing production, pharmaceutical industries, and even basic survival material companies, such as edible oil factories and grain processing plants. etc.

There is a third piece of evidence!

Recently, funds from Bald Eagle financial institutions have once again poured into South Vietnam and secretly pushed up the index of the South Vietnam stock market, while releasing good news for the economic development of South Vietnam.

Combined with this information, the South Vietnam stock market index has surged by 21% in the past week, and it is still rising.

According to statistics from the Hu Ming City Exchange in South Vietnam, stock accounts in South Vietnam have increased by more than 200% in the past two years, and more and more ordinary people in South Vietnam are participating in stock market investments.

Coupled with the current situation where Bald Eagle financial institutions are silently pushing up their stock prices, do you think Bald Eagle financial institutions are about to close the network?

We would like to remind investors in Everbright South Vietnam to be cautious in their investments and avoid falling into the trap of Bald Eagle financial institutions, where the wealth they have worked so hard to accumulate will be robbed.

Finally, some of the Bald Eagle financial institutions that entered South Vietnam were announced, including Berkshire Hathaway, HSBC, Morgan, and more financial institutions that we have not yet investigated.


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