An Liang looked at the slightly embarrassed Bian Xiaogang, and he suddenly felt speechless. Could it be that this Bian Xiaogang did not obtain the consent of the patient's family at all?

"Damn it! Could it be that you hid it from your family members and were secretly researching it?"An Liang complained.

According to Bian Xiaogang's past bad records, it is really possible.

Bian Xiaogang quickly explained,"Mr. An misunderstood, our research this time really did not cross the line."

"These two patients have no family members."Bian Xiaogang added.

"orphan?"An Liang asked back.

"No, they are not orphans, but their families gave up on them and left them in the hospital without caring about their life or death."Bian Xiaogang quickly explained

"Shengqing First Hospital contacted their families many times, hoping that their families would pick up the patient, but the two families did not care at all and directly offered to send the patient to a welfare home."Bian Xiaogang continued to explain.

"But the welfare home did not accept them. The welfare home meant that they had living relatives and could not occupy the public resources of the welfare home. When Shengqing First Hospital had no other solution, it asked us for help."Bian Xiaogang added to explain the reason.

An Liang frowned and remained silent. This is a tragic story.

In this story, An Liang cannot blame anyone.

Saying that the family members of two young people are indifferent?

Don't persuade others without their suffering. Good!

The two young men look to be more than ten years old. If their families are really ruthless and ruthless, how could they possibly raise them until they are over ten years old?

What about Shengqing No. 1 Hospital being ruthless and ruthless?

Shengqing No. 1 Hospital What obligation does the hospital have to take care of them?

As for blaming the orphanage, the orphanage’s reasons are very good. The two teenagers do have family members, and they really should not occupy public resources.

In this tragic story, everyone People's faces are full of suffering, and everyone has a compelling reason, so who is the bad guy?

Positive stories always say that life is priceless, but in fact life is valuable!

In this cold world, Everything can be measured by economic value, but the means and standards of measurement are different.

"Mr. An, shall we continue this experiment? Bian Xiaogang asked tentatively.

An Liang nodded,"Go on!""

For the two mentally retarded teenagers, their future is destined to be a tragedy. Now there is a possibility to reverse the tragedy. What reason do they have not to seize it?

"How much Golden Tai Sui are you going to use?"An Liang asked.

Bian Xiaogang hesitated. As the chief scientist of Shiliwan Advanced Life Science Research Center, Bian Xiaogang knew the value of gold Tai Sui very well.

Although Bian Xiaogang could not know as concretely and quantitatively as An Liang that 1 gram of gold Tai Sui is equal to 1.2 A piece of thousand-year-old astragalus, but Bian Xiaogang knows very well that 1 gram of golden Tai Sui is at least equal to a piece of thousand-year-old astragalus. The current price of a piece of thousand-year-old astragalus has exceeded at least 500 million Xia Guoyuan, and no one is willing to sell the thousand-year astragalus. Under such circumstances, How much Golden Tai Sui is appropriate for experiments?

"I would like to apply for 1 gram of Golden Tai Sui for experimentation, and give each of them a dose of 0.5 gram of Golden Tai Sui. Mr. An, do you think this is okay?"Bian Xiaogang put forward his idea.

An Liang checked the usage records of Golden Tai Sui on his mobile phone. He found out that Golden Tai Sui used less than 20 grams before he agreed to Bian Xiaogang's application.

"no problem!"An Liang agreed.

Bian Xiaogang immediately said gratefully,"I would like to thank Mr. An on their behalf for his great kindness. If they really return to their normal intelligence level, I believe they will definitely thank Mr. An. An

Liang waved his hand slightly indifferently,"I don't need their thanks, and their thanks are not worth that much. I only hope that the experimental results are good, and only this time.""

To be honest, An Liang doesn't know whether Golden Tai Sui is effective in combating intellectual disabilities. If it has no effect, it would be equivalent to a loss of more than 500 million. It can only be said that life science research is indeed very expensive!

Fortunately, Golden Tai Sui is An Liang's Own assets, otherwise Anliang would definitely not support such research.

After all, an experiment requires an investment of more than 500 million yuan. Even if Anliang makes money relatively quickly, he still feels distressed!

"clear! Bian Xiaogang responded, promising,"If the experiment succeeds, we can further study the problem of Alzheimer's disease based on this experiment. If Alzheimer's disease can be solved, we will definitely make money!""

After all, wealthy elderly people are definitely willing to spend money to fight Alzheimer's disease!

An Liang nodded with satisfaction,"I also hope your experiment will succeed."

After the discussion between An Liang and Bian Xiaogang, they visited the cutting-edge life science research center, mainly visiting the Millennium Astragalus Research Laboratory. However, there was no new progress in the research of Millennium Astragalus, and the conclusions of the previous research were still the same.

In fact, the research of Millennium Astragalus The progress is slow. The biggest problem is that the value of thousand-year-old astragalus is too high and the cost of researching thousand-year-old astragalus is too high, so the research progress is very slow.

This is also a problem faced by the world's top powers!

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