Fan Ping is also a smart person, so Fan Ping immediately suspected that Bald Eagle's financial institution had made advanced arrangements in the financial market of South Vietnam two years in advance. There was definitely a hidden conspiracy!

An Liang responded affirmatively,"I also have such suspicions. You continue to investigate the situation in South Vietnam and don't let go of any clues.""

"In addition, you share intelligence with No. 4."An Liang added

"OK"Fan Ping responded.

After the two parties ended the call, An Liang secretly thought about why Bald Eagle's financial institution made advance arrangements in South Vietnam two years in advance.

After some thinking, An Liang thought of some possibilities.

The first possibility is that An Liang As previously speculated, Bald Eagle's financial institution not only wants to cut leeks, but also wants to attack the economic development of South Vietnam.

South Vietnam has been imitating the Xia Kingdom, but the rise of the Xia Kingdom has affected the world structure. Those traditional How could a developed power allow the rise of South Vietnam?

Even though the size of South Vietnam is much smaller than that of Xia, the rise of South Vietnam will ultimately be a factor of instability, so traditional powers like Bald Eagle will not allow the rise of South Vietnam.

Secondly This possibility is the worst possibility.

Bald Eagle's financial institutions not only want to harvest the wealth of South Vietnam and attack the economic development process of South Vietnam, but also take advantage of the situation to rob the magpie's nest. The so-called dove-occupied magpie's nest is the financial institution of Bald Eagle. After the institutions hit the financial market of South Vietnam, the real industry of South Vietnam collapsed.

Under this situation, Bald Eagle's financial institutions took the opportunity to acquire the real industry of South Vietnam.

Once that happened, the development of South Vietnam The road is equivalent to being completely cut off, and at the same time it has become the vest of the Bald Eagle.

After all, after the physical industry of South Vietnam is controlled by the Bald Eagle, it is the Bald Eagle who has the final say on how the South Vietnam will develop.

‘This must be a possibility! 'After An Liang just thought of this possibility, he was 100% sure that it was this possibility.


What value does the South Vietnam have that Bald Eagle Financial Institutions needs to plan two years in advance?

An Liang immediately sent a message to No. 4 Tianji Shensuan

‘No. 0: I suspect that Bald Eagle's financial institution may take the opportunity to control the real industry in South Vietnam. You should check it immediately to see what stocks Bald Eagle's financial institution controls.’

‘No. 4: Received. '

After An Liang ordered the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle slowly landed in the large aviation berth in Shili Bay. This large aviation berth is the highest-standard berthing port in Shengqing. It has automatic navigation and charging. function.

In the parking area, after Anliang left the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle, the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle communicated with the management system of the large aviation parking port, and then assigned an automatic charging parking space and automatically flew there to recharge.

The large aviation parking port in Shili Bay is equipped with electric vehicles for ground transportation. An Liang used the mobile phone app of the flying motorcycle to unlock a four-wheeled electric ATV, and then rode the four-wheeled electric ATV to the cutting-edge life science research center of Anxin Life..

An Liang seemed to have entered Shili Bay smoothly and went to the cutting-edge life science research center. In fact, the security level of Shili Bay was exactly the same as that of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

When the flying motorcycle enters the five-kilometer range of Shili Bay, it will be subject to authorization review and ground-to-air radar locking. Once an abnormality is discovered, security personnel will be notified as soon as possible.

When the authorized flying motorcycle lands at a large aviation port, the human facial feature recognition system and the human behavior dynamic recognition system will work quietly to identify the visitor.

These identifications are carried out quietly. If you want to go to a controlled area without authorization, you will definitely be intercepted as soon as possible.

Both Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Shiliwan are equipped with armed drones that can intercept threatening personnel as soon as possible.

Because An Liang had the highest level of authorization, it seemed that An Liang entered Shili Bay smoothly.

If unauthorized outsiders try to enter Shili Bay, it will be a lot more troublesome. Not only do they need to apply for a temporary visitor certificate, but they can also only move within the prescribed scope.

At the entrance of the cutting-edge life science research center, An Liang successfully swiped his face card to enter. Two security personnel from Renyi Security Company hidden inside greeted him proactively:"Hello, Mr. An."

An Liang nodded slightly, and he asked casually,"Have there been any abnormalities recently? ?"

Yang Dong responded,"Except for Professor Bian occasionally causing some problems, everything else is normal."

Gao Fuyang answered,"Shengqing First Hospital recently sent two underage patients. We are not sure. Professor Bian is doing some dangerous experiments again."

An Liang frowned, but without replying, he turned and walked directly into the cutting-edge life science research center.

At present, the cutting-edge life science research center has completed the first floor of laboratory layout, equipped with four laboratories, including the Millennium Astragalus Laboratory, the Golden Taisui Laboratory, the Holly Laboratory, and the Life Science Comprehensive Laboratory.

In view of the fact that Shili Bay has a complete 360-degree no-dead-angle security monitoring system, An Liang locked Bian Xiaogang's location through the Tianji artificial intelligence system. He wanted to see what Bian Xiaogang was doing across the border!

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