The Nanyue Kingdom frantically learned from the Xia Kingdom and made optimization changes in their own country. For example, the trading rules of the Huming City Exchange were changed to suit the Nanyue Kingdom.

‘Lin Bin: The trading rules of Hu Ming City Exchange are too late!’

‘Lin Bin: Our Xia Guoda A market adopts the T+1 plan, but in the Huming City Stock Exchange Market, the T+3 plan is adopted. '

The so-called T+1 plan means that if you buy 600519 stocks in the big A market on Monday, you will have to wait until Tuesday before you can sell the purchased stocks.

T+Plan 3 means that stocks bought on Monday will need to wait until Thursday before they can be sold.

In the US stock market, the T+0 plan is implemented, which means that if you buy it today, you can sell it at any time.

Under the T+3 high-latency trading rules, if you intervene temporarily, there will be greater risks, so Lin Bin does not recommend entering the South Vietnam stock market.

‘Lin Bin: In addition to the T+3 trading rules, the stock exchange in Hu Ming City also has a T+2 settlement system. '

The so-called T+2 settlement system, for example, if you sell a stock on Monday, it will take two trading days of settlement time for the funds to arrive on Wednesday.

An Liang naturally knew the meaning of the T+2 settlement system. When he looked at the message sent by Lin Bin, it was directly the emoticon on the subway old man's mobile phone.

‘An Liang: With this kind of trading rules, if you want to make profits in the South Vietnam stock market, you really need a long time of hard work. '

But the stock market in South Vietnam is too small!

The total number of stocks in the Ho Minh City Exchange and the Noihe Exchange is less than 800 stocks. Including the UPCom GEM Exchange, the combined daily turnover of the three major exchanges only exceeds 8 billion Xia Guoyuan, even the threshold of 10 billion Xia Guoyuan Can't even touch it.

Throughout 2020, the average daily trading volume of the Xiaguo A-share market was close to 850 billion Xiaguo yuan, which is equivalent to more than a hundred times the size of the Nanyueguo stock market.

Therefore, it is completely meaningless for Anxin Investment to enter such a small South Vietnam stock market.

But the Bald Eagle's financial institutions are too plucked. They don't mind the small size of the South Vietnam stock market, as long as they can make money anyway.

In fact, An Liang speculated that there was another reason why Bald Eagle Financial Institutions intervened in the financial market of South Vietnam - to suppress the economic development of South Vietnam.

In today's era, the confrontation between countries is increasingly reflected in the confrontation in the financial field.

The losses caused by defeating the opponent at the financial level often exceed the losses caused by defeating the opponent at the physical level.

After all, defeating the other party on the physical level is more likely to make the other party share the same hatred, but defeating the other party on the financial level will only cause the other party to have internal conflicts.

In addition, defeating the opponent from the financial level is a matter of making money, while attacking the opponent from the physical level is likely to be a loss-making matter, so the Bald Eagle is more willing to defeat the opponent from the financial aspect.

‘An Liang: Please investigate the financial market situation in South Vietnam and analyze what Bald Eagle’s financial institutions want to do.’

‘Fan Ping: Received’

‘Li Gang: No problem’

‘Lin Bin: Okay’


Distant bald eagle.

The six major financial institutions that once formed an alliance in the new energy war have formed an alliance again this time. Their target is indeed South Vietnam, and as An Liang guessed, they want to make a fortune from South Vietnam.

However, they also have their own hidden purposes!

In the temporarily encrypted voice communication channel of the alliance of six major financial institutions, HSBC's Steven Su spoke first,"Are you ready?"

"We are ready!"Bazel of Ropp Partners was the first to respond.

Andy Meyer of Merrill Lynch seconded,"We are also well prepared. However, I suggest that we should be careful. I am worried that that family will jump out and cause trouble again. Morgan

's Barton Hines responded negatively,"The financial market in South Vietnam is too small for Anxin Investment Company to take a fancy to it. This company's ambitions are very big. In the new energy war, everyone Have you seen them all?

Andy Meyer of Merrill Lynch added,"I'm worried that they will see through our ambitions behind the scenes." If they find out what we're doing behind the scenes, I'm worried something might happen."

Steven Su from HSBC Bank responded,"Even if they find out, the worst they can do is let them come in and get a share of the pie. According to their style, the most they want is profit."

Anxin Investment is very greedy in the U.S. stock market. Bald Eagle's financial institutions have already experienced the greedy practices of Anxin Investment in the U.S. stock market.

As long as there is something profitable, Anxin Investment will want to participate and steal more benefits..

Including the previous new energy war initiated by the six major financial institutions.

Originally, the six major financial institutions made a lot of money, but in the end the results were reversed by Anxin Investment Company, causing the six major financial institutions to suffer huge losses.

Faced with In response to HSBC’s Steven Su, Andy stated negatively,"I’m worried that they are harming others and not benefiting themselves!"

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