Facing the question raised by Yao Qi, An Liang realized the problem halfway through.

In this high-tech big data era, the most basic human resources provided by service personnel may not really be indispensable.

Taking Fuqing Bean Curd Rice as an example, the introduction of an online payment system for scanning QR code ordering and early checkout has resulted in the reduction of two older service staff.

If it were twenty years ago...


Ten years ago, such layoffs would not have affected the two older service members at all.

I don’t want to leave you here, I have my own place to stay.

After all, there is no essential difference in basic work like service staff, whether it is at Fuqing Douhua Restaurant, the hot pot restaurant next door, or other restaurants.

However, now a large number of restaurants have introduced scan-code ordering systems and online cashier systems, which means that a large number of restaurants will also save human resources and do not need so many service personnel.

When there is a surplus of human resources, the employer will naturally select the best when selecting human resources.

"Mr. An, you are also aware of the problem, right?"Guo Yuqing asked.

An Liang nodded slightly.

Yao Qi continued,"Regarding the current situation of the elderly population, we have done relevant surveys in Shanghai."

Li Xiyan answered,"After our previous vacation, we stayed in Shanghai to conduct a preliminary investigation on the current working conditions of the elderly population."

"What is the current working situation of the elderly population? An Liang asked.

Guo Yuqing sighed,"It's a bit bad!""

Yao Qi seconded,"The current working situation of the elderly population is indeed a bit bad. Especially in the service industry and labor-intensive industries, the working situation of the elderly population is even worse. Li

Xiyan continued,"Take the catering industry as an example. In the catering industry in Shanghai, the more high-end the service staff, the younger the age of the service staff. In the catering industry where the per capita income exceeds 200 yuan, they are basically invisible." The older service staff are all young people."

Guo Yuqing agreed,"Like some high-end private cuisine, neon cuisine, Western food, etc., all the service staff are young people, and there are no older ones."

Yao Qi added,"In addition to the catering industry, even the clothing sales staff in shopping malls, milk tea shops, convenience stores, coffee shops, etc. are also young people."

"What's worse is that in some mid- to low-end catering industries, employees are also accelerating the process of rejuvenation. In this process, no one has noticed the problem of the working status of the aging population."Yao Qi added.

An Liang quickly went through the situation described by the three people in his mind. This situation is also the same in the Imperial Capital, the same is true in Tianfu, and it is still the same in Lian Shengqing.

"It seems that this is indeed the problem."An Liang responded.

Yao Qi added,"If we talk about employees in the catering industry and sales industry, because they have to face customers directly, they need to be younger to keep up with the development of the times. However, labor-intensive industries are now It is also beginning to exclude the elderly population. An Liang frowned,"

Isn't this right?""

"I remember that the current situation is that young people are unwilling to join labor-intensive industries." An Liang explained.

An Liang continued to add,"According to the thinking of young people now, they would rather deliver express delivery or take out food than enter a factory."

Although Anliang did not conduct a special investigation, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group previously planned to intervene in the takeout and express delivery industry, but the approval document was rejected by Anliang. Therefore, Anliang has some understanding of the takeout and express delivery industry, and knows more about it. Today's young people are unwilling to enter factories.

Yao Qi first affirmed An Liang's statement,"You are right. Today's young people are indeed unwilling to engage in labor-intensive industries. In labor-intensive industries, more are indeed from the past. of elderly population"

"However, more and more labor-intensive industries are now undergoing industrial upgrading, especially the emergence of super factories, which are also rapidly upgrading labor-intensive industries. Yao Qi added

"Take the super factory in Yuanqi Forest as an example. The factory covers an area of ​​more than 25,000 square meters and has an annual output of more than 300 million bottles of beverages. However, the number of employees in the entire factory does not exceed 50."Yao Qi gave an example

"What's more important is that in the super factory in Yuanqi Forest, there are no job opportunities for the elderly population at all, and all the staff are young people. Yao Qi added

"There are more and more super factories like Yuanqi Forest, and a large number of repetitive tasks that require labor are replaced by machines. This has also caused the elderly population to lose their jobs in traditional labor-intensive industries."Yao Qi said that labor-intensive industries are also excluding the elderly population.

"Mr. An, you must have heard the news about the current labor shortage in labor-intensive enterprises, right? Yao Qi asked back.

An Liang nodded slightly. Not only did he know about the labor shortage, he also knew about the Yuanqi Forest Super Factory that Yao Qi gave an example of.

"certainly. However, I know the reasons for the labor shortage. These labor shortages are caused by low wages and low benefits, and are not real labor shortages."An Liang explained.

After all, the salary is small, the work intensity is high, and the overtime hours are long. Who can withstand this?

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