An Liang's Iceberg Empire is not an ordinary business group, and Anliang does not pursue absolute profit maximization. If he wants to deal with the Iceberg Empire by dealing with ordinary business groups or consortiums, it will have absolutely no effect.

For example, Bald Eagle and Da Aoguo have joined forces to create public pressure on Anxin Life Sciences Group in advance on the Internet. From the perspective of the masterminds behind Bald Eagle and Da Aoguo, this incident should make Anxin Life Sciences Group very distressed.

However, in the face of public opinion on the Internet, Anxin Life Sciences Group did not respond at all, and did not even issue an announcement to refute the rumors, as if it had not seen it.

Anxin Life Sciences Group is not a universal pharmaceutical company.

At present, the only product of Anxin Life Sciences Group is Miracle Salvia Pills. Because the core raw material of Miracle Salvia Pills is Millennium Astragalus, the output of Miracle Salvia Pills is very small, and it is impossible to reduce the price and promote it.

Therefore, the main service group of Anxin Life Sciences Group is still high-net-worth individuals, thereby obtaining more profits.

Anliang just does not pursue absolute maximization of interests, but it does not mean that he does not pursue interests.

Taking Miracle Salvia Pills as an example, the price in the premium area is 3 million US dollars, while the price in Xia Guo's local area is only 3 million Xia Guoyuan. The gap between the two is more than six times.

If he wanted to pursue absolute profit maximization, An Liang could have set a price of US$3 million in Xia Kingdom.

However, An Liang had his own bottom line after all, so An Liang set a price of 3 million Xia Guoyuan in the Xia Kingdom.

Anxin Life Sciences Group's indifferent attitude made the masterminds behind Bald Eagle and Da'ao Country a little stunned, as if a punch had hit cotton. Although it hit, it felt like it didn't hit.

This situation puts the man behind the scenes in a bit of a dilemma.

If we continue to create negative public opinion against Anxin Life Sciences Group on the Internet, and Anxin Life Sciences Group ignores it, it seems that we are using too much force, which will arouse the rebellious psychology of the melon-eaters.

But if you give up directly, it seems a bit anticlimactic?

When the man behind the scenes was in a dilemma, An Liang sent a counterattack message on Weibo using a trumpet through the Tianji artificial intelligence system.


Life Science Frontier Report:

Are you actually in Hei Anxin Life Sciences Group again?

Did Anxin Life Sciences Group not pay the protection fee?

I personally suggest that Anxin Life Sciences Group increase its marketing expenses and let the majority of marketing accounts help promote it, so as to avoid being hacked anytime and anywhere.

Another rumor leaked from within Anxin Life Sciences Group is that Anxin Life Sciences Group may restrict Australian patients from applying for the second phase clinical trial of Miracle Danshen Pills.

@Global Village: Are you surprised? Is it surprising?

May I ask if this counts as asking for a hammer?


‘"Life Science Frontier Report" is a trumpet account that An Liang has just established. Naturally, it does not have the number of fans, so An Liang uses the Tianji artificial intelligence system to promote this information.

Under the intelligent promotion control of Tianji artificial intelligence system, this Weibo became more and more popular. A large number of people followed Anliang's trumpet and forwarded this message.

Almost half an hour later, the number of fans of the account 'Life Science Frontier Report' actually exceeded 10,000, and it is still increasing rapidly.

However, the netizens are not fools. After they discovered that the 'Life Science Frontier Report' was a trumpet, they immediately started making various speculations.

Among them, the most popular comment has received widespread support.


Blind boy:

@Anxin Life Sciences Group: Where?

Is it a trumpet account that you just secretly registered?

It's not convenient for a big person to say harsh words, so why don't you put on a vest and appear as a trumpet?

Soul translation: If the bitches in Australia accuse me of treating them differently, then I will really treat them differently!

Congratulations to Da Aoguo for upgrading its treatment and successfully upgrading from the premium area to the no-sale area. This is indeed a big surprise.


This comment has been supported by the majority of people who eat melons. After all, isn’t it a routine operation to open a trumpet account these days?

Some things that are inconvenient for adults to say can be said casually when wearing a vest!

In view of the fact that the Weibo post published by the 'Life Science Frontier Report' has become more and more popular, the masterminds behind Bald Eagle and Da'ao have naturally seen corresponding responses. They have the same suspicion as the netizens, guessing that this account is Anxin Life Trumpet of Science Group.

Faced with such a situation, the man behind the scenes could only secretly complain that Anxin Life Sciences Group did not respect martial ethics. It was obviously a head-on confrontation, but Anxin Life Sciences Group suddenly opened a trumpet?

This is simply a sneak attack!

Although Anxin Life Sciences Group was a sneak attack, the effect was very good. After all, it was the main battlefield of Xia Kingdom. Although some people made bad money to hack Anxin Life Sciences Group, the vast majority of compatriots would definitely support their own people.

An Liang looked at the comments on the Internet that changed the direction of the trend again, and he secretly smiled secretly in his heart. The mastermind behind the Great Australian Country and Bald Eagle wanted to set the pace of online public opinion with him?

It can only be said to be a trick!

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