Facing Huang Guoxiang's inquiry, An Liang did not answer. He just poured a cup of tea for Huang Guoxiang.

Huang Guoxiang picked up the tea cup and took a sip,"What exactly do you want to do?"

An Liang answered the question,"When the Weiming Island was blocked, the Shipping Alliance paid a heavy price. Even now, they are still paying silently, right? ?"

Huang Guoxiang was silent

"As the old saying goes: Reciprocity is the way to go, but it is not polite to go back and forth; it is not polite to go back but not go back."After An Liang finished speaking, he tasted the tea calmly.

In fact, what does An Liang know about tea?

Whether it is the sweetness or fragrance of the tea leaves, An Liang cannot appreciate their beauty.

There is a saying that let An Liang taste 200 yuan a pound. He couldn't taste the difference between tea leaves and tea leaves priced at 20,000 yuan a pound.

It's just that Kongshan Teahouse is clean and Anliang likes to come here to handle work.

Huang Guoxiang already understood what Anliang meant. He frowned and said,"The overseas agricultural planting base plan is yours." Behind the scenes, your club controls all supporting comprehensive trade markets. No matter what you want to do, even if it is to monopolize the shipping business, no one can stop it, right?"

"Now that you say so, that's great! An Liang responded with a smile.

Huang Guoxiang could not complain,"Are you really planning to monopolize the shipping business?""

"Otherwise? An Liang asked back,"The Shipping Alliance helped us a lot in the beginning. Now when it is beneficial, it is natural to give it to the Shipping Alliance. When we need help from the Shipping Alliance in the future, they will be willing to help." After Huang Guoxiang heard this

, he sighed and said,"It is inevitable that you, this guy, can succeed." Obviously based on your strength, no matter how you arrange the shipping alliance, they will not resist."

"Voluntary and forced are two attitudes after all."An Liang pointed out the key point.

For a guy like An Liang who is good at manipulating people's hearts, he prefers to let others help voluntarily instead of using force to pressure people.

Pressing people with force is like pressing a spring. One spring cannot resist, and two springs cannot resist. I can't resist, but the springs are pressing more and more, and one day I can no longer hold it down!

"Okay, okay, as you ask."Huang Guoxiang said in a compromised tone.

So what if he doesn't compromise? It's clear that An Liang has taken control of the situation, but An Liang is still willing to take care of everyone's feelings. Even Huang Guoxiang started to feel that An Liang is really good.

"By the way, Lao Huang, Qin Tianxiang from our company is going to Shanghai on a business trip tomorrow. If you also want to go to Shanghai, you can take a free flight."An Liang added.

Why doesn't Huang Guoxiang understand An Liang's tricks?

The so-called Qin Tianxiang is going to the Magic City. That is just an excuse. It is nothing more than arranging a private plane to take them to the Magic City.

If a private plane is used to send Huang Guoxiang there alone, then Huang Guoxiang would definitely not dare to accept it.

But if he just took a free flight, there would be no problem

"I want to ask Xiao Tao first to see what Xiao Tao means. Huang Guoxiang responded.

An Liang complained,"I remember you are a native of the Imperial Capital, right?""

"Um? Huang Guoxiang was confused.

An Liang continued to complain,"We men should be more assertive about this kind of thing. We should directly arrange the schedule and then tell the other party to go out to play instead of asking her. Do you understand?""

"Is this okay?"Huang Guoxiang was a little unsure about paying attention.

"So you're about to turn fifty and you're still single...No, you are finally single!"An Liang said with heartache.

"..."Huang Guoxiang is speechless

"We Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is a partner with the Amanyangyun Hotel in Shanghai. We initially developed a multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle, which was the customization request put forward by the Amanyangyun Hotel. Let’s say hello to them. , let you experience the multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle at Aman Yangyun Hotel. By the way, let them arrange your accommodation, and you will go through the process on behalf of our group."Anliang helped Huang Guoxiang solve the problem of accommodation and travel in the magic city.

With the partnership between Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Amanyangyun Hotel, he can easily get free accommodation and multi-passenger flights. Round-the-clock motorcycle transfer service

"As for the Eye of the Magic City and Disneyland, you can handle it yourself. If you want to go sailing, I have a yacht over there that I can lend to you."An Liang added.

Huang Guoxiang sighed,"I finally understand the reason why your Renyi Security Company is so successful.

An Liang teased,"Where are you going?""

"If we really want to mess with you, of course we will start with Xiao Tao."An Liang added.

Huang Guoxiang was suddenly startled. He suddenly remembered that An Liang had enthusiastically formulated a hero rescue plan for him before, and even used the resources of Renyi Security Company to complete the hero rescue plan. Now he has thoughtfully arranged a travel plan.

No matter how it seems, these things seem to have nothing to do with An Liang, right?

But what if these things create a weakness for Huang Guoxiang?

The former Huang Guoxiang was indeed impeccable.

When Tao Yanni became Huang Guoxiang's girlfriend, and even became Huang Guoxiang's wife, that was Huang Guoxiang weakness

"you..."Huang Guoxiang looked at An Liang in surprise.


PS: An Liang: Didn’t you expect that?

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