In Vitus's office, he was questioning Yegor, the head of the information technology department. Although Vitus said that he trusted Yegor, in fact, this questioning was not without the meaning of probing.

"Is there a list of key suspects?"Vitus stared at Yegor.

Yegor did not give a list of key suspects casually, because Yegor knew very well that if he gave a list of key suspects, then Vitus must ask him to give a reason.

However, Yegor Where can Gore give a reason?

"BOSS, our information technology department has compiled a list of 197 suspects, each of whom is a key suspect. Based on the timeline data obtained from the original investigation information, combined with the timeline compiled from our internal security surveillance video records, we have listed them out All of the 197 personnel had the time to commit the crime."Yegor explained the situation and reasons.

According to Yegor's words, these people do have time to commit crimes.

"As for the motive for committing the crime, we investigated the financial status, family situation, and even marital status of the 197 key suspects, and many of them had more or less problems."Yegor explained.

But Yegor did not indicate that these problematic persons were listed as key suspects.

This is the brilliance of Yegor!

If the list of key suspects recommended by Yegor is really found out, Damn, of course there is no problem, but what if the list of key suspects recommended by Yegor does not find any problems?

Doesn’t it make Yegor a suspect?

So Yegor simply does not recommend the list of key suspects and directly lists the 197 suspects All personnel were listed as key suspects.

As soon as Vitus heard Yegor's words, he understood Yegor's tricks, but Vitus did not mean to accuse him. He just asked,"Which personnel have problems? Yegor took out another document and placed it on Waiters' desk,"BOSS, this list is the people we investigated to have problems, but we only found that they had certain problems, and we cannot confirm them." They are the moles.

Waiters sighed," I got it!""

Vitus immediately picked up the file and looked at it. There were still 29 suspects in question, but it had dropped significantly compared with the 197 people.

"Yegor, if you are put in charge of this investigation, who do you think is the mole?"Vitus asked tentatively.

Yegor shook his head repeatedly,"I don't know! BOSS, I can only identify 197 suspects based on existing intelligence and evidence, as well as 29 of them with financial, family or marital problems."

Yegor added,"As for who is the mole, I really don't know."

"You are too cautious! Waiters sighed again,"Go down!" Continue to closely monitor all personnel, even those not on your suspect list."

"clear."Yegor agreed directly.

After Yegor left the office, Waiters continued to check the 29 suspects with problems.

However, these 29 people had problems with their family, financial, or marital status. There is still no clearer evidence that they are the moles.

Waiters thought for a moment and prepared to interrogate the twenty-nine people one by one.

When Waiters personally interrogated the 29 key suspects, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan and Wanshi The Shengyi Organization is using the Tianhe-3 supercomputer to crack point-to-point homomorphic encryption information.

Tianhe-3 is indeed a new era E-class supercomputer with a computing speed of tens of billions per second. With the efforts of Italian organizations, they have used the Tianhe-3 supercomputer to crack part of the point-to-point homomorphic encrypted information. The

Tianji Divine Calculation No. 4 immediately sent the cracked information to Anliang

‘No. 4: [Point-to-point homomorphic encryption information: cracked part】’

‘No. 4: BOSS, we have cracked part of the information. Based on the content of the information, and based on the sender and receiver of the information, we judge that this information is very likely to be correct information.’

‘Number Zero: Let me take a look first. '

An Liang clicked on [Point-to-point homomorphic encryption information: cracked part], and there was only one sentence in it.


‘……Be careful, be wary of Push the Great……’


The sender of this point-to-point homomorphic encrypted message is Kohlberg of the North Bear Country, and the receiver is the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau. Combined with the deciphered information, An Liang also agrees with the judgment of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation

‘Zero: Continue to decipher the remaining information!’

‘Zero: If there is any new cracking information, please notify me as soon as possible’

‘Number 4: Got it! '

After Anliang and No. 4 Tianji Shensuan finished communicating, they directly contacted Dmitri.

Although according to the time difference, it was early morning on Dmitri's side, the current situation was urgent enough to ignore the time difference.

Because based on the information that has been deciphered so far, it is speculated that there should be a serious leak of secrets within Kohlberg.

An Liang speculated that the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau had placed deep infiltration agents within Kolberg to deliver important intelligence information at critical moments.

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