An Liang knew Hong Yue Zhi Cong's thoughts very well. He thought about it for a moment, and in view of Hong Yue Zhi Cong's utilization value, he nodded affirmatively.

"no problem!"An Liang agreed.

Hongyue Zhicong showed an expression of relief, and he responded happily,"Thank you, Mr. An!

An Liang responded with a smile,"Happy cooperation!""

When An Liang and Hongyue Zhicong confirmed their cooperation, the rest of the matters were naturally handed over to legal personnel. After all, it is most appropriate to leave these professional matters to legal personnel.

"Mr. An, do you have any suggestions for the development of overseas agricultural planting bases?"Hong Yue Zhi Cong tried to get closer to An Liang.

Facing Hong Yue Zhi Cong's humble attitude, An Liang couldn't help but sigh. Hong Yue Zhi Cong vividly demonstrated the strong psychology of Neon people!

"Regarding how to develop overseas agricultural planting bases, I am actually a layman. For specific plans, I suggest you hire agricultural experts for planning."An Liang responded

"However, since you plan to develop an overseas agricultural planting base plan in Da'ao, I can tell you that there is another overseas agricultural planting base partner in Da'ao. You can help each other and discuss overseas agriculture together. Planting base development matters." An Liang added.

As for helping each other, that is of course an irony!

Hongyue Zhicong also understood such irony. He nodded affirmatively,"Please rest assured, Mr. An, I will definitely help each other with another partner. developed"

"That's good!"An Liang smiled with satisfaction.

Almost an hour later, the legal team of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Hongyue Zhicong's legal team jointly completed the review of legal documents, and An Liang and Hongyue Zhicong finally signed an agreement. After the two parties signed the agreement , Nijigochi Satoshi carefully collected the documents, and then handed them to Chiba Kotaro for safekeeping.

"Mr. Hongyue, we have arranged a Xiaguo special dinner for you tonight."An Liang took the initiative to extend the invitation.

Hongyue Zhicong immediately showed joy,"Thank you very much, Mr. An, for the invitation. We are extremely honored!"

An Liang took Hongyue Zhicong and his party to a Shengqing hot pot restaurant. In the store, An Liang ordered the mandarin duck pot, and he didn't order any super spicy pot to deliberately tease Hongyue Zhicong.

This small trick is meaningless, and It seemed particularly unorganized.

An Liang and Hong Yue Zhi Cong naturally sat at the same table. An Liang introduced the situation of the mandarin duck pot bottom to Hong Yue Zhi Cong, indicating that the bottom of the red soup pot was spicier.

Hong Yue Zhi Cong responded politely,"I like it better. For spicy food, I also like to eat Shengqing hot pot."


A question mark popped up in An Liang's mind.

This Hong Yue Zhi Cong can be said to be a model of kneeling and licking!

When the dishes were served one after another and the bottom of the pot began to boil, An Liang called for everyone to start. Hong Yue Zhi Cong waited. An Liang was the first to put down his chopsticks, and then he picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

Hong Yue Zhi Cong could indeed eat spicy food. Although he was sizzling from the spicy food, Hong Yue Zhi Cong insisted on eating spicy food.

This situation made An Liang unable to eat. I don’t admire him. This guy’s ability to compromise is too great, right?

"Do you want a drink?"An Liang suggested casually.

Hong Yue Zhi Cong naturally couldn't refuse. In Hong Yue Zhi Cong's view, if he drinks with An Liang, wouldn't that mean he will get closer to An Liang?

Besides, drinking is a specialty of Hong Yue Zhi Cong. Right?

Hong Yue Zhi Cong often went out to drink when he was in Neon, and his drinking capacity was quite good! However,

Hong Yue Zhi Cong didn't know that An Liang had the title of the true Dionysus who never gets drunk after a thousand cups.

"Mr. An, have another drink!"Hong Yue Zhi Cong was already a little half drunk.

An Liang refused to accept anyone who came. He and Hong Yue Zhi Cong drank one cup after another. In the end, Hong Yue Zhi Cong completely lay down on the table.

When Hong Yue Zhi Cong lay down, Hai Cheng Yousheng immediately stood up and bowed 90 degrees to salute,"I'm sorry, Mr. An, please forgive Mr. Hongyue for being rude."

Chiba Torataro and the four legal staff immediately stood up and bowed 90 degrees to salute.

Fortunately, Anliang and the others chose the private room. Otherwise, if they were in the hall, other guests would not think that Anliang was the legendary boss of the three-member gang?

Anliang waved his hand. ,"It's okay, Mr. Haicheng, that's it for today, you take Mr. Hongyue back first"

"Hi!" Yusei Kaisumi responded while still maintaining a 90-degree bow.

After Yasuo left the box, a group of neon people stood up. Then Chiba Totarō helped Tomoshi Nijigotsu stand up, and Yusei Kaisumi went to the front desk of the restaurant to prepare. Check out.

Yusheng Haicheng came to the front desk. He can speak Xia Mandarin. Although his Xia Mandarin has a bit of a Gala flavor, his Xia Mandarin is pretty good.

"Hello, I’ll pay for the private room No. 1."Haicheng Yusheng said that he paid the bill.

The front desk clerk responded with a smile,"Hello, sir, the bill for box No. 1 has already been paid."

Haicheng Yusheng heard the response from the front desk staff, and he breathed a long sigh of relief, because such small details showed that Anliang was not malicious, at least on the surface!

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