According to what Kim Myung-eun explained, the performance gap between the 5-nanometer design of the autonomous driving chip and the 14-nanometer process autonomous driving chip is too far.

Is it almost 3 times the difference?

"Our remedy plan is very simple. Since the performance is not good, let’s make up the quantity!"Kim Myung-eun explained

"Mr. An, have you ever heard of parallel connection of graphics cards?" Jin Ming'en added.

An Liang complained,"Do you think I don't know about graphics card crossfire?"

"Our solution is similar to graphics card CrossFire. A single chip cannot meet the performance requirements, so use more chips to solve the problem. Each chip is responsible for a problem. For example, one chip is responsible for image processing, and one chip is responsible for the millimeter-wave radar detection system. Feedback results, a chip is responsible for the collision warning system and so on."Kim Myung-eun simply explained

"According to our internal analysis and calculations, if we use the 14nm process to manufacture autonomous driving chips, we can use a four-chip layout to solve the problem of insufficient computing power."Kim Myung-eun added

"Tesla's FSD chip has a computing power of 72TOPS, and our single-core computing power is only 30TOPS. But after our four-core combination, even if there is a performance loss, the computing power is at least more than 100TOPS, directly surpassing Tesla's FSD chip."Jin Ming'en started to compare with friends.

Referring to friends is always the best way!

Whether it is the mobile phone industry, the automobile industry, or other industries, only by comparing with friends can we most clearly compare the differences.

"As for power consumption, even if we adopt a four-core joint solution, the power consumption is only 50 watts more than the Tesla FSD chip, which is only 300 watts of power consumption, which is equivalent to 4 hours of continuous use. 1.2 kWh."Jin Mingen added the power consumption information.

The most important parameter of new energy vehicles is energy consumption. After all, energy consumption determines the battery life of new energy vehicles.

Taking Tesla Model 3 as an example, the battery capacity of the ordinary version of Model 3 is only more than 70 If the energy consumption of the electronic components inside the vehicle is too high, how much battery life is left?

"Although we are slightly higher than Tesla in terms of power consumption, the energy density of aluminum-ion batteries is a bit higher than ternary lithium batteries, and in the overall package, aluminum-ion batteries have more advantages!" Jin Ming'en added an explanation.

The energy density of battery cells and the energy density of the overall battery system are two different things!

Take new energy vehicles as an example. For new energy vehicles, the battery is a complete system, including battery cells and cooling systems. , management system, charging system, etc.

In view of the safety issues of ternary lithium batteries, the energy density of the overall system of ternary lithium batteries is often much lower than the energy density of the cell. The same is not true for aluminum-ion batteries. Aluminum-ion batteries are safer and generate less heat when charging, so the space layout consumption of the cooling system and safety system can be reduced, thereby adding more aluminum-ion battery cells. In this case, with the same volume, aluminum The energy density of the overall ion battery system will be higher than that of the ternary lithium battery system.

When the energy density is higher, it means a larger battery capacity, which can naturally accommodate higher energy consumption.

An Liang finished listening He nodded slightly at Jin Myung-eun’s words,"It seems that our advantages have offset our disadvantages, making us competitive again."

"Mr. An is right!"Jin Ming-eun seconded the approval.

The biggest advantage of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is its leadership in the field of energy storage. Whether it is graphene lithium-ion battery or aluminum-ion battery, it is currently the only technology in the world.

It happens that battery technology It is the most important technology for new energy vehicles!

Therefore, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has absolute advantages in the field of new energy vehicles.

An Liang and Jin Ming'en exchanged some details of the Titan project, including the production line of the Titan project, and also There are issues with production workers and so on.

These things can already be put on the agenda, after all, the Titan project is nearing completion.

"Lao Jin, I'll leave all the production base matters to you, is that okay? An Liang looked at Jin Ming'en.

Jin Ming'en responded affirmatively,"Absolutely no problem!" Please rest assured, Mr. An, now that the progress of the Titan project is coming to an end, the only problem is the shortage of chips. As long as the chip shortage problem is solved, we can officially launch the new energy vehicles of the Titan project."

"Leave the chip shortage problem to me!"An Liang explained.

An Liang is going to hand over this matter to Renyi Security Company to solve it, and let the No. 1 controller and the No. 2 manager solve it. The two of them are suitable to solve the problem of acquiring a company.

After An Liang left the Titan Project, Then he came to his office, and he immediately sent messages to No. 1 and No. 2

‘No. 0: No. 1, No. 2, I give you a task! '

An Liang quickly explained the specific situation.

‘No. 0: You first investigate the situation in the automotive chip industry. When I receive the acquisition list, you will handle it according to the list.’

‘Number Zero: If you think there are any problems with the list by then, you can also raise them!’

‘Number 1: Got it!’

‘Number 2: Got it. '

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