An Liang's [Promotion Plan] in Tyrande was carried out quietly with the cooperation of all parties, as if there was no obstruction at all.

In fact, this is true!

【Promotion Plan] Under the escort of Renyi Security Company and Ren'an Investment Company, it was carried out quietly. Advertising manufacturers of all sizes in the Bangkok area rushed to make billboards overnight, and the shadow power controlled by Renyi Security Company was distributed. billboard.

Just wait until dawn, merchants of all sizes in the Kobang area will put up corresponding billboards to promote safe payment and promote the"Ten Million Summer Guoyuan Prize Lucky Event".

The next day, January 23rd, Saturday.

At six o'clock in the morning, a convenience store on the streets of Kuman.

Timani entered the convenience store. She was just about to go in and clock in when she discovered that there was an X display billboard at the door of the store.

‘Pay with peace of mind? 'Timani looked at the contents of the billboard

‘Ten million Xia Guoyuan...At least 50 million baht...’Timani continued to check the bonus information

‘Provide security and jobs...’Timani checked the event details again

‘You only need to download SafePay and register to participate in the lottery...’Timani quickly took out her mobile phone and opened the homepage of Anxin Bank to download Anxin Payment.

"Timani, why don't you come in?"Sugrava, the convenience store manager, greeted Timani.

Timani took a look at the Anxin Pay that was being downloaded. She walked into the convenience store and asked,"Store manager, what's going on with that billboard at the door?"

"I heard that it was arranged by Boss Ren, but it was just placed at the door anyway." Sukrava explained

"Is that event real? Timani asked.

Sukrava nodded affirmatively,"Of course it's true." I asked other businesses, and they also received notice from Boss Ren that they would also put up such billboards after opening their stores, and Boss Ren's subordinates said that this activity was real. Sugrava added,"Timani, you can participate. Even if you don't win the grand prize, if you win the congratulations prize, you will have at least 500,000 baht, and your family's situation will be alleviated!" Timani nodded repeatedly,"

Thank you, store manager, for reminding me. I will participate.""

"How is your mother doing? Sugrava asked with concern.

Timani sighed softly,"It's still the same, you still need dialysis, otherwise your life will be in danger.""

"well! Sugrava looked at Timani sympathetically,"Let's work first!""

"OK"Timani started working first. After being busy for almost an hour, she had some rest time. Then she quickly registered for Anxin Pay during her break and received her sixteen-digit unique lottery code. At

7:1 in the morning At this moment, on the streets of Koman, in front of stores of all sizes, there are billboards promoting Safe Payment, and all merchants who have placed billboards have registered for Safe Payment and started supporting Safe Payment at the same time. A person holding a A young man using a selfie stick to shoot a Vlog with an action camera is taking a selfie at the camera

"Hello everyone, I am Xiaogang in Guman. Let me first show you the situation in Guman in the early morning. Please pay attention to the billboards outside every store. These billboards are all promoting the same mobile payment called [Safe Payment]. software."Liu Xiaogang took a selfie.

Liu Xiaogang took out his mobile phone again, opened the website of Anxin Bank on the billboard, and then used an action camera to record,"This mobile payment software called [Anxin Payment] actually comes from our country, Xia."Liu Xiaogang was a little surprised.

"Please pay attention to the information on the detailed page. By paying with peace of mind, you can actually use Xia Guoyuan to settle directly in Guman."Liu Xiaogang reminded me

"Please pay special attention to the fact that the direct settlement of Anxin Pay is different from Zhifubao and WeChat Pay. Although Zhifubao and WeChat Pay also directly use Xia Guoyuan for payment, they only helped us exchange Thai baht for payment behind the scenes, and did not directly use Xia Guoyuan for payment."Liu Xiaogang added.

Although Liu Xiaogang did not graduate in economics, he has a little understanding of the concept of directly using Xia Guoyuan in Tyrande.

This kind of thing is equivalent to Xia Guoyuan competing with the Thai baht for settlement rights! Let's not talk about

Thailand first. What was Rand's reaction? Xia Guo alone shouldn't agree?

After all, Xia Guo has a certain degree of control over foreign exchange.

After Liu Xiaogang simply recorded the Vlog, he downloaded Anxin Pay himself and quickly registered. Anxin Pay can be recharged through other banks.

So Liu Xiaogang recharged Xia Guoyuan one hundred yuan and went in, and then came to a convenience store

"welcome. Timani took the initiative to speak.

Liu Xiaogang had a certain foundation in Thai, so he asked,"Do you support this here?" When he asked, he showed the safe payment on his mobile phone.

After Timani saw the safe payment on Liu Xiaogang's mobile phone clearly, she responded affirmatively,"We support the safe payment!""

H3486 Things changed overnight?! [3/3]

In the convenience store, Timani definitely expressed her support for safe payment.

Currently, there are various large and small shops in the Guman area, except for a very few shops of the Tyrande royal family. All stores have registered for Anxin Pay and support Anxin Pay.

Renyi Security Company and Ren'an Investment Company have such strong control over the Kuman area that just overnight, Anxin Pay seems to have been developing in Kuman for ten years. It is directly supported by the vast majority of merchants.

As long as there are merchants supporting it, and a large number of merchants support it, Anxin Payment can develop. Now most merchants in the Bangkok area support Anxin Payment. It is not difficult for Anxin Payment to grow..In the convenience store, Liu Xiaogang turned on the action camera again. He used the camera to take pictures of the price tags of the goods inside the convenience store.

Timani saw Liu Xiaogang's actions, but had no intention of stopping it, because in recent years, similar things have become quite common. Many, whether it is live broadcast or recorded video, it is a very common thing.

Liu Xiaogang picked a bottle of Redbull drink in the convenience store, the price was 10 baht. He came to the cashier and proactively said,"I want to use Anxin Pay to settle the bill.""

"no problem."Timani responded affirmatively.

When Liu Xiaogang opened Anxin Pay to scan the QR code for settlement, Anxin Pay displayed the corresponding exchange rate information.

Currently, 1 baht is converted to 0.19 Xia Guoyuan. The exchange rate of Anxin Pay is a real-time exchange rate, which is synchronized with international exchange rates at any time. , the exchange rate is locked during settlement.

So 10 baht is converted into 1.9 Xia Guoyuan.

Liu Xiaogang's Anxin payment account directly pays 1.9 Xia Guoyuan.

After the payment, Liu Xiaogang opened Zhifubao. He is a platinum member of Zhifubao, second only to Zhifubao. As a diamond member, he checked the Thai baht exchange rate of Zifubao. At the platinum membership level, 1 baht is converted into 0.1925 Xia Guoyuan, which is 0.0025 Xia Guoyuan more than Anxin Pay. Don’t underestimate this 0.0025 Xia Guoyuan!

For ordinary people, , 0.0025 Xia Guoyuan is only 1/4 cent, it is not considered money at all, right?

After all, when settling in a supermarket, if cash is used, rounding is used in the 'cent' unit; if it is in a vegetable market or something like that, , you can even erase the fraction when it comes to the 'dime' unit.

So what is a mere 1/4 cent?

However, just a mere 1/4 cent can allow Zhifubao to make a lot of money in currency exchange transactions. It’s full of money, okay?

1 baht can earn 0.0025 Xia Guoyuan.

10,000 baht can earn 25 Xia Guoyuan.

However, 10,000 baht is only converted into 1900 Xia Guoyuan! Although through calculation, 1900 Xia Guoyuan earns 25 Xia Guoyuan, the profit is only 1.315%. Even the interest rate of ordinary time deposits in banks is lower than that of regular time deposits in banks, but Zhifubao only acts as a transaction intermediary.

In this process, Zhifubao’s costs are horribly low!

What’s more important is that Zhifubao spends every day in Tyrande How is it possible that the transaction volume is only 10,000 baht?

What if it is one trillion baht?

According to Zhifubao's exchange rate, it is converted to 192.5 billion Xiaguo yuan, and Zhifubao's profit is 2.5 billion Xiaguo yuan.

However, whether it is 10,000 baht, or 1 Trillions of baht, for Zifubao, the cost will not be too different. After all, the program automatically executes the transaction and does not require manual participation at all.

So on the surface, 1 baht is only a small benefit of 1/4 cent. Once After expanding the order of magnitude, you will make a lot of money.

After Liu Xiaogang discovered the exchange rate gap, he secretly sighed in his heart, 'This safe payment is a bit awesome!’

‘According to the exchange rate gap between the two parties, even ordinary people are more willing to choose to pay with peace of mind. 'Liu Xiaogang thought silently.

After all, according to the current exchange rate gap, spending 1,900 Xia Guoyuan can save 25 Xia Guoyuan. Although 25 Xia Guoyuan is not much, at least there is a discount, right?

When Liu Xiaogang walked out of the convenience store, he went to the breakfast shop and the fruit shop, and found that Anxin Pay was online and supported Anxin Pay settlement.

When Liu Xiaogang returned to the hotel, he discovered that even the hotel supports safe payment settlement!

From convenience stores to breakfast shops, from fruit shops to hotels, and the shops he saw along the way, they all had billboards advertising safe payment. This situation shocked Liu Xiaogang.

It seems like the whole of Guman supports Safe Payment overnight, right?

‘Finally caught a breaking news! 'Liu Xiaogang was a little excited. He felt that Safe Payment was a huge news hit, so he immediately started editing the Vlog he had shot in the hotel room to publish it as soon as possible.

Liu Xiaogang clearly remembered that Guman was not like this yesterday. Such a change only took one night, which is simply unbelievable!

So Liu Xiaogang is very curious, what kind of gods and Buddhas are behind Anxin Pay, and why can it develop like this overnight?

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