It was nearly four o'clock in the afternoon.

An Liang, Zhao Wanxi, Zhang Zhixiao and Jiang Yong returned to Imperial University and went directly to the office of Imperial University President Zhou Jianshe.

Because of Zhao Wanxi, the poaching went very smoothly.

Zhou Jianshe, the president of Imperial University, showed no resistance at all and readily accepted the conditions given by Zhao Wanxi. Dark Core Technology sponsored 200 million to Imperial University, thus obtaining all the research and development results and related patents of Zhang Zhixiao’s team.

"Xiao Zhang, you, follow the dark core technology and work hard in the future." Zhou Jianshe said with a sigh,"Our school really does not have that much funds and cannot provide you with much support. Zhang

Zhixiao responded slightly awkwardly,"Principal Zhou, don't worry, we will definitely do our best and will never embarrass the school." Jiang

Yong seconded,"Old principal, we will never discredit the school!""

Jiang Yong graduated from Imperial University, and Zhou Jianshe once taught Jiang Yong. Zhou Jianshe patted Jiang Yong on the shoulder and sighed,"Ten years have passed, and the silly boy has grown up. Get up, I'm happy."

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi saw that the three of them were reminiscing about the past, and they wisely stood up and prepared to leave.

"Grandpa Zhou, An Liang and I will leave first. If anything happens, you can contact me at any time."Zhao Wanxi said politely.

Zhou Jianshe nodded,"Okay."

"oh! One more thing! Zhao Wanxi added,"Grandpa Zhou, do you have the contact information of Principal Li Bo?""

"Um? Zhou Jianshe hesitated,"The one from Pudaokou University?""

Li Bo is the president of PBC University, and Zhao Wanxi is planning to poach PBC University.

"Yes."Zhao Wanxi answered affirmatively.

Zhou Jianshe looked at Zhao Wanxi and said speculatively,"Are you trying to poach the corner over there again?"

"No one there is doing research in the field of carbon-based chips." Zhou Jianshe added.

Zhao Wanxi did not hide it,"We want Liu Yuanming's team"

"Liu Yuanming..."Zhou Jianshe thought for a moment, then shook his head,"I've never heard of this team. What do they study?"

Zhou Jianshe had indeed never heard of Liu Yuanming's team, because Zhou Jianshe only knew about the key sponsorship projects of PBC University, so how could he pay attention to one? A small project with an annual budget of only 2 million Xia Guoyuan?

Zhao Wanxi looked at Zhang Zhixiao and Jiang Yong and motioned for them to explain.

Jiang Yong took the initiative and said,"Old principal, the situation is like this..."

Jiang Yong talked about the ternary computer and showed that Liu Yuanming's team was researching quantum computers on the surface, but in fact they were studying ternary computers.

After Zhou Jianshe listened, he laughed and said,"Are you addicted to poaching?"

Zhao Wanxi responded affirmatively,"Of course! After all, poaching is the fastest way to expand R&D strength. If we cultivate our own R&D personnel, then It's just a little too slow."

If we dig deeper, An Liang is also a master at poaching!


To be precise, it should be the talent rewards provided by the Life Winner System to An Liang. Most of them can be regarded as poaching.

Take a look at Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. The core graphene battery technology expert was originally a Bald Eagle native of Xia. An Liang kidnapped him back because of the reminder from the Winner of Life System.

Looking at the Titan Project again, Anliang directly took over Apple's Titan Project and brought more than 3,000 R&D personnel to Xia Kingdom.

There is also aluminum-ion battery technology. Although no one was poached, the entire technology was poached directly.

There is also graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology, which was also poached from the Western Hemisphere.

Even the flying motorcycle project was a talent and project that Anliang poached from the North Bear Country, which led to the rapid development of the flying motorcycle project.

An Liang is very familiar with poaching!

The development of dark core technology is also full of characteristics of the Graphene Technology Group that dreams of the future. For example, Cui Zhenghao, whose pseudonym is Han Zhenglong, was originally a senior technical engineer of Sansang Group. Due to some unexpected reasons, he came to dark core technology. core technology, allowing dark core technology to master the manufacturing capabilities of 14nm chips.

Now that dark core technology wants to develop rapidly in the field of carbon-based chips and ternary computer technology, the best way is naturally to poach various technical teams to strengthen the research and development team of dark core technology, thereby accelerating related research and development work..

At present, the research and development team of dark core technology in the field of carbon-based chips has exceeded 200 people, and this scale is second to none in the world.

However, Anliang still needs to continue to expand the scale of the carbon-based chip R&D team, because Anliang hopes to develop carbon-based chips as soon as possible, so that he can completely get rid of the constraints of development.

After all, whether it is the Graphene Technology Group or the Dark Core Technology Company that dreams of the future, everything seems to be fine on the surface, but in fact it is already in danger, especially the Dark Core Technology. It is impossible for it to go any further, okay?

The situation of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Dark Core Technology is similar. It also faces a large number of problems, especially the problem of chip supply.

For example, the new energy vehicles of Project Titan have not been officially released. The most critical reason is that the chips are limited. Just like the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group sanctioned Tesla in the graphene battery field, manufacturers in the chip field are also secretly targeting Dream Future. Graphene Technology Group!

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