Nijigotsu Chisato is indeed a playboy. He killed Kumiko Aso before, leaving Yusei Kaizumi to take the blame. He also revealed the thousand-year-old Astragalus transportation plan and almost made Yusei Kaizumi the scapegoat.

However, even such a dandy Hong Yue Chi Cong, he also knows that there are some rules that cannot be broken.

However, Hongyue Zhicong did not know that the ultimate reason why Prince Hongyue targeted Anliang was because he leaked the transportation plan of the Millennium Astragalus, which resulted in Prince Hongyue not getting the Millennium Astragalus, and the two sides formed a big grudge.

Therefore, whether it was Yuuo Kaizumi, Nobita Asakatsuna, or Torataro Chiba, they all hesitated on this matter. In the end, Nobita Asakazuna told the abridged version of the 'truth' to Tomoshitsuji Nigotsu.

After Hong Yue Zhicong listened to the abridged version of the 'truth', he thought about it and then asked,"Since we know that Anliang planned to target my father, we can hand over this clue to the Dongjing Police Department and intelligence Should the Investigation Bureau investigate further?"

Yusheng Haicheng and the others listened to Hongyue Zhicong's suggestion, and all three of them shook their heads in the negative.

"Don't you agree?"Hongyue Zhicong asked.

Hai Cheng Yusheng denied,"It's not that we don't agree. Your Highness Zhicong, if you think about it carefully, are the clues we have suitable for publication? Chiba

Torataro seconded,"The clues we have are actually our speculations, and this speculation is based on..."

Chiba Torataro didn't elaborate. He couldn't let Chiba Torataro say that Prince Hongue made the mistake first, right?

"Actually, I doubt the clues we have..."Chao Gang Daxiong hesitated to speak.

After all, Hong Yue Zhi Cong was not a fool. He responded,"Nobita-kun, you mean that the Dongjing Metropolitan Police Department knows such clues?"

Asazuna Nobita explained,"Even if the Dongjing Metropolitan Police Department does not know, the Intelligence Investigation Bureau must I know that His Royal Highness the Prince and Mr. An had a very unpleasant quarrel, especially when His Highness the Prince's scheme was discovered by the other party. The Intelligence and Investigation Bureau also specially arranged personnel to protect His Highness the Prince."

"The Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is also worried that Mr. An will take revenge on His Highness the Prince."Nobita Asakazuna added.

Yusei Kaisumi sighed,"At the beginning, Mr. An never took revenge. We thought it was Mr. An who gave up on revenge. After all, His Royal Highness's original arrangement was very clever, and the other party did not seize the opportunity. , I just speculate that His Highness the Prince is behind the scenes, so it is naturally impossible to take revenge in a big way."

"Now it seems that the other party is carefully planning revenge, so as to achieve this kind of case with no traces and no clues. We clearly guess that it is him, but we can't find any evidence."Haicheng Yusheng still sighed.

At this point, Haicheng Yusheng bowed his head and said respectfully,"Your Highness Zhicong, we should choose to pretend to be confused about this matter!"

Haicheng Yusheng continued,"If we continue to pursue, if we offend the other party and let the other party design a layout around His Highness Zhicong, I'm afraid the consequences will be disastrous!"

Nobita Asakazuna also bowed his head,"Your Highness Zhicong, I agree with Yusei-kun's suggestion. Compared with the other party, the resources we have are incomparable at all."

"If the other party wants to target us, I'm afraid..."Asazuna Nobita didn't finish talking about the consequences, but the meaning he wanted to express was very clear.

Chiba Kotaro also bent down and said,"No matter what His Highness Tomato chooses, I will protect His Highness Chicon, even if it costs my life!"

Higotsu Chisato sighed, and he responded,"My current mood It's very chaotic. You go down first. I want to calm down by myself."


Haicheng Yusheng and the others responded in unison, and then retreated together.

After the three people left, Hong Yue Zhicong's expression collapsed, and he complained silently,"Father, what stupid thing did you do? Why did you destroy it? game rules?"

Compared with Prince Hongyue, Hongyue Zhicong can be said to be a standard tiger father and son.

But Hongyue Zhicong really doesn't have much aspirations and ambitions. He just wants to eat, drink, have fun, and spend his life happily.

Those things that compete for power and gain , Hongyue Zhicong didn’t want to participate at all.

Originally Hongyue Zhicong thought that Prince Hongyue was tricked to death by some political enemy, but who knew that Prince Hongyue had provoked overseas forces, and it was Prince Hongyue who broke the rules first.

Face to face. Regarding this situation, Hongyue Zhicong really didn't know what to do!

What's more important is that the enemy his father provoked was too powerful. Even if that enemy were to target him again, he might die inexplicably.

"I'm sorry, father, the enemy is too powerful, and my son cannot avenge you."Hongyue Zhicong whispered to himself

"In order to avoid being implicated by my father, I decided to give up investigating the subsequent events, and continue to live a happy life in the future, completely forgetting my father's affairs."Hongyue Zhicong added

"I believe my father won’t blame me, right?"Hongyue Zhicong said to himself again,"After all, for an enemy of that level, if I want to take revenge, I will be seeking death. I can't die yet, because I haven't enjoyed enough of the beauty of the world!"

I have to say that Hongyue Zhicong is a truly filial son, right?

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