The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau and the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau fought around the Inari Shrine till their wits came out. After all, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau outmaneuvered them and grabbed the thousand-year-old astragalus.

The Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau did not give up, and was still trying its best to stop the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau to prevent the field personnel of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau from escaping.

After all, this is Neon’s native land!

The field staff of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau knew very well that they only needed to delay for a while to allow reinforcements from the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau headquarters and the local defense forces.

The field staff of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau obviously understood this truth, so the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau had no intention of entangled with him and only wanted to run away.

As long as they run away fast enough, Neon's reinforcements cannot keep them here. It can be said that they have learned the essence of Happy Style Man.

If there is only a confrontation between the Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau and the Neon Intelligence Bureau, the possibility of the Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau's field personnel running away smoothly is very high.

After all, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is fully prepared!

However, the farce between the Neon Intelligence Bureau and the Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau was controlled by Anliang behind the scenes. How could Renyi Security Company not be involved?

Renyi Security Company is the last one!

In order to avoid being liquidated by the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau and the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau afterwards, Anliang directly took the initiative to win over the National Security Investigation Bureau, and Kohlberg of the North Bear Country played the role of the oriole.

When the field personnel of the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau escaped the tracking of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau through pre-arranged high-horsepower motorcycles, Renyi Security Company, together with the National Security Investigation Bureau, and the North Bear Kohlberg, brought the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau to the rescue. Bureau field staff stopped him.

The person in charge of this operation to snatch the thousand-year-old astragalus in the Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau is Clarence King, the captain of the Shadow Team.

When they were stopped by Renyi Security Company, the National Security Investigation Bureau, and the North Bear Country Kolberg, Clarence took the initiative to ask,"Who are you?"

Mu Yonghong, the head of the Neon Branch of Renyi Security Company, wore a The full-coverage combat helmet responded,"We are Kohlberg. Hand over the thousand-year-old astragalus and we will let you leave, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Kohlberg's person in charge of this operation is Sherver Lazarie Husband, he did not refute when he heard Mu Yonghong pretending to be Kohlberg, because this was one of the conditions for cooperation between the two parties.

The public identity of this tripartite operation was Kohlberg.

Clarence King listened to Mu Yonghong's slightly suppressed English and did not believe his words, let alone that he was Kohlberg's field staff.

"What kind of thousand-year-old astragalus, we don’t have..."Before Clarence could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Mu Yonghong

"We don't have time to talk around with you, and you don't have time to delay with us. Although you are now free from the tracking of the Neon Intelligence Bureau, they will soon be able to determine your whereabouts through big data analysis." Mu Yonghong explained.

Clarence did not refute, because he knew that the other party was right. As long as the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau is given a little time, they can use big data to analyze their whereabouts.

Under such circumstances, Clarence After weighing the pros and cons, Lance responded directly,"We cooperate with each other?"

"Distribute benefits first."Mu Yonghong directly stated that he wanted to take advantage of the situation....


Should it be black eating black?

After all, this thousand-year-old astragalus was discovered in Neon territory. If we really want to discuss it, it should also belong to Neon, but it was just snatched away by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.

"Half and half?"Clarence expressed his willingness to distribute fairly.

But how could Mu Yonghong agree?

Mu Yonghong's side is a combination of three companies. If it is divided 50-50, wouldn't it be a big loss?

"We recommend dividing the Millennium Astragalus into four parts, you get one part and we get three parts."Mu Yonghong said without concealment.

Facing Mu Yonghong's proposal, Clarence immediately understood that the other party was a coalition of three forces, and he had already guessed the other party's identity.

After all, at this time , the ones who can still be united should be Xia Guo's Renyi Security Company, plus Xia Guo's National Security Investigation Bureau, and North Bear State Kolberg. It is rumored that Renyi Security Company has two legs. It is not only with Xia Guo The relationship with the National Security Investigation Agency is very good, and the relationship with the North Bear Country Kohlberg is also quite good.

After Clarence figured out the truth, he understood that it was impossible to give up today, but he also needed to compete for himself. A good condition, so he rejected Mu Yonghong without hesitation

"That's impossible! Clarence expressed his attitude forcefully,"Your proposal is outrageous!""

"We discovered the Millennium Astragalus and brought it out. We also got rid of the Neon Intelligence Bureau. According to the principle of distribution according to work, we should also get a little more. Clarence added.

Mu Yonghong responded with a sneer,"What you say makes sense, but we do not accept the principle of distribution according to work!""

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