The Tianji Artificial Intelligence System currently jointly monitors the traffic situation in Winter Kyoto through the Winter Kyoto road safety monitoring system, social public safety monitoring system, and private network security monitoring system, and has set Prince Hongyue as the"number one target" for tracking and analysis.

Every time Prince Hongyue travels, the Tianji artificial intelligence system will automatically track Prince Hongyue throughout the journey and conduct a comprehensive analysis.

So when Prince Hongyue left the Prince's Mansion, the Tianji artificial intelligence system immediately locked the target.

In the internal log record information of Tianji Artificial Intelligence System, Tianji Artificial Intelligence System automatically generates relevant log information.

‘Discover the [number one target], and all system resources will be comprehensively analyzed around the number one target....’

‘Comprehensive analysis of road traffic information is underway...’

‘Calculating the probability of [traffic accident]...’

‘Comprehensive variable information is being counted...’

‘All relevant factors and conditions are being integrated and managed...’

In view of Anliang's official choice to implement the"Return Gift Plan", after the Tianji artificial intelligence system discovered Prince Hongyue, it immediately mobilized all system resources.

The No. 4 Divine Calculator discovered the situation immediately, but the No. 4 Divine Calculator did not intervene because the No. 4 Divine Calculator knew the [Return Gift Plan].

The Tianji artificial intelligence system is the best choice to implement the"Return Gift Plan" because it has performed hundreds of millions of simulation calculations based on the"Return Gift Plan".

Neither the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator nor anyone else can surpass the Tianji Artificial Intelligence System in the [Return Gift Plan].

After all, once the Tianji artificial intelligence system starts taking action, it calculates to the end, and the success rate is over 90%.

To put it simply, if the [Return Gift Plan] is compared to playing Go, the Tianji artificial intelligence system is Alpha Dog. How can human chess players compete with Alpha Dog?

Therefore, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan was just paying attention to the situation secretly, without any idea of ​​getting involved.

Prince Hongyue's motorcade was moving forward smoothly. They did not realize that they had been targeted by the Tianji artificial intelligence system, and it was impossible for them to realize such a situation.

Although the Tianji artificial intelligence system has simulated and caused many traffic accidents in Dongjing, Dongjing is a very large city with a population of more than 14 million. What is the problem with a few traffic accidents every day?

No problems at all!

Things like traffic accidents happen every day everywhere in the world, especially in large cities.

Including the imperial capital, traffic accidents also occur every day.

Therefore, no one discovered the traffic accident caused by the Tianji artificial intelligence system in Neon Winter Kyoto, and it was impossible to discover it.

It is naturally impossible for Prince Hongyue to discover that they are locked by the Tianji artificial intelligence system

‘17 favorable factors have been searched...’

‘Simulating calculations in progress...’

‘Information on bulletproof parameters of the top target vehicle is being introduced...’

‘Building data model...’

‘Under simulation experiment...’

‘After 1923 simulation calculations, it was impossible to break through the defense of the vehicle where the number one target was riding....’

The bulletproof version of the Lexus off-road vehicle that Prince Hongyue rides has a very high defense. Ordinary impacts have no effect at all. After all, this is the urban area of ​​Dongjing. Even with the intervention of the Tianji artificial intelligence system, the speed of the vehicle will not be particularly fast.

How can it break through the defense of a bulletproof off-road vehicle when the vehicle is not particularly fast?

‘Traffic accident scheme is being re-established...’

‘Predictive analysis of the number one target end point...’

‘Comprehensive analysis is underway on the defense parameters of the vehicle the number one target is riding in....’

After the simulation experiment of the Tianji artificial intelligence system found that it could not break through the defense of the bulletproof version of the Lexus off-road vehicle, it immediately changed the plan and started the second plan again.

This information is naturally the internal log record of the Tianji artificial intelligence system. If Anliang wants to check it, he can obtain the records of this information.

However, these information records will only be retained for three days. Once more than three days, the Tianji artificial intelligence system will automatically delete the corresponding information to avoid information leakage.

On a branch road in Neon Winter Kyoto, a young man drove a gasoline tanker truck, preparing to deliver this truck of gasoline to Okutama in the west end.

The young man drank"mineral water" while driving, but in fact it was not mineral water, but sake that had been poured out and refilled.

The young man prides himself on being a good drinker. He often does such things without being discovered by anyone and without any safety incidents, so he is becoming more and more bold now.

However, this young man was discovered by the Tianji artificial intelligence system!

It was not that the Tianji artificial intelligence system discovered that he was drinking, but that the Tianji artificial intelligence system discovered the oil tanker truck, and through historical data analysis, discovered the speed of the oil tanker truck in the city. Clearly more than other tank trucks.

So this tank truck was selected by the Tianji artificial intelligence system...

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