After Anliang negotiated the terms with the former chief minister of Neon, the two parties agreed to sign an agreement at the headquarters of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group on January 17, Xiaguo time.

The Anliang side is naturally represented by the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and the Neon former chief minister's side is represented by Takeda Kenta.

Takeda Kenta is the assistant to the former Chief Minister Neon. He has followed the former Chief Minister Neon for twenty-one years and is among the confidants of the former Chief Minister Neon.

In addition, Takeda Kenta understands Xia Guoyu. Although his Xia Guoyu has a slight accent, he fully understands Xia Guoyu.

The next day.

It was almost eight o'clock in the morning, when An Liang woke up, Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang had already gone to school.

When An Liang came to the living room, Zhao Wanxi greeted,"Come and have breakfast, we have left something good for you."

An Liang sat next to Zhao Wanxi, picked up Zhao Wanxi and put him on his lap , then pointed to the breakfast on the warming board and asked,"What kind of dark cuisine is this?""

"Our imperial capital’s special breakfast."Zhao Wanxi responded

"Bean juice? An Liang asked looking at the thing that looked like soy milk.

Zhao Wanxi didn't hide anything,"Yeah!" you try?"

An Liang has tried bean juice before. He really can't get used to it.

"you try? An Liang in turn motioned to Zhao Wanxi to drink the bean juice.

Zhao Wanxi picked up the bean juice without changing her expression and took a sip, then put the bean juice back on the warming board,"I think it tastes good!""

An Liang watched Zhao Wanxi drink the bean juice calmly, and he knew that he had been hasty. Because Zhao Wanxi is a native of the Imperial Capital, it is normal for her to be used to drinking bean juice.

"Cough, I'm not used to drinking bean juice."An Liang said he couldn't accept it.

Zhao Wanxi laughed,"I know, Siyu and Shuangshuang have already told me"

"It seems that these two guys need to be dealt with!" An Liang said hummingly, but he was quite happy in his heart. The more harmonious the relationship between Chen Siyu, Ning Ruoshuang, and Zhao Wanxi is, the higher the stability of the backyard alliance will be.

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang, how could she Can you guess An Liang's thoughts?

Zhao Wanxi peeled a boiled egg for An Liang and fed it to An Liang. An Liang was not polite and ate it directly.

After a while, An Liang ate two boiled eggs and drank again. A glass of milk, finally escaped the disaster of Douzhier

"Wanxi, do you have anything to do this afternoon?" An Liang asked casually.

Zhao Wanxi responded affirmatively first,"I made an appointment with my cousin to go shopping in the afternoon."

"oh?"An Liang was curious.

Zhao Wanxi responded,"My cousin, Zhou Yu, is a relative over there in Xishan Province. She is currently a senior and is preparing to continue her studies in the Literature Department of Imperial University. Today is Sunday, so we made an appointment to go shopping.."

Zhao Wanxi asked,"What do you want to do this afternoon?"

"Former Chief Minister Neon and I have made an appointment to sign a cooperation agreement on overseas agricultural planting bases this afternoon. An Liang responded simply.

Zhao Wanxi raised her eyebrows,"Is that guy coming over?""

Although the other party is no longer the current chief minister of Neon, but only the former chief minister of Neon, if the other party wants to come to the imperial capital of Xia Kingdom, it will definitely not be an easy matter. After all, he once served as the former chief minister of Neon and has been exposed to the most powerful people in Neon. How could a top secret visit the Xia Kingdom’s imperial capital easily?

An Liang denied with a smile,"The other party’s assistant came over to sign the agreement, and our side will be handled by the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. An

Liang continued to add,"I originally planned that if you had nothing to do in the afternoon, we would go to the group to see the signing. Since you have something to do in the afternoon, let the group handle it.""

"Anyway, the other party and I have finalized a cooperation agreement, and the other details will be handled by the legal teams of both parties." An Liang added.

Zhao Wanxi responded considerately,"I can tell my cousin to decline this shopping trip and let's go to the group to have a look. An Liang denied,"

It's not necessary." If you want to go shopping, then go shopping. How can you keep working?"

Usually when An Liang is not in the imperial capital, Zhao Wanxi has to coordinate the work of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club and supervise the affairs of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. She is indeed quite busy.

Although there are not many things in the Tiantian Baiyujing Club, There is also Hu Xiaoyu, the club’s butler, but Zhao Wanxi does need to coordinate when something happens.

As for the Dream Graphene Technology Group, there are fewer things. After all, Wu Chunsheng, a technical and management talent, makes Dream There will be a lot less management work in the future Graphene Technology Group

"are you going?" Zhao Wanxi asked invitingly.

An Liang asked back,"Where are you shopping?"

"Feijia Village."Zhao Wanxi explained

"Have not heard. An Liang responded,"What is that for?""

Zhao Wanxi explained,"The situation in Feijia Village is a bit complicated. A large number of young painters have gathered there to form a painter's village, and then attracted some galleries to join it. In recent years, an art and fashion center has been built. Overall, It is said to be a gathering place for art and culture"

"So my cousin’s boyfriend is a young painter?"An Liang teased.

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang,"My cousin has been studying painting since she was a child. Although she chose literature as a major in university, she still did not give up her hobby."

"We are going to go shopping in Feijia Village today to see if there is any chance of missing something." Zhao Wanxi added

"Can this also be picked up?"An Liang was confused.

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