After Qian Xiaogang finished speaking, Li Cunyuan added,"In terms of security, we have reached some agreements with the Leah court." Li Cunyuan continued to explain,

"For example, relying on agricultural planting bases to establish a special trade zone, within the special trade zone Strengthen safety management."

Special trade zone?

There’s something about this special trade zone!

Li Cunyuan added,"According to our plan, we plan to establish a special trade zone management committee in the special trade zone, and then establish a safety monitoring system inside the trade zone through the management committee, build safety barriers outside, and strengthen the trade zone’s security Population mobility management also requires strict control of firearms"

"We are preparing to set up armed security teams in the special trade zones to protect the security of the special trade zones."Li Cunyuan added.

Listening to Li Cunyuan's narration, only one word came to An Liang's mind: rent land!

Could it be that Li Cunyuan was not talking about renting land?

Although Li Cunyuan did not explain in detail, a management committee should be established in the special trade zone and then through management. The committee strengthens the management of population mobility within the special trade zone. Doesn’t this mean that the management committee has certain management rights?

It also needs to form an armed security team... this...

"Brother Yuan, what do you do?..."An Liang wanted to speak but stopped.

Li Cunyuan responded with a smile,"Brother Liang, don't worry, we have asked in advance, there is no problem with this operation."

Qian Xiaogang answered,"Yes, yes, brother Liang, don't worry, there will be no problem with our operation." , there is no problem with the Leah court, and they very much welcome our investment."

Li Cunyuan added again,"In fact, in addition to the above preferential conditions, the Leah court also hopes that we will further expand investment, such as establishing trade through special trade zones. contacts"

"The local people hope to transport our Xia country's commodities there and transport local resources back." Li Cunyuan explained.

Li Cunyuan added,"The Leah court is even willing to give us special preferential tax policies in order to strengthen trade activities between the two sides. An

Liang responded with a smile,"This is a good thing. What does the other party want?""

An Liang knows very well that there is no love without reason in this world, and there is no hatred without reason.

The Liya court has given so many benefits, and allowed the establishment of a special trade zone, the establishment of a management committee for the concession trade zone, and the establishment of a management committee. Armed security teams, and now we have to strengthen trade exchanges.

According to the situation of Xia Kingdom and Lia Kingdom, Lia Kingdom will only become a dumping ground for Xia Kingdom’s products...


To be precise, it should be Xia Kingdom's products that are pouring into Lia Kingdom, thereby earning more benefits for Xia Kingdom.

Under such circumstances, the Leah court must have its own demands and interests.

Li Cunyuan did not hide anything publicly,"The other party hopes that we can provide them with some investment advice. We are going to package a financial management project through Anxin Investment and hand it over to the other party for investment, and we will bear the corresponding funds."

An Liang also smiled.

I see!

Both sides get what they need!

"No problem, I will ask Anxin Investment to cooperate with you. If you need such an operation, you can ask Anxin Investment to cooperate."An Liang added an explanation.

It is very easy for Anxin Investment to package a financial management project. After all, it will not be sold to the public. Even based on the huge size of Anxin Investment, the corresponding financial management project can be disguised as anything needed.

For example, if you need For a financial management project with a 15% profit, Anxin Investment can completely package a financial management fund in advance, and then only need to extract corresponding profitable projects under its own banner, and then it can be disguised smoothly. There is no problem with this kind of operation, and it can also deal with any Check, and all investments are legal, reasonable and real investments.

Faced with An Liang’s words, everyone laughed tacitly.

"By the way, Brother Liang, we still need help with one more thing."Li Cunyuan learned An Liang's mantra.

An Liang asked,"What's the matter?""

"Our partners in Leah would like to open an anonymous account with Anxin Bank."Li Cunyuan explained the situation,"They hope to use Xia Guoyuan for settlement when investing, and when necessary, they also want us to provide them with a Xia Guoyuan permanent residence permit."

An Liang raised his eyebrows, are these guys considering their escape route in advance?

"There is no problem with anonymous accounts, and there is no problem with settling in Xia Guoyuan, but we must explain in advance that if you open an account in Anxin Bank and settle in Xia Guoyuan, then we at Anxin Investment will directly declare taxes for them in accordance with the laws of Xia Guoyuan. If they accept it, then That's no problem."An Liang explained

"As for the permanent residence certificate, isn't it your own business?"An Liang asked back.

In An Liang's view, it was far more convenient for Li Cunyuan's family to help with the permanent residence certificate than An Liang.

Li Cunyuan smiled bitterly,"Brother Liang, you misunderstood...."

An Liang suddenly realized that he understood what Li Cunyuan meant. It turned out that he had just misunderstood Li Cunyuan's statement.

The guys from Leah's court were indeed prepared for a rainy day!

However, An Liang can understand. After all, not all countries are as stable as Xia State. It is the most correct thing to consider the escape route in advance!

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