Faced with An Liang's rhetorical question, Zhao Wanxi thought for two seconds and then responded,"Today is our club's annual gathering. I suggest that each club member be given a certain amount of club contribution points.""

"In addition, we can select outstanding club members of the year and reward a portion of the club's contribution." Zhao Wanxi added.

An Liang responded in agreement,"That makes sense! How about giving each person 1,000 contribution points?"

1000 contribution points is not a lot!

In the Tiantian Baiyujing Club, you can redeem one portion of Dongqingzi Oral Liquid and Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum with only 100 points, but ordinary full members can only redeem 5 portions per month..The members of Tianshang Baiyujing Club are divided into four types, namely: formal members, special invited members, honorary members and founding members.

Most of the members of Tianshang Baiyujing Club are only formal members, such as Pang Zhengfeng, Zhou Ronghua, Li Mingfei, Xu Zhekai , Liu Neng, Yang Yi, Cai Ping, Li Feng, etc., are all ordinary formal members.

Including Hu Xiaoyu, they are all ordinary formal members, but Hu Xiaoyu serves as the steward of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky. She has some daily It's just a small benefit.

There are only two special invitation members, including the Dalin family and the Ye family. The redemption amount of special invitation members is doubled every month. Taking Dongqingzi oral liquid as an example, special invitation members can redeem 10 copies each month.

There are only four honorary members, namely the four on the first level of the Imperial City Circle.

If Hu Xiaoyu’s family successfully reaches the first level, Hu Xiaoyu can be upgraded to become an honorary member.

There are also only four founding members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club. , in addition to An Liang, they are Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang and Qian Xiaogang.

The status of the Li family, the Yun family, and the Qian family in the imperial capital circle is not high, but An Liang has never meant to forget his roots, because An Liang knows very well, Not forgetting the roots is an excellent quality, and it is also a quality that people can trust.

If Anliang abandons the Li, Yun, and Qian families after its successful rise, and chooses a stronger partner, will the new partner Are you worried about abandoning Anliang after they become stronger?

This kind of thinking is really bad when you use people to move forward and do n’t use people to move backward! The higher the level of the circle, the less likely it is to be like this.

In a high-level environment, character is very important.

Do it first When people do things, they definitely don’t just talk.

In the Tiantian Baiyujing Club, honorary members have the same status as founding members, and the redemption amount every month is three times that of ordinary members. For example, Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum, every You can redeem 15 copies a month.

Faced with An Liang's proposal, Zhao Wanxi added,"If the quantity of Dongqingzi Oral Liquid and Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum supports it, I think we can give it to specially invited members, honorary members and Founding members receive more contribution points"

"For example, ordinary formal members will receive 1,000 contribution points, invited members will receive 2,000 contribution points, and honorary members and founding members will receive 3,000 contribution points." Zhao Wanxi added.

An Liang thought about it for a moment, then nodded,"No problem!"

The two discussed the issue of contribution, and An Liang drove to the open-air parking lot of the National Hotel.

Hu Xiaoyu was waving at the entrance of the parking lot.

An Liang lowered the window and said hello,"Hey, Xiaoyu, are you here to greet me in person? Hu

Xiaoyu responded frankly,"The security staff at the door just informed me that Brother Liang had come in, so I ran out. Brother Liang, is there any problem with my arrangements today?" An

Liang nodded affirmatively,"There is no problem. I just told Wanxi that your arrangement is great and I should give you some contribution rewards.""

"It would be great!"Hu Xiaoyu said happily,"My generous brother Liang, how many rewards are you going to give out? Don't worry, one million and eight hundred thousand is not too much for me, and one hundred and eighty thousand is not too little for me."

"..."An Liang was speechless.

Zhao Wanxi, Chen Siyu, Ning Ruoshuang and Song Qian couldn't help laughing.

Because they heard what An Liang said in the car and analyzed it, An Liang seemed to only want to give Hu Xiaoyu 1,000 contribution points, but Hu Xiaoyu asked for 100,000 or 80,000. This is because the gap between the expected value and the actual value is too big!

When An Liang parked the car, Hu Xiaoyu attentively acted as a greeter. She opened the car door for An Liang and blocked the car frame with her right hand to prevent An Liang from hitting his head.

Such a diligent attitude made An Liang a little embarrassed to tell Hu Xiaoyu that he only wanted to give Hu Xiaoyu 1,000 contribution points.

After Zhao Wanxi got out of the car, she said jokingly,"Xiaoyu, aren't you afraid that he will reward you with 100 contribution points?"

Hu Xiaoyu responded confidently,"I don't believe it! Brother Liang is generous and generous, how can he be so stingy? An

Liang complained,"Are you digging holes for me all the time?"

Hu Xiaoyu responded pitifully,"Brother Liang, you won't really only give me 100 contribution points, right?""

"Then 200 points?"An Liang joked.

Hu Xiaoyu had a tangled expression on his face, and finally nodded bitterly,"Okay! It’s quite good to spend two hundred points in whoring!"

"..."An Liang looked at Hu Xiaoyu speechlessly. Is this koi really not picky?

How much do you want?

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