Aluminum-ion batteries far surpass sodium-ion batteries in terms of energy density, and surpass ternary lithium batteries. Considering only the factor of energy density, they are already qualified to replace ternary lithium batteries.

After Zhao Kaixin introduced the energy density information of aluminum-ion batteries, he said jokingly,"The second concern of everyone is the cost of the battery, and the third concern is the price of the battery. It seems that everyone is very anxious!" There were many people at the scene. News media practitioners burst into laughter. After all, these two questions are indeed a bit urgent.

"Let’s talk about the second question first. Since we have not officially established an aluminum-ion battery production line, we have only produced aluminum-ion battery prototypes in a laboratory environment. We can only estimate the cost based on the graphene lithium-ion battery production line. We can determine the aluminum-ion battery production line. The cost of ion batteries is lower than that of ternary lithium batteries."Zhao Kaixin explained

"After all, aluminum-ion batteries do not require metallic lithium, and metallic aluminum is the metal with the largest reserves, so the cost of raw materials has dropped significantly." Zhao Kaixin added

"As for the selling price, we are currently unable to determine it. We still need to wait until we have established a production line before we can determine the final selling price of aluminum-ion batteries. But we can be sure that the final selling price of aluminum-ion batteries will definitely be lower than that of ternary lithium batteries.." Zhao Kaixin explained.

Aluminum-ion batteries are designed to replace lithium-ion batteries and thus revolutionize the battery industry.

Under such a premise, the final selling price of aluminum-ion batteries will definitely be lower than lithium-ion batteries, and they will also have to exist with lithium-ion batteries. Only with a clear gap can it be possible to break the pattern in the battery field and replace lithium-ion batteries.

After Zhao Kaixin answered the second and third questions ambiguously, he continued to answer the fourth question

"The fourth question everyone is concerned about is the charging speed. Regarding this question, we can give you an accurate answer. The charging speed of aluminum-ion batteries far exceeds that of lithium-ion batteries."Zhao Kaixin said clearly.

The corresponding introduction was displayed on the screen wall behind Zhao Kaixin.

"We used the Huaban company’s b40Pro+ mobile phone as a test. The ordinary lithium-ion battery version of the Huaban b40Pro+ mobile phone takes 59 minutes to charge from 0 to 100%."Zhao Kaixin explained

"The graphene lithium-ion battery version of the Huab40Pro+ mobile phone only takes 5 minutes to charge from 0 to 100%."Zhao Kaixin continued to explain

"The Huab40Pro+ mobile phone with an aluminum-ion battery replaced takes 15 minutes to charge from 0 to 100%. Although the charging speed is much slower than that of graphene lithium-ion batteries, it far exceeds that of ordinary lithium-ion batteries, and it can charge from 0 to 80%. % only takes 5 minutes, and subsequent charging from 80% to 100% takes 10 minutes." Zhao Kaixin added

"The excellent charging efficiency of aluminum-ion batteries in the 0-80% charging range will better replace traditional lithium-ion batteries!"Zhao Kaixin concluded in terms of charging speed that aluminum-ion batteries are still better than lithium-ion batteries.

"The next two questions are battery life and operating temperature. Let me summarize the results first. Aluminum-ion batteries are still ahead of traditional lithium-ion batteries in these two parameters."Zhao Kaixin first said the results

"Let’s talk about the working temperature first. I believe that many of my friends have encountered the problem that their mobile phones cannot be turned on or charged in cold areas. That is because lithium-ion batteries may not work when they are at low temperatures."Zhao Kaixin explained the problem

"The working temperature of most mobile phones is between 0 degrees Celsius and 35 degrees Celsius, and the non-operating temperature ranges between minus 20 degrees Celsius and 40 degrees Celsius. However, after equipped with an aluminum-ion battery, we used the Huab40Pro+ mobile phone to test at minus 40 degrees Celsius, and there was still no problem, and the energy conversion rate is very high, exceeding 90%, which means that aluminum-ion batteries are almost not affected by temperature at minus 40 degrees Celsius."Zhao Kaixin listed the data

"Simply put, if new energy vehicles are equipped with aluminum-ion batteries, their cruising range in the low-temperature areas of Northeast China will not be affected, allowing new energy vehicles to be better promoted in low-temperature areas."Zhao Kaixin explained

"The life of aluminum-ion batteries is also very durable. After 300 charging cycles of conventional lithium-ion batteries, the battery capacity will basically drop to 90%, and after 500 charging cycles, the battery capacity will even drop to 80%."Zhao Kaixin first introduced the situation of conventional lithium batteries.

This data reference comes from the Apple mobile phone cooperated by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Their mobile phone battery warranty terms are that within the one-year warranty period, the mobile phone battery capacity drops to 80%. Free battery replacement

"Under normal circumstances, after the aluminum-ion battery reaches 1,000 charging cycles, the battery capacity can still be maintained at more than 90%; after the charging cycle reaches 2,000 times, the battery capacity can still be maintained at more than 80%. Such battery life far exceeds the conventional Lithium Ion Battery!"Zhao Kaixin explained the lifespan of aluminum-ion batteries.

This lifespan indeed far exceeds that of traditional lithium-ion batteries!

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