To be honest, Saxon Thompson didn't care about the cause of Helik Sharma's death or who killed Helik Sharma. Saxon was more worried about whether he would be killed too.

After all, Saxon knew very well that the cause of Herrick's death must be related to aluminum-ion battery technology.

On the surface, Helik Sharma is an ordinary person, and he is now being closely protected by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau in the Bald Eagle Embassy. Under such circumstances, the cause of Helik Sharma's death can only be caused by aluminum-ion battery technology. Trouble.


There is no second reason at all!

Now the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau headquarters is asking him to return to Bald Eagle with aluminum-ion battery technology. For Saxon, this is indeed the best result.

"Patrick, get ready, we're going back to headquarters right away."Saxon ordered

"Received, I will arrange it immediately."Patrick didn't ask why he didn't stay to investigate the cause of Helik Sharma's death. He just carried out Saxon's order.

Saxon added uneasily,"The reporter is executing the bait plan!"

【The"Bait Plan" was originally a security measure prepared for Helic, but now it is naturally used to protect Saxon....


To be precise, it is used to protect aluminum-ion battery technology.

"receive. Patrick responded.

At the Bald Eagle Embassy in New Delhi, four convoys consisting of three black Chevrolet Saban full-size off-road vehicles are on standby. When Saxon retreats later, the four convoys will move separately. Thereby confusing potential enemies. At close to one o'clock in the afternoon local time in India, four convoys composed of black Chevrolet Saban left the Bald Eagle Embassy and then left in four directions.

One of the convoys went directly to New Delhi International He rushed to the airport, but Saxon was not in this convoy.

Saxon was in another convoy, and he was going to change cars midway, thus pretending to be an ordinary tourist and go to New Delhi International Airport.

Because Saxon felt that he was taking a Chevrolet Suburban to New Delhi. Rui International Airport is too obvious and easy to be discovered, so Saxon prepared to leave the convoy midway and disguise himself as an ordinary tourist before returning to Bald Eagle.

When Saxon's retreat had just begun, the Variety Enchantress No. 9 notified Tracer No. 8 to carry out the operation. Tracking and the decoy plan are just a little game of hide-and-seek in the eyes of Tracer No. 8, which is not too difficult at all.

Coupled with the fact that the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation provides remote support for the road traffic safety monitoring system, Saxon's decoy plan directly declared a failure. Renyi Security Company controls Saxon's whereabouts throughout the process

"When do we act?"The Hundred-Change Enchantress No. 9 asked nervously.

According to the plan made by the Hundred-Change Enchantress No. 9, Herrick should be sent to the hospital after inhaling the gaseous poison. The Hundred-Change Enchantress No. 9 will be at this chaotic moment. He tried to find a way to steal the aluminum-ion battery technology.

But who knew that Herrick died directly?

In view of the accident, the plan of the enchantress No. 9 was completely disrupted, and she had no way to access the stored aluminum-ion battery technology. Naturally, there is no way to steal the USB flash drive.

So now the Variety Enchantress No. 9 is slightly anxious, she is worried about messing up the matter!

The Tianji God No. 4 responded calmly,"No. 9, you don't have to worry, although things An accident occurred, but it is not your responsibility. We will wait patiently.

Brave No. 5 agreed,"You really don't have to worry. We have set up dragnets at New Delhi International Airport and three small private airports in New Delhi. As long as the other party dares to come over, we can catch him!" Clown No. 6 answered,"

Saxon is a psychologist. He must have guessed our arrangement. He will definitely be prepared for our ambush, so I guess he may disguise himself as an ordinary person and enter the New Delhi International Airport, thus sneaking into the New Delhi International Airport." Leaving India quietly."

Clown No. 6 is also an expert in psychology and behavior, so he speculated on Saxon's possible choices.

Saxon's choice is indeed what Clown No. 6 speculated!

Saxon's third convoy entered the bustling New Delhi. In the underground parking garage of Connaught Place, a commercial center, Saxon then disguised himself as an ordinary person and left quietly under the covert protection of the Yalin team.

Originally, Saxon’s plan was very good. While disguised as an ordinary person, Saxon quickly It is difficult to attract attention, and there is also the Yalin Team, an elite field operation team of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, secretly protecting him.

Under such circumstances, the possibility of Saxon successfully escaping is very high.

However, Saxon is too naive, and Saxon has not thought about him at all. His whereabouts were tracked in real time throughout the entire process, and both Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 and Tracer No. 8 tracked his whereabouts.

Saxon’s disguise plan has become a fatal weakness!

If Saxon chooses to use the diplomatic vehicle of the Bald Eagle Embassy, ​​and then arranges for Bald Eagle The layer-by-layer protection of the field agents of the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau will actually put Renyi Security Company on guard.

After all, it is impossible for Renyi Security Company to openly engage in a decisive battle with the Bald Eagle Embassy and the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau in the downtown area.

But Saxon Being too cautious, he took the initiative to divide his troops and disguised himself as an ordinary person's plan, which put him in a deadlock.

Maybe this is a case of being clever but being misled by cleverness?

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