Confidential group of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club.

An Liang continued to explain the details of this management fee to the members of Tianshang Bai Yujing Club.

‘An Liang: If Anxin Investment creates a profit of 14.1 billion Xia Guoyuan for Xiaoyu, then the total profit rate is 15%’

‘Anliang: According to the agreement, Anxin Investment will receive one-tenth of the profit exceeding 10%, which is a management fee of 470 million’

‘Anliang: Anxin Investment collects pre-tax profits, and the corresponding tax issues will be handled by Anxin Investment’

‘Anliang: If the total investment profit exceeds 20% but does not exceed 50%, Anliang Investment will charge one-fifth of the profit from 20% to 50%.’

‘Anliang: If the investment profit exceeds 50% and is less than 100%, then Anliang Investment will cost a quarter of the profit of more than 50% but less than 100%.’

‘Anliang: If the investment profit exceeds 100%, Anliang Investment requires one-third of the entire investment profit.’

‘An Liang: Still taking Xiaoyu as an example, if Anxin Investment earns 96 billion for Xiaoyu, and the investment profit exceeds 100%, Anxin Investment costs one-third of 96 billion, which is 32 billion Xia Guoyuan’

‘An Liang: Do you have any opinions?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: No objection at all!’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Brother Liang, please help me make more than 100% profit, then I will make a lot of money!’

‘An Liang: Xiaoyu, are you too optimistic? I said that the risk of this investment is very high.’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: But I feel there is no risk. I think I can make a lot of money this time!’

‘Lin Yili: It’s done tonight!’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Xiaoyu said so, I feel very stable’

‘Pang Zhengfeng: Steady, steady!’

‘Zhou Ronghua: Long live Xiaoyu!’

‘Li Cunyuan: I was a little worried at first, but after Xiaoyu said so, I suddenly felt very stable.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Brothers, should we celebrate in advance?’

‘Yun Haiyang: Isn’t it a little too crazy?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Young people should be more crazy!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Come on, Mr. Yun will pay for everyone tonight!’

‘Lin Yili: I will participate in one!’

‘Li Cunyuan: I will join one too!’

‘Ye Xiangyu: I’ll fight too!’

‘Zhou Ronghua: Where to meet?’

‘Yun Haiyang:? ? ?’

‘Yun Haiyang: Why should I pay for Brother Gangzi’s invitation?’

‘An Liang: You guys have fun, I’ll deal with An Xin’s investment first. '

Anliang did not participate in the activities of a group of idiots. When Gongshang Bank cooperated with Anxin Bank to convert the funds into US dollars, Anliang Investment once again caused a bloody storm in the new energy sector of the US stock market!

The newly formed alliance of six major financial institutions immediately discovered Anxin Investment's actions, and they pounced on it one by one like sharks smelling blood.

Not only the alliance of the six major financial institutions, but other Bald Eagle financial institutions are also involved.

Anxin Investment brought in a huge amount of US$100 billion this time, making the new energy sector of the US stock market unable to withstand the pressure of short selling for a while.

But this situation makes those well-informed financial institutions in Bald Eagle happy!

Anxin Investment brought huge amounts of funds to the new energy sector of the US stock market. Although in a short period of time, the new energy sector was hit and showed a downward trend, this was only a short-term and temporary situation.

Bald Eagle's financial institutions and retail investors were all rushing to buy short orders placed by Anxin Investment. When it was close to five o'clock in the morning, Xia Guo time, all the nearly 700 billion Xia Guoyuan raised by Anxin Investment through the Bai Yujing Club in the sky were invested. , all of Anxin Investment’s own funds were invested.

At present, Anxin Investment has invested US$186.2 billion in the new energy sector of the US stock market!

The stock price of ADM Energy was hit to US$149.41. Compared with yesterday's high price of over US$160, Anxin Investment Company's price smash was more or less effective.

It’s just that the effect is very insignificant!

What's more important is that after the Anxin Investment Company smashed the market, the stock price of the entire new energy sector began to rise slowly again.

At the close of trading, ADM Energy's stock price was back at a high of $160.84.

This situation seems to be quite unfavorable for safe investment?

If there are no variables, Anxin Investment will indeed fail in the US stock market this time.

But are there really no variables?

How is that possible!

It was eight o'clock in the morning, Xia Kingdom time, and An Liang had fallen asleep.

Local time in India, five o'clock in the morning; the capital, New Delhi International Airport, the Variety Enchantress arrived on the 9th.

After walking out of the New Delhi International Airport, the Variety Enchantress No. 9 put on a wireless Bluetooth headset and connected to the internal confidential communication channel of Renyi Security Company.

"I have arrived in New Delhi and am heading to the address of my second destination. Is there any change in my second destination?" asked the versatile enchantress No. 9.

The divine calculator No. 4 responded immediately,"The second target is still at her home and will act according to the predetermined plan."

"receive."After the Variety Girl No. 9 responded, she rushed to the residence of the second target, Marissa Hill. She was going to take her place and use the identity of Marissa Hill to enter the Bald Eagle Embassy in New Delhi.

A battle surrounding Aluminum-ion battery technology, the plan for Helik Sharma, is quietly unfolding. It can determine the fate of the new energy sector in the US stock market!

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