Faced with Zhao Kaixin’s joke, the audience at the press conference burst into laughter.

"The energy conversion rate of traditional ternary lithium batteries is only between 80% and 95% according to different usage scenarios, but there are very few application scenarios with high conversion rates, such as low-current discharge."Zhao Kaixin introduced while pressing the remote control to let the screen wall behind him display the corresponding situation.

"When ternary lithium batteries are quickly charged or discharged, a large amount of heat will be generated, resulting in a decrease in conversion rate. Therefore, the current power consumption of new energy vehicles using lithium batteries when driving quickly on the highway exceeds that in the city. Driving at low speed inside."Zhao Kaixin explained simply.

This is exactly the opposite of fuel vehicles!

"Our sodium-ion batteries have huge advantages in energy conversion rate, especially when charging and discharging quickly, our sodium-ion batteries can reach a conversion efficiency of up to 98%."Zhao Kaixin told the energy conversion rate of sodium-ion batteries.

There was warm applause in response to Zhao Kaixin's announcement.

"In addition, our sodium-ion batteries have very reliable energy release efficiency in low-temperature environments!"Zhao Kaixin mentioned another advantage.

"Taking minus 20 degrees as an example, ternary lithium batteries can release about 70% of the energy of the rated capacity, and lithium iron phosphate batteries can only release 55% of the energy of the rated capacity, but our sodium-ion batteries can still release more than 90% of the rated capacity. energy of!"Zhao Kaixin said confidently.

This parameter instantly killed lithium batteries except graphene batteries.

There was another warm applause at the scene.

Although most people in the media industry did not understand the meaning of these parameters, the three parameters There is a clear gap, and the parameters of sodium-ion batteries are the best.

"Next is the parameter that everyone is most concerned about, and it is also the most important parameter of the battery, that is the energy density of the battery!"Zhao Kaixin said with a louder voice.

"For ordinary consumers, the rated capacity of a battery is the most important thing, just like the most important parameter of a new energy vehicle is its cruising range."Zhao Kaixin gave an example

"We still take new energy vehicles as an example. In the field of new energy vehicles, the current energy density of the overall system of ternary lithium batteries can reach up to 200Wh/kg, and the energy density of the overall system of lithium iron phosphate batteries can also reach 120Wh/Kg."Zhao Kaixin first explained the application of two mainstream lithium-ion batteries in the field of new energy vehicles.

"If our sodium-ion batteries are used in new energy vehicles, the energy density of the overall system can reach approximately 95Wh/Kg, which is equivalent to 80% of the energy density of the overall system of lithium iron phosphate batteries."Zhao Kaixin revealed the energy density of sodium-ion batteries.

However, the energy density of sodium-ion batteries is a bit bad, far behind ternary lithium batteries and also behind lithium iron phosphate batteries.

News and media industry professionals at the scene have recorded sodium-ion batteries energy density information, which is also a news breaking point

"Are you curious why our sodium-ion battery has such a low energy density and we still need to release it to the outside world?"Zhao Kaixin took the initiative to point out everyone's confusion.

"The energy density of our sodium-ion batteries is indeed a bit lower, but the cost of sodium-ion batteries is very low. After all, there are abundant reserves of sodium salt raw materials. Compared with expensive lithium ore resources, the cost of raw materials alone has dropped. 50%!"Zhao Kaixin explained

"Secondly, given that the conductivity of sodium salt in an electrolyte of the same concentration is about 20% higher than that of lithium electrolyte, an electrolyte with a lower concentration can be used when manufacturing battery cells, thereby further reducing the cost by about 15%."Zhao Kaixin continued to talk about the second cost advantage.

"In addition, sodium ions and aluminum metal do not react, so aluminum foil can be used as the current collector for the negative electrode of sodium-ion batteries. In this way, not only can the weight be reduced by about 10%, but the cost can also be reduced by about 8%."Zhao Kaixin mentioned the third cost advantage.

"Based on the above cost advantages, even if the production scale of sodium-ion batteries is small, resulting in slightly higher production costs, the cost price of the overall system of sodium-ion batteries is only about 30% of that of ternary lithium batteries. And as the industrial scale of sodium-ion batteries increases, This cost advantage will continue to expand." Zhao Kaixin added.

As Zhao Kaixin introduced, the screen wall behind him displayed the current cost price of the ternary lithium battery system and the lithium iron phosphate battery system. The current overall cost of the ternary lithium battery system is about 1,000 yuan/1 kilowatt hour. Price, the overall cost of the lithium iron phosphate battery system is about 800 yuan/1 kilowatt hour of electricity.

But the cost of sodium-ion batteries is only about 300 yuan/1 kilowatt hour of electricity.

This cost advantage is huge!

"We also want to disclose a piece of information about sodium-ion battery technology. Since sodium-ion batteries do not have over-discharge characteristics and sodium-ion batteries are allowed to discharge to zero volts, we are expected to achieve an energy density of lithium iron phosphate in the next generation of sodium-ion batteries. Degree!"Zhao Kaixin talked about the future development potential of sodium-ion batteries.

Once the energy density of sodium-ion batteries can reach the level of lithium iron phosphate batteries, it means that sodium-ion batteries can enter the field of new energy vehicles.

When sodium-ion batteries enter new energy In the automotive field, it represents the dream that the Graphene Technology Group may completely get rid of the shackles of lithium-ion batteries in the future, thus leading Xiaguo's new energy industry to completely skip the raw material constraints of metallic lithium ores!

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