An Liang really didn't know much about the logistics industry, but An Liang knew that the competitors in the logistics industry were jealous and it was a bloody red sea market.

Take the express delivery industry in logistics as an example. Although companies in the express delivery industry can be counted on two hands, the competition between them can be described as stabbing each other with knives!

When the competition was at its fiercest, starting from the Yiniao Small Commodity Market, the price war between various express delivery companies reached the lowest level of 0.8 yuan per item.

The minimum express delivery fee for an order is 0.8 yuan. What kind of exaggerated competitive environment is this?

In this competitive environment, after overseas logistics giants entered Xia State, they were defeated by Xia State's local logistics companies and were unable to compete with Xia State's local logistics companies.

So Zhao Wanxi stated that she wanted to enter the logistics industry, and An Liangcai asked from what direction to enter the logistics industry.

If the express delivery industry is chosen as a breakthrough point, An Liang must persuade Zhao Wanxi.

However, An Liang guessed that Zhao Wanxi had her own ideas, because Zhao Wanxi was so smart, so how could she chooseHow about starting from the fiercely competitive express delivery industry?

Faced with An Liang’s inquiry, Zhao Wanxi explained,"We are preparing to enter the logistics industry from the direction of cold chain logistics transportation."

"Cold chain transportation?"An Liang was confused.

"Yes!"Zhao Wanxi said with certainty,"In the logistics industry, the express delivery industry is already a red ocean, and there is no point in us entering."

"At present, our domestic cold chain transportation is still in a very backward state. The future development prospects are very huge, and cold chain transportation is a very meaningful livelihood project." Zhao Wanxi added

"According to a survey by the national statistics department, our cold chain transportation in Xia is far behind the global average, especially in terms of cold storage capacity. Our cold storage capacity is not even as good as India. Is this an exaggeration?"Zhao Wanxi sighed.

An Liang complained,"It's really exaggerated!"

"After I learned about this situation, I conducted in-depth research on the cold chain transportation industry. Through the cold chain transportation industry, we can effectively dispatch agricultural and animal husbandry product resources across the country, balance national prices, and promote the economic development of national agriculture and animal husbandry. It can also create a large number of jobs and obtain stable benefits from it."Zhao Wanxi explained the benefits of the cold chain transportation industry

"For example, leeks cost 5 yuan per catty in Shanghai, but only 3 yuan per catty in our imperial capital. Pork costs 20 yuan per catty in Tianfu, but 14 yuan per catty in Zhangzhou City, Hujian Province. , the prices of these agricultural products and livestock products vary greatly in different regions."Zhao Wanxi gave an example

"Although there are reasons for such a price gap due to origin factors, in fact the bigger reason is that the cold chain transportation industry has not developed, which has led to huge losses in the transportation of fresh products in agriculture and animal husbandry."Zhao Wanxi explained

"Taking meat transportation as an example, our transportation loss is about 12%, and the transportation loss of fruits and vegetables is about 25%. However, the transportation loss of bald eagles, whether it is meat or fruits and vegetables, is less than 10%."Zhao Wanxi listed the data

"If we establish a complete cold chain transportation, we can reduce transportation losses. This reduced loss will ensure our profits."Zhao Wanxi analyzed with a smile

"Secondly, it is crucial to use cold chain transportation to balance national prices and promote the large-scale development of agriculture and animal husbandry. It will further break the mentality of small farmers and allow agriculture and animal husbandry to enter the high-speed development channel." Zhao Wanxi added

"In the process of establishing cold chain transportation, we will also establish cold storages across the country to ensure the reliability of cold chain transportation, ultimately achieving full cold chain coverage from the origin to the market, and creating a large number of jobs." Zhao Wanxi added.

An Liang quickly thought about what Zhao Wanxi said, and he asked inquiringly,"How much investment do you estimate this plan will require?"

"There is no budget for the time being, because I have just started preparing for this plan, you are the first to know, I have not told anyone else yet." Zhao Wanxi explained.

An Liang said jokingly,"Then I suggest you tell Uncle Zhao and see what his opinion is."

"My dad would definitely agree. He is eager for us to do these things, because these things are obviously good things that benefit the country and the people, but because the investment in these things is very huge, and the time to recover the costs also takes a very long time, no one is willing to invest. That’s all."Zhao Wanxi sighed.

Zhao Wanxi continued to add,"The investment in the cold chain transportation industry far exceeds that of express delivery companies. The cold chain transportation vehicles in the cold chain transportation industry, and the cold storage at the origin and market, all require huge costs. Therefore, the development of cold chain transportation has been very slow."

"If we are willing to get involved, my dad will definitely agree, and I can also make a series of requests!"After Zhao Wanxi finished speaking, she couldn't help laughing.

An Liang asked teasingly,"What are you going to ask Uncle Zhao?"

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