According to the information fed back from [Trend Charts of Designated Fifteen Stocks in the U.S. Stock Market for the Next Fifteen Days], Anliang discovered that Bald Eagle’s financial institution actually chose to join the camp of Anxin Investment!

When Anliang was checking the [Trend Charts of Fifteen Specified Stocks in the U.S. Stock Market for the Next Fifteen Days], Li Gang, the investment director of Anliang Investment Company, issued a reminder

"Mr. An, the situation in the US stock market is not quite right!"Li Gang frowned

"What's wrong? An Liang asked.

Li Gang immediately explained,"The scale of short selling is wrong!""

"The current short-selling scale is abnormal. In addition to us and the Tianshang Baiyujing Club, there should be third-party personnel joining."Li Gang added.

An Liang knew it because he had already obtained the situation through the [Fifteen designated stocks in the U.S. stock market for the next fifteen days].

Fan Ping guessed,"It is possible that Bald Eagle's financial institution has joined. Come in!

Li Gang seconded,"I also think that Bald Eagle's financial institutions have joined in. The managers of those financial institutions are very smart. They must have guessed that we have a trump card, so I suspect they want to come in and get a share of the pie.""

So now the situation is reversed!

Before, Anliang was planning to pick up a handful of leeks with the Bald Eagle Alliance of six major financial institutions. Now, the financial institution of Bald Eagle wants to pick up a handful of leeks with Anxin Investment. Anliang couldn't help but sigh. He shouted,"These guys from Bald Eagle really don't care about reputation!

Li Gang answered,"Which sickle in the leek field cares about reputation?""

It seems so!

After all, you have become a sickle, why do you still care about your reputation?

"Since the other party has chosen to give up the interests of the Bald Eagle people, we will not be polite and continue to sell short at high prices."An Liang ordered.

When An Liang was cutting leeks, he chose to sacrifice the people of Bald Eagle Country and let them take over at a high price.

Now the idea of ​​​​Bad Eagle Financial Institution is the same as An Liang, and they also chose to sacrifice the interests of the people of Bald Eagle.

In this case , An Liang will certainly not refuse

"By the way, we try to trick the other party and see if we can get the other party to accept our short selling order at a high price."An Liang added

"OK Li Gang responded.

Although the probability of this is not high, what if a financial institution with a bald eagle is caught?

After all, the power of greed is too strong, and there are always people who choose to take risks.

In the US stock market, Xia Xia, headed by Anxin Investment, With the tacit cooperation between the state-owned capital and Bald Eagle's local financial institutions, the share price of the new energy sector has further increased, and everyone has tacitly cooperated in choosing to use small-amount short-selling orders, thus allowing more ordinary Bald Eagles to The public took over.

Previously, the new energy sector of the U.S. stock market had cooled down a bit due to the sell-offs of Anxin Investment and the Tiantian Baiyujing Club. Taking ADM as an example, before the sell-off of Anxin Investment and the Tiantian Baiyujing Club, its stock price once broke through The height of 90 US dollars.

With the selling of Anxin Investment and Tiantian Baiyujing Club, its price has gradually dropped to a level close to 80 US dollars.

However, although the two major interest groups have shorted the new energy sector, they have tacitly raised the short position. Instead, ADM's stock price rose against the trend, even exceeding the price of $100, creating a new all-time high.


Bald Eagle, Wall Street.

In the office of the senior investment vice president of Berkshire Hathaway Investment Company, Richard looked at the situation in the U.S. stock market and smiled.

"Sure enough, interests come first!"Richard is also shorting the new energy sector. He knows very well that Anliang must have a trump card, so he is ready to take a sip of soup with Anxin Investment.

Originally, Richard was still guessing whether Anliang Investment would flip the table like they did before, but Now it seems that Anxin Investment has chosen higher interests. In the financial industry of Bald Eagle, not only Richard has chosen to join the camp of Anxin Investment, but also the other five of the previous six major financial institution alliances have also made the same choice.

But just joining, what's the problem?

They did have conflicts with Anxin Investment before, but are conflicts in the financial field considered conflicts? There is an old saying in Xia Guo: There are no eternal friends, no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

This sentence It is particularly suitable to put it in the financial field!

As long as the interests are in an absolutely dominant position, one moment they are fighting for life and death, and the next moment they can shake hands and make peace. The current situation is that there are benefits to investing with An Xin, why don't they What about Anxin Investment?

It was close to two o'clock in the middle of the night.

An Liang yawned. The situation in the U.S. stock market was a foregone conclusion. Xia Guo Capital, headed by Anxin Investment, and Bald Eagle's local financial institutions, the two major interest groups were in unison. Xuan and others joined forces to cultivate the leek field.

A large number of local Bald Eagle investors did not realize that they had entered the leek field and were about to be harvested by the two major interest groups. The harvest has not yet been harvested, but there is a lack of an opportunity.

This opportunity is waiting for Anliang Revealing the trump cards will severely damage the new energy sector of the US stock market and cause the stock prices of related new energy companies to plummet!

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