Faced with the abnormal stock price fluctuations in the US stock market, Anliang quickly analyzed the clues. In such a situation, the financial institutions on the Bald Eagle side were ready to overturn the situation.

An Liang never underestimates his opponents!

Even if the opponent is very weak, Anliang will treat it with caution.

When a lion fights a rabbit, he must use all his strength!

What's more, the financial giant on the Bald Eagle side is definitely not a pure and kind little white rabbit.

Previously, Anliang used Bald Eagle to target Tyreson Company, and he analyzed that Bald Eagle was preparing to attack the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, thereby further targeting Xia Guo's new energy industry.

Based on this analysis, Anliang further analyzed that Bald Eagle's financial institutions must reap profits in the US stock market.

That's why An Liang stopped by to cut a handful of leeks.

However, An Liang's behavior of cutting leeks along the way clearly aroused the vigilance of the financial giants on the Bald Eagle side.

According to An Liang's guess, the financial giants of Bald Eagle discovered that Anxin Investment was harvesting leeks with the Tiantian Baiyujing Club. In order to protect their leek fields, they chose to raise the stock price by overturning the table.

Once the stock prices of new energy-related companies in the U.S. stock market soar, whether it is Anxin Investment or the Baiyujing Club in the sky, if you want to cut leeks, you will inevitably need to spend more money, thereby locking in more wealth in the U.S. stock market.

Under such circumstances, Bald Eagle's financial giants have more means to deal with Anxin Investment and the Sky Baiyujing Club.

An Liang even guessed what the other party's methods were!

Just like Anliang's plan to"kindly" help Bald Eagle's scientific research institution announce its"conquer" of graphene battery technology, the other party may also"kindly" announce that Terrasen Lithium Mine will not ban sales to Xia Guo, and may even express some hopes. and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s remarks on strengthening cooperation.

Under such circumstances, the stock prices of new energy companies that have been growing wildly in the U.S. stock market will definitely plummet as if they have encountered a cold winter.

The key is that An Liang can be 100% sure that the financial giant of Bald Eagle will definitely make such a showy operation.

Because everyone is smart!

After all, people who are not smart cannot enter the financial industry.

If An Liang puts himself in the position of Bald Eagle Financial Institution, he will perform the above operations, so An Liang is 100% sure that Bald Eagle Financial Institution will definitely perform such operations.

‘Sure enough, the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes! ' An An sighed silently in his heart.

An Liang's previous plan was very good. He was prepared to repeatedly harvest the foreign leeks in the US stock market, but the foreign sickles across the sea were not easy to mess with. Those foreign sickles were very protective of food, and now he had made a countermeasure plan.

Faced with such a situation, An Liang was not in a hurry.

Even if the foreign scythes have a counterattack plan, the essence of Bald Eagle's targeting of Tereson Lithium Mine will not change. This is a result that the Bald Eagle financial giants cannot change.

The Bald Eagle will definitely target the Tereson Lithium Mine, and thereby target the new energy industry of Xia State through the Tereson Lithium Mine. This is the essential purpose of the Bald Eagle, and it is absolutely impossible to change.

Bald Eagle's financial institutions and the interest groups gathered by Anliang both have to fight around this essential purpose.

An Liang was silently thinking about how to fight against the Bald Eagle financial giants. After nearly ten minutes of thinking, An Liang had a clear idea.

An Liang planned to divide this struggle into three stages. The first stage was to deal with the countermeasures of the Bald Eagle financial giants. He had already thought of how to counterattack the opponent.

Since the foreign scythes wanted to harvest Anxin Investment and the Heavenly Baiyujing Club in turn, Anliang created opportunities for the other party to harvest Anxin Investment and the Heavenly Baiyujing Club.

Only in the face of huge interests can the financial giants of Bald Eagle make mistakes.

After An Liang reviewed the plan again, he immediately sent a message to Bai Yujing Club in the sky

‘An Liang: @everyone: [Important notice] At eight o'clock in the evening, everyone is online. I want to say something important.’

‘Li Cunyuan:?’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘An Liang: Brother Yuan, you guys stayed up all night, why don’t you sleep?’

‘Li Cunyuan: I made a lot of money yesterday, but now I can’t sleep’

‘Li Cunyuan: Hehehe, yesterday in the US stock market, I almost made ten small goals. I am a little excited!’

‘An Liang: I advise you to go to bed first. There will be important news tonight.’

‘Li Cunyuan: What important news?’

‘An Liang: We’ll talk about it in the evening. You go to bed first.’

‘Li Cunyuan:...’

‘Li Cunyuan: Okay, I'll go to bed first. See you in the evening. '

An Liang really doesn't plan to tell Li Cunyuan in advance, because if he tells Li Cunyuan the relevant plans in advance, I'm afraid Li Cunyuan won't be able to sleep, right?

After all, An Liang had already seen through the conspiracy of the Bald Eagle financial giants. If he told Li Cunyuan now that he might lose all the money he made before, would Li Cunyuan still be able to sleep?

That's why An Liangcai did not explain the relevant plans in advance, but asked Li Cunyuan to rest first to recharge his batteries and fight the US stock market again tonight!

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