In the woods, although Park Yixun's judgment was very correct, he underestimated the power of the Tianjian-1 drone!

The Tianjian-1 drone's flying posture in the woods is very flexible, and it can easily avoid various tree branches and obstacles, as if it is not affected at all.

That's because the Tianjian-1 drone is equipped with a lighthouse system, which is very strong in image recognition performance.

Secondly, the Tianjian-1 UAV also adopts an eight-axis variable bracket design.

Under normal circumstances, the eight-axis propellers are distributed in eight directions at 45-degree intervals, and the wingspan of the bracket reaches a diameter of 1.2 meters.

However, if obstacle avoidance is required, the eight-axis variable bracket design can change the angle of the propeller shaft, allowing the eight-axis propeller layout of the Tianjian-1 UAV to adapt to the changing angle of the obstacle, so as to better pass the obstacle.

The flexible flying attitude of the Tianjian-1 drone in the woods is the practical application of the eight-axis variable bracket design. They can well cope with problems in obstacle environments.

Such a situation was naturally discovered by Park Yixun, so Park Yixun and seven field personnel from the Corea Special Intelligence Investigation Bureau all chose to fight to the death.

In a confidential stronghold of the Wanshi Shengyi Organization, in front of a huge screen wall, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan was viewing the images taken by twelve Tianjian-1 drones surrounding Park Yixun.

Bi Yuewu's voice came from the wireless Bluetooth headset,"Your Excellency No. 4, the target has been surrounded, please give instructions on the next step."

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator ordered without hesitation,"Destroy the target and recover the thousand-year-old Astragalus.""

"receive."Bi Yuewu responded.

As the order of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation was passed on, the twelve Tianjian-1 drones that were originally hovering in the air and only showing an encircling posture opened fire directly. The assault rifle customized from the North Bear Country made a loud sound. With the sound of gunfire, the eight field personnel of the Corea Special Intelligence Investigation Bureau had no resistance at all, and their defensive formation was broken up by twelve Tianjian-1 drones.

Park Yixun also tried to fight back, but Their counterattack was very weak.

Not to mention that they were suppressed by firepower and lacked favorable cover terrain in the woods. The key point was that they only carried pistols. Even if they were lucky enough to hit the Tianjian-1 drone, they were also killed by the Tianjian-1 drone. The armor of the type UAV withstood it, and apart from the sound of metal collision, there was no other effect at all. The

Tianjian-1 UAV opened fire on eight field personnel of the Corea Special Intelligence Investigation Bureau They were all killed in only seventeen seconds.

Real jungle gunfights are completely different from movies and TV dramas!

In movies and TV dramas, the hit rate of jungle gunfights is very low, and trees can be used as cover, but real jungle battles are completely different. Not so.

The weapon carried by the Tianjian-1 drone is an assault rifle customized by the North Bear Country. Its performance far exceeds the once famous AK47.

Taking the AK47 as an example, if it is at a distance of 100 meters, Its power can penetrate a 400 mm thick wooden board, so how to use tree trunks as cover when facing the more powerful Tianjian-1 drone? It’s just funny!

Because of this, Corea’s special intelligence The eight field officers of the Bureau of Investigation were completely strangled in just seventeen seconds.

"When will the two groups of field personnel arrive?"Tianji Shensuan No. 4 looked at the battle results on the screen wall and asked.

Kui Mulang immediately responded,"Estimated to arrive in twelve minutes."

"Bi Yuewu, closely monitor the situation at the scene and prohibit anyone from approaching."Instructions from No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator

"receive."Bi Yuewu responded immediately.

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan picked up the tablet again, edited the copy information on the tablet, and then sent it to An Liang through the confidential communication software of Renyi Security Company


Xia Kingdom, the imperial capital.

In the small courtyard, An Liang took Zhao Wanxi out of the alliance game. After the two took a bath and changed clothes again, Zhao Wanxi nestled in An Liang's arms.

An Liang picked up his cell phone and checked the message sent by No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation. After reading the message, An Liang smiled and said,"We have grabbed a copy of Millennium Astragalus.""

"Um?"Zhao Wanxi was confused.

An Liang briefly explained the whole thing, and then said jokingly,"Correia is indeed a powerful country in the universe. It doesn't take us seriously at all. It just throws itself into a trap!"

Zhao Wanxi also said jokingly,"Correia's operations are always amazing!"

"After all, it is a country controlled by the Concern organization. Such a country has some problems."An Liang sighed.

The situation in Corea is indeed very bad!

To give the simplest example, Correa has the right to freedom of the press, but it is not because Corea is free enough, but because it controls Corea. The Concern organization is unscrupulous and does not care about news reports.

In short: no matter what happens in Correia, the Concern organization behind the scenes can suppress the problem!

This is Correia controlled by the Concern organization!

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