India, Sila.

At the foot of the Nais Mountains, representatives of many intelligence agencies are discussing the distribution of benefits from the Millennium Astragalus.

According to the distribution plan of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau will occupy a 30% share. In addition, the Indian Intelligence and Investigation Bureau also stated that it needs a 30% share. This distribution plan is obvious. It was impossible to get consent.

Xu Wencong answered,"We want 10%. We won't interfere with how you allocate it, but we only need 10%."

Shelf agreed,"We only need 10%. If it is lower than this We will never agree to a share."

Faced with the toughness of Xu Wencong and Shelver, representatives of other intelligence agencies began to think.

If we agree to Xu Wencong and Shelver, plus the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau and the India Intelligence and Investigation Bureau each have 30%, then only 20% is left, but there are still six companies left. Intelligence agency, such an allocation is obviously inappropriate!

"We disagree! Suzuki Kanaya retorted on behalf of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau,"We also want 10%!" After all, they all get 10%, and we have to get 10% too."

As Suzuki Kanaya of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau made strong demands, representatives of the Europa Alliance's intelligence agencies also expressed their need for 10% of the benefits. An Liang checked the situation on the scene through Xu Wencong's broadcast. When he discovered that Europa When the representatives of the major alliance's intelligence agencies also asked for 10% of the benefits, Anliang couldn't help but smile.

Because this result is what Anliang wants!

Although Renyi Security Company may only get 10% interests, but the Bald Eagle Country could have 100% monopolized the Millennium Astragalus, but now it is possible that it can only obtain a 10% share.

After all, there are exactly ten representatives of the forces, under the guidance of the North Bear Country Kolberg and Renyi Security Company. Now, everyone has asked for a ten percent share. What can the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau do?

If this thousand-year-old astragalus is in Africa or the Americas, then the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau must educate everyone on site. , pinning all the intelligence agencies on the ground to the ground and hammering them.

But this is India!

The Bald Eagle National Intelligence and Investigation Bureau now has to face not only the threats from the Central Court of India and the local court of Silabon, but also Other intelligence agencies fought to the death.

Finally, under external pressure, nine out of the ten representatives of the forces agreed to an equal distribution plan, with each agency receiving a ten percent quota.

Salman of the Indian Intelligence and Investigation Bureau ·Havan did not agree to such a distribution plan, but he could not stop it because he knew very well that if he continued to block it and delayed, he might be excluded from the distribution plan.

Even if he is now willing to allocate 100% to them Ten, that’s just because they are afraid that they will lose everything.

With the allocation plan confirmed, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau cannot obtain the entire thousand-year-old astragalus. Naturally, there is no need to transplant the complete thousand-year-old astragalus, so the excavation progress has been greatly improved. It takes less than five minutes. , the drones of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau returned, 'accompanied' by the drones of other intelligence and investigation bureaus, to prepare for the even distribution of the Millennium Astragalus.

Before the distribution, An Liang specially sent a message to Xu Wencong, asking Xu Wencong to do evil in secret.

As we all know, , Renyi Security Company has the deepest research on Millennium Astragalus.

Even though Millennium Astragalus has the ability to slow down the aging rate of cells and thereby extend lifespan, it was announced by the Bald Eagle Fipzel Company, but Fipzel Company knew that Millennium Astragalus would pinch its head. Should the tail be removed?

Take the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus once obtained by Renyi Security Company as an example. A thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus weighs 249 grams and has a total length of 39.72 centimeters. It is cut according to the specifications of a single piece with a thickness of 3 mm and a mass of 2 grams. In the end, only 113 pieces of Millennium Astragalus were cut.

This means that the Millennium Astragalus with a total length of 39.72 cm produced scraps of almost 6 cm.

These scraps are mainly concentrated at the head and roots of the Millennium Astragalus.

The way An Liang let Xu Wencong secretly interfere, It is to secretly assign the leftover areas of the head and roots to neon or bald eagle.

After all, what if it can disgust the other party?

After the thousand-year-old astragalus from Kona Peak was sent down, Dylan followed the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau headquarters. On his orders, he directly questioned Xu Wencong.

"You know the thousand-year-old astragalus best, so this thousand-year-old astragalus is given to you to cut on site and we will redistribute it. What do you think?"Dylan suggested.

Faced with Dylan's words, Xu Wencong did not refuse. If he was allowed to distribute, he could better carry out An Liang's instructions.

"no problem."Xu Wencong agreed directly.

Other intelligence agencies knew Xu Wencong's identity well, but no one was willing to say it. Naturally, they could not refute Dylan.

"Before cutting, I need to pass its information back so that the relevant experts can provide cutting recommendations."Xu Wencong added

"Can!"Dylan agreed.

Xu Wencong immediately took high-definition photos of the thousand-year-old astragalus and measured the relevant data, so that Sun Shizhong could make cutting suggestions.

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