Yao Mengpan gives people a good impression at first glance, but An Liang has an interpersonal relationship scanning system. Through the interpersonal relationship scanning system, An Liang can obtain some secret information.

For example, pure essence!

Yao Mengpan, who is like the girl next door, only scored an outrageous 80 points in terms of purity! this...

Should it be said: People should not be judged by their appearance?

Or: How can you be a thief if you are a beautiful woman?

Logically speaking, Yao Mengpan's appearance score is as high as 89 points, almost reaching the level of one in a million, and his figure score has also reached a high of 94 points.

With this innate advantage, Yao Mengpan actually had many choices, but she chose the worst one?

An Liang doesn’t like it anyway!

‘An Liang: It’s pretty average, not my cup of tea.’

‘An Liang: However, this should be the food of the dogs in our dormitory. Why didn’t the dogs make a fuss?’

‘Bai Yue: I know!’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘An Liang: What's going on?’

‘Bai Yue: I heard that there is something wrong with that classmate’s reputation.’

‘Bai Yue: It seemed that I was with classmate Shen before...Ever dated?’

‘An Liang:!!!’

‘An Liang: There is still such gossip?’

‘An Liang: Let me ask the dogs first’

‘Bai Yue: An, don’t betray me...’

‘An Liang: Don’t worry. '

Anliang clicked on the 307 dormitory group and sent messages in the dormitory group.

‘An Liang: @神世中: @鲁文山: @马龙: Sons of dogs, what are you doing?’

‘Lu Wenshan: [Location information: School of Accounting, Western University of Finance and Economics]’

‘Lu Wenshan: I’m on my girlfriend’s side. Brother Liang has gone back to school?’

‘Ma Long: I study hard in the library’

‘Malone: ​​It’s the finals soon and I don’t want to fail the exam’

‘Shen Shizhong: I'm shopping at the International Financial Center. Brother Liang, would you like to have dinner with me?’

‘An Liang: [Photo: Yao Mengpan, Class 2, Department of International Trade, Class of 2020]’

‘An Liang: There is such a junior girl in our school? [dog head][dog head][dog head]’

‘An Liang: Gentleman, would you like to introduce me?’

‘Lu Wenshan: Damn it!’

‘Lu Wenshan: I find Brother Liang’s beeping really cool!’

‘Lu Wenshan: Brother Liang, do you know?’

‘Malone: ​​I understand!’

‘Shen Shizhong: I vomited!’

‘Shen Shizhong: Brother Liang, you are really poisonous!’

‘An Liang: @LV文山: What’s going on?’

‘Lu Wenshan:?’

‘Lu Wenshan: Are you messing with me?’

‘An Liang: I really don’t know, I just heard some rumors’

‘Shen Shizhong: Let me speak for myself!’

‘Shen Shizhong: Yao Mengpan and I were in love, and then we broke up with her seamlessly’

‘Shen Shizhong: However, her new boyfriend was seamlessly connected to her’

‘Shen Shizhong: Her second new boyfriend who was seamlessly connected continues to be seamlessly connected again’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: I'm a little confused!’

‘Shen Shizhong: Suppose I am A, and she seamlessly connects to B, then seamlessly connects to C, and then seamlessly connects to D. I heard that my current boyfriend is a seamless connection to E!’

‘An Liang:!!!’

‘An Liang: Shocked!’

‘An Liang: Could it be some story that shocked the news in Youshe?’

‘An Liang: Isn’t this too ridiculous?’

‘Lu Wenshan: It’s indeed a bit outrageous!’

‘Malone: ​​Actually, it doesn’t matter to the gentleman. Anyway, the gentleman took her away, so if we break up, we’ll break up, right? '

I see!

An Liang read Ma Long's message, and he suddenly understood why Yao Mengpan's purity score reported by the interpersonal relationship scanning system was so low.

‘Shen Shizhong: I still feel a little uncomfortable!’

‘Shen Shizhong: The main reason is that this person is too confusing. He seems innocent and kind, but who knows he is Neptune?’

‘An Liang: Look away!’

‘An Liang: Brother Champion is right, he took them all away anyway!’

‘Shen Shizhong: Alas!’

‘Shen Shizhong: No more, no more, I will continue shopping!’

‘Malone: ​​I threw up!’

‘Malone: ​​Gentleman, I asked a girl to go shopping again, and you still pretend to be in love here. I really...’

‘Shen Shizhong: Brother Liang taught me before, if you don’t believe in yourself, how can others believe in you?’

‘Shen Shizhong: I am an affectionate person!’

‘Malone: ​​[vomiting][vomiting][vomiting]’

‘Lu Wenshan: I’m convinced!’

‘An Liang: Not bad, a gentleman gradually turns into a good man’

‘Shen Shizhong: Thank you Brother Liang for your selfless teaching!’

‘An Liang: Learn from each other and make progress together!’

‘Lu Wenshan: Is this the alliance of scumbags?’

‘Malone: ​​Why doesn’t anyone like me, an honest person?’

‘Shen Shizhong: Brother Liang and I are the real honest people!’

‘An Liang: That’s right, we are the honest people, let’s stop pretending to be fakes like Brother Champion!’


‘Lu Wenshan:...’

‘An Liang: Let’s slip away now. I’ll go back to school in a few days.’

‘Shen Shizhong: Okay, I’ll continue shopping’

‘Lu Wenshan: Thank you!’

‘Malone: ​​I'm going to study hard!’

‘Lu Wenshan: Are you studying?’

‘Lu Wenshan: You obviously came to see the girl! '

An Liang closed the 307 dormitory group and continued to send messages to Bai Yue

‘An Liang: Classmate Baiyue, I found that you are a bad person!’

‘An Liang: Did you deliberately send photos of Yao Mengpan to trick you?’

‘Bai Yue: I don’t quite understand what classmate An means? [smile][smile][smile]’

‘An Liang: Ha!’

‘An Liang: You can argue whatever you want!’

‘An Liang: I will go back to school before the resumption of the New Year’s Day concert’

‘An Liang: I hope you can continue to quibble then! '

Bai Yue looked at An Liang's reply message, and she silently looked forward to it. She hadn't seen An Liang for a while, and she was full of longing for An Liang....

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