After Anxin Life Sciences Group was established, An Liang took Eric to visit the entire Shiliwan Life Science Research Base, and described the prospects of the Shiliwan Life Science Research Base to Eric.

An Liang believed that Eric, a good person, could understand his subtext!

In fact, Eric did understand the subtext of Anliang. Anliang said that he would build the Shiliwan Life Science Research Base into the world's leading life science research base and become a global life science research mecca.

In order to achieve this goal, Anxin Life Sciences Group alone will definitely not be able to accomplish it, so it requires the world's top pharmaceutical companies to work together.

An Liang's subtext is to ask Amgen Pharmaceutical Company to establish an advanced pharmaceutical research center in Shiliwan

"Mr. An, is your Shiliwan Life Science Research Base open for leasing?"Eric asked knowingly.

An Liang silently gave Eric a thumbs up.

Both parties understood what the other meant, and the communication was naturally very pleasant.

"certainly! An Liang responded affirmatively,"In our plan, Shiliwan Life Science Research Base will be a large-scale life science research base in the future. We welcome pharmaceutical companies from all over the world.""

"We at Amgen Pharmaceuticals are very interested in this, but I need to report the specific situation to the headquarters before we can make a decision."Eric responded

"OK An Liang responded calmly, and then asked again knowingly,"Mr. Eric, have you ever heard of mutant holly?""

Anliang has cheated a wave of pharmaceutical companies through mutant holly seeds before. Although Amgen Pharmaceutical Company was not cheated, they have also heard about the mutated holly seeds.

"Of course I’ve heard of it!"Eric answered truthfully

"Our mutated hollies are just in season. Is Mr. Eric interested in trying them?"An Liang asked casually

"Then I'm in luck! Eric responded in a very Xia Guo style,"Thank you Mr. An for your generosity.""

An Liang first took Eric to visit the three mutant holly mother trees, and then took Eric to visit the holly seed nursery. He sighed,"Maybe it's because of our technical problems that we can't cultivate new ones. mutated holly"

"Mr. Eric, we have sold some branches of three mutant holly mother trees before. You are more well-informed. Have you heard that the companies that purchased the branches of our mother tree have cultivated new mutant holly trees?"An Liang asked pretending to be curious.

In fact, the Life Winner System has already warned that the three mutated holly parent trees cannot be transplanted or cultivated. This at least shows that according to the current technical level, it is indeed impossible to break through the limitations.

Eric did not hide it, he I guess An Liang already knew the answer.

"At least so far, I have not heard of any company cultivating mutant holly seeds from Shiliwan."Eric responded

"Is Amgen Pharmaceuticals interested in mutant holly?"An Liang threw out the bait.

Eric looked at An Liang in surprise.

"If you, Amgen Pharmaceutical Company, are interested, we can set up a joint research center and we can jointly study mutant holly seeds."An Liang threw out the bait again.

Eric was silent for less than three seconds before answering affirmatively,"Of course we are interested!"

"Looking forward to cooperating with you Amgen Pharmaceuticals!"An Liang replied with a smile.

Eric understood An Liang's subtext. If both parties jointly research mutant holly seeds, then Amgen Pharmaceuticals will inevitably need to establish a scientific research center at the Shiliwan Life Science Research Base.

This is equivalent to being roped in by Anxin Life Sciences Group. Pirate ship!

However, the bait thrown by An Liang was attractive enough that Eric could not refuse it. He believed that those at the headquarters could not refuse it either.

After all, the natural mutant holly in Shili Bay has very good effects and can not only strengthen men. The combat effectiveness of the drug without any side effects is an instant kill of the little blue drug. The global market of the little blue drug is too huge, and the annual profits are too high. How can Amgen Pharmaceutical Company refuse?

An Liang is this An upright conspiracy!

"If Amgen Pharmaceuticals moves into the Shiliwan Life Science Research Base, will there be any preferential treatment?"Eric asked additional questions.

Eric is Xia Guotong, and he is very aware of Xia Guotong's investment promotion situation. Even though it is not twenty years ago, there are still discounts for high-end companies, so he asked appropriately. Preferential treatment.

An Liang laughed,"Regarding this issue, I suggest you ask the Shengqing court. We can introduce you to the heads of the Shengqing Health Management Department and the Commerce and Trade Department. Eric apologized immediately,"

Sorry, sorry, I thought Mr. An knew about it." Eric added,"It would be great if Mr. An could help recommend the corresponding person in charge. Thank you again, Mr. An." An

Liang smiled and waved his hand,"We really don't know, but I believe that the Shengqing court will definitely give you a good preferential condition.""

After all, the Shengqing court also wanted to create a brand new city card for Shengqing!

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