A few days later.

On December 21, it was close to eleven o'clock in the morning, Shengqing International Airport.

An Liang drove a hunting version of the Porsche Panamera to pick them up at the airport. An Shengyu and Sun Xia returned from the Lingqu Gold Mine. Naturally, he, as a son, had to be responsible for picking them up.

At the domestic passenger arrival exit, An Liang waited for less than ten minutes before he saw An Shengyu and Sun Xia walking out arm in arm.

? ? ?

An Liang looked at An Shengyu and Sun Xia in shock.

Because the two of them were dressed very exaggeratedly at this moment!

An Shengyu, who originally looked like a Confucian businessman, now wears a series of exaggerated gold chains and a mink coat, making him look like a rich man.

The big gold chain An Shengyu wears is really exaggerated, giving people a fake feeling at first glance. After all, if it were real gold, it would probably weigh at least several kilograms?

Sun Xia's dress was also very exaggerated. She also wore a mink coat, an exaggerated gold necklace, an exaggerated gold bracelet, and large gold rings on both her left and right hands.

Seeing the exaggerated dressing up of the two of them, An Liang had an expression like"Old man on the subway with his cell phone"

"No, what are you two doing? An Liang complained.

An Shengyu replied with a smile,"How is it? Do you feel rich?"

Sun Xia agreed,"They are all local specialties. I feel really good!""

God's own local specialty!

Wait a minute....

It seems like it’s really our own souvenir!

Lingqu Gold Mine naturally produces gold. Isn’t that our own local product?

"I don’t know if you feel rich or not, but I think the people around you must be guessing that your gold necklace is fake!"An Liang complained

"Let's go quickly! An Liang urged.

An Shengyu responded while walking,"We also made a necklace for you. Your mother feels sorry for you. Your necklace is thicker than mine!""

"..."An Liang was unable to complain.

The gold necklace An Shengyu is wearing now is as thick as his thumb. If his one is thicker, what kind of stupid gold necklace is it?

An Liang took An Shengyu and Sun Xia to the underground parking lot with various looks of surprise, curiosity, and strangeness, and then quickly left the airport to go home.

Muling Mountain, sky realm.

In the living room of An Liang's home, Sun Xia took out the gold necklace prepared for An Liang. An Liang held it up and felt that it was very heavy. Wearing it around the neck can cure cervical spondylosis for ten years.

"Would you like to try it on?"Sun Xia ordered.

An Liang reluctantly put it on his neck. The heavy feeling was painful. He complained,"What happened to you two?..."

"Ha ha ha ha!"


"I've taken the photo!"

"Me too!"

Sun Xia and An Shengyu have quickly finished taking pictures, and they immediately took off their gold necklaces and quickly left the living room.

"Damn it?"An Liang is a little messy. Has he been tricked by An Shengyu and Sun Xia?

An Liang didn't take any photos of An Shengyu and Sun Xia's 'fancy clothes' just now!

As a result, after An Liang put on a thick gold chain, he was actually beaten by his parents Taking pictures for a while?

What kind of society is this with sinister people?

After a while, An Shengyu and Sun Xia returned to the living room. They had already changed into their regular clothes. Diaoer's coat had been placed somewhere long ago.

"Son, we sent the photo to your WeChat, do you want to take a look?"Sun Xia said with a smile on her face.

An Shengyu added on the side,"As expected of our son, he is really handsome!"

An Liang took out his mobile phone to check. As expected, An Shengyu and Sun Xia sent several photos.

In the photos, An Liang was wearing a large gold chain. Because the gold chain was too thick, people always doubted the authenticity of the gold chain, so It looked very funny.

An Liang was unable to complain!

"You are simply poisonous!"An Liang said helplessly.

"Don't worry, we won't send it out, but you kid will come back less often and go to school seriously. Why do you come back every now and then? Sun Xia reminded.

An Shengyu coughed,"Yes, yes, your mother is right!""

An Liang really wanted to tell Comrade Lao An to be tougher, but Comrade Lao An's status in the family has always been the lowest one, and he couldn't be tough even after thinking about it.

"By the way, why are you back this time?"An Shengyu asked

"About Ten Mile Bay."An Liang explained the things in Shiliwan in detail,"Dad, when I'm not at home, you should pay more attention to the things in Shiliwan."

"Are you looking for trouble for me again?"An Shengyu complained

"I am working hard to develop our family business!"An Liang hummed in response.

An Shengyu looked at An Liang speechlessly,"Okay, okay, stop talking about these things. I have always been paying attention to Shiliwan."

An Liang really wanted to complain. An Shengyu is paying attention to Shiliwan. Is he paying attention to Dongqingzi Oral Liquid and Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum?

"I'm curious about one thing! An Liang looked at An Shengyu,"Dad, why do you need so much Dongqingzi oral liquid?""

"Could it be..."An Liang looked suspicious.

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