The characters of Bian Xiaogang and Sun Shizhong may be reversed.

Obviously Sun Shizhong is the medical expert under Renyi Security Company, and Bian Xiaogang is the academic botany expert. However, Sun Shizhong is more ethical in his work, and Bian Xiaogang has crossed the line more than once.

"By the way, where is Professor Bian?" An Liang asked casually.

When he was eating just now, An Liang didn't see Bian Xiaogang. He thought that Bian Xiaogang was obsessed with experiments and had no intention of eating. As a result, Bian Xiaogang was not found in the laboratory now.

Sun Shizhong responded slightly embarrassed,"He Condition of Ponderosa Pine is being tested"

"test? An Liang raised his eyebrows.

Sun Shizhong explained in detail,"We use Qianqian Danshen Pills to treat Huang Song's angina. From the current look, Huang Song's angina symptoms have been greatly reduced.""

"In order to verify this situation, Professor Bian took Huang Song for a run in the security team's gym, hoping to see whether Huang Song's angina would recur under extreme fatigue." Sun Shizhong added

"..."An Liang was speechless.

Has Bian Xiaogang gone dark?

Was this kind of saucy operation that lacked virtue really thought up by humans?

"Let’s go take a look!"An Liang greeted Sun Shizhong and walked to the security team's gym.

In the security team's gym, Huang Song was running on the treadmill wearing a heart rate monitor. Bian Xiaogang stood beside him with a tablet computer to view the data. The tablet computer displayed Huang Song. Song Song's heart rate, blood pressure, and some other data.

When An Liang and Sun Shizhong came over, Bian Xiaogang didn't realize there was anything wrong with his sexy operation. Instead, he took the initiative to report the good news,"Mr. An, good news!"

"Our newly developed Danshen Pills are particularly effective against angina pectoris!"Bian Xiaogang explained

"Mr. An, can you help some patients with heart disease come here? Both congenital heart disease and acquired heart disease. One or two of each type. I suspect that Qianqian Danshen Pill is not only effective for coronary heart disease, but also for other diseases. Types of heart disease should also be effective."Bian Xiaogang guessed.

"Professor Sun, look at this data. Our Experimental Subject No. 1 has recovered very well, and his current exercise intensity has exceeded the threshold. However, he still has no signs of coronary heart disease!"Bian Xiaogang handed the tablet to Sun Shizhong.

Sun Shizhong looked embarrassed, but still took the tablet. He checked the data, especially the running time statistics. Huang Song had actually run for almost an hour, and was matched. The speed reached 5 kilometers.

Looking at the data displayed on the tablet, Sun Shizhong ignored the embarrassment and asked directly,"Old Huang, how do you feel now?"

"Apart from being very tired and thirsty, I didn't have any heart problems."Huang Song responded.

This answer is consistent with the data displayed on the tablet.

Sun Shizhong hesitated for a moment, and then responded to An Liang,"Mr. An, the effect of Millennium Salvia Pills far exceeds our expectations. According to our original expectations, Huang Song Huang Song's treatment period is at least a week away, but from the current situation, Huang Song's coronary heart disease seems to have been cured.

Sun Shizhong added,"As for the specific situation, Huang Song still needs to be sent to the hospital for a careful examination. Only after a CT scan can the final determination be made.""

"Uncle Huang, how do you feel? An Liang asked in person.

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Huang Song responded proactively,"Mr. An, I voluntarily tried the medicine. Neither Professor Bian nor Professor Sun threatened me. I think this medicine is really useful." An

Liang nodded slightly, then looked at Bian Xiaogang and Sun Shizhong,"Are you sure that the Millennium Salvia Pill has no side effects?"

Bian Xiaogang replied affirmatively,"Of course!" Sun

Shizhong also replied,"We have inspected the situation of Qianqian Danshen Pills. According to our inspection, no harmful ingredients have been found in Qian Qian Danshen Pills, so we can basically confirm that there are no known side effects in Qian Qian Danshen Pills.""

"In this case, let me help you contact our Shengqing First Hospital to see if there are any heart disease patients who need help."An Liang explained

"Thank you, Mr. An!"Bian Xiaogang said slightly excitedly,"If we verify the effect of Millennium Salvia Pills, we can sell Millennium Salvia Pills to the outside world. An Liang asked casually,"

Professor Bian, do you think the price of Millennium Salvia Pills is appropriate?" Bian

Xiaogang did not directly answer this question. He introduced Huangsong's treatment to An Liang,"Currently, Experimental Subject No. 1 has taken a total of 8 Qianqian Danshen Pills, one in the morning, one in the evening, and one in the evening.""

"According to our records, after subject No. 1 took three Millennium Salvia Pills on the first day, his physical condition improved; after taking the Millennium Salvia Pills on the second day, Subject No. 1 was able to withstand treadmill fatigue. test."Bian Xiaogang added

"According to the analysis of the test records, six Millennium Danshen Pills should be effective. If we are more conservative, we can set 9 Millennium Danshen Pills as a complete conservative treatment course."Bian Xiaogang explained

"I have calculated that the material cost of Millennium Danshen Pills is close to 42,000 per pill. If we add in the research and development costs and the monopoly of Millennium Danshen Pills in the field of heart disease, and they are aimed at ultra-high-end consumers, I think we can bundle sales. Nine Millennium Salvia Pills are bundled for a complete conservative course of treatment, and the price is set at 3 million per serving!"Bian Xiaogang explained the situation.

"..."Sun Shizhong looked at Bian Xiaogang speechlessly.

Is this price a bit outrageous?

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