Zhao Zhuangkang's results were indeed impressive, ranking third from the bottom among the eight people in the first group. He almost missed the top ten results.

In fact it is so!

The first place in the competition was won by Hu Xiaoyu's grandfather Hu Bowen. His final time was 5 minutes, 08 seconds and 19 seconds. It must be said that Hu Bowen is very talented in driving flying motorcycles!

The second place turned out to be Qian Xiaogang's grandfather Qian Dayou. He set a time of 5 minutes, 13 seconds and 25 seconds, losing to Hu Bowen at a slight disadvantage.

Practice makes perfect for Qian Dayou, because Qian Xiaogang had brought Qian Dayou here before, and Qian Dayou himself liked flying there, so Qian Dayou took advantage.

The third place was actually Li Qian's grandfather Li Da. His results were not bad either, and he also entered the five-minute range. The final time was 5 minutes, 57 seconds and 11 seconds.

Yun Haiyang's grandfather Yun Jing'an did not enter the top ten, but Yun Haiyang was very happy because both Hu Xiaoyu and Li Qian's grandfather achieved good results. Did he get through again today?

After the final ranking of the senior group flying motorcycle lap competition was determined, Zhao Zhuangkang came to An Liang. He said with an unconvinced look,"Hu Bowen and Qian Dayu are shameless to those two old guys. They came here in advance, especially Qian Dayou, I asked Zhao De to check the records. This old guy Qian Dayou has been here more than ten times!"

An Liang suppressed a smile. This was when he met the old coin without talking about martial arts, and ended up losing without talking about martial arts. Have you started talking about martial ethics?

"Xiao An, can you still organize this flying motorcycle lap race in the future?"Zhao Zhuangkang asked

"The old man wants revenge? An Liang asked back.

Zhao Zhuangkang responded affirmatively,"Of course!" Qian Dayou, that old guy is too arrogant, I want to win him back!"

"No problem, we will hold it again next month, and the old man can come and practice with peace of mind."An Liang said in agreement.

"Then don't tell others, I practice secretly."Zhao Zhuangkang is a bit naughty as an old child.

An Liang still agreed,"Okay, I won't say anything."

But An Liang doesn't think that other old men can't guess the answer.

After all, if Zhao Zhuangkang often comes to Jinggang International Circuit to practice flying motorcycles, how can other old men not be suspicious?

These old men have all held high positions in the past, and each one of them has matured, so what? Maybe you can’t guess the answer?

At nearly ten o’clock in the evening, An Liang sent Zhao Wanxi and Zhao Zhuangkang back to the courtyard first, and then returned to Yunjing International Apartment.

Chen Siyu was still practicing playing the piano. Looking at the diligent Chen Siyu, An Liang felt silently in his heart Sighing, this big cat in the imperial capital worked really hard, but it also paid off. Her piano level has indeed improved a lot.

Ning Ruoshuang was practicing yoga, and An Liang's eyes lit up,"Shuangshuang, why are you running today?"

Ning Ruoshuang's face turned red, and she rolled her eyes at An Liang.

Chen Siyu stopped playing, and she fanned the flames and said,"Master An, I suggest that Shuang Shuang make up for her previous absence."

"good idea!" An Liang agreed with a smile.

Ning Ruoshuang refused repeatedly,"No, I..."

"Opposition is invalid, we, the minority, obey the majority!"Chen Siyu looked at Ning Ruoshuang with a wicked smile.

"Siyu, we must unite to fight against Master An!"Ning Ruoshuang warned.

An Liang looked at the two of them with a half-smile,"I also think you should unite to deal with me. After all, whether it's Siyu or Shuangshuang, you are all rookies!"

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang had long been infected by An Liang and became veteran drivers. How could they not understand what An Liang meant? The two of them rolled their eyes at An Liang in tacit understanding.

"I'll go do the laundry first."Ning Ruoshuang found an excuse to run away.

An Liang didn't stop the Bingshan girl. After Ning Ruoshuang left, An Liang looked at Chen Siyu,"If one runs away, can the other one run away? Chen

Siyu rolled her eyes at An Liang again and asked casually,"Master An, aren't you going back recently?""

"Um?"An Liang looked at Chen Siyu doubtfully.

"Teacher Sun was asking about this, and she said that you always influence me when you are here."Chen Siyu answered honestly.

An Liang asked teasingly,"Then do I affect you?"

"What do you think?"Chen Siyu snorted.

"That means no! An Liang smirked, walked to Chen Siyu and sat down,"Want a song?""

"Your level is a bit low!"Chen Siyu pretended to be disgusted

"OK! How dare you despise me!" An Liang directly picked up Chen Siyu and walked to the master bedroom.

Almost an hour later, Chen Siyu lay on An Liang's chest. She said,"Shuangshuang is currently fighting for the opportunity to perform on the national stage on New Year's Day, but this time The competitors are very powerful, I think..."

This big cat in the imperial capital hesitates to speak.

"You want me to help Shuangshuang?"An Liang asked back.

Chen Siyu hesitated,"I don't know. One of Shuangshuang's opponents is Ye Wanqing. She is Shuangshuang's senior and has graduated for two years. After graduation, she has appeared on the national stage three times, including a Spring Festival Gala, a National Celebration Gala, and a Mid-Autumn Festival Presentation party"

"Surname Ye...Is she better on her own or is her family better?"An Liang asked.

Is this Ye Wanqing from the Ye family?


Author: Sorry, I'm a few minutes late. You understand.

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