It's nearly four o'clock in the afternoon.

In the study room of the small courtyard, Zhao Wanxi is dealing with work related to Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Dream Future Energy Group, while An Liang is checking the financial report forecast information sent by Anxin Investment Company and Anxin Bank.

Anxin Bank sent good news. The opening event of Anxin Bank in Neon Winter Kyoto was a great success. The wealth management product [Anxin Financial] totaling 1 billion Xia Guoyuan was snapped up by Neon people.

When have Neon people seen financial products with annual interest rates as high as 4%?

Therefore, even though the minimum purchase limit was as high as 200,000 Xia Guoyuan, and the total scale reached 1 billion Xia Guoyuan, the financial management project was still quickly snapped up by the people of Kyoto in winter.

According to CEO Bao Youzhong, the neon people queuing up in Beijing to buy [Financial Security] in winter are exactly the same as the queuing up in Xia Guo to get eggs.

Faced with the enthusiasm of the Neon people, Bao Youzhong issued an application during the report, hoping to continue selling financial products in the Neon Winter Kyoto area and reduce the annual interest rate.

According to Bao Youzhong's analysis, even if the annual interest rate is reduced to 2%, Neon people will still rush to buy in various ways.

An Liang rejected Bao Youzhong's proposal. An Liang let Anxin Bank enter Neon not to make more money, but to make it easier to mobilize funds in Neon.

Because the former chief minister of Neon was under the control of the thousand-year-old Astragalus, Anliang had more ideas about Neon, such as using the former chief minister of Neon to build an interest group in Neon, and then using the interest group to further control the Neon court. Thus forming a shadow court.

Even if a shadow court cannot be formed in Neon, as long as one controls a part of Neon's power, it is still a huge force.

Neon is not a weak country!

Although the vast majority of Xia people are always full of contempt and hostility when they mention Neon, it is undeniable that Neon is not a weak country.

Neon's economic strength far exceeds that of Europa's traditional powers.

For example, Germany, Great Britain, and the Kingdom of Gaul are far inferior to the Neon Kingdom in terms of economic strength.

The second is the land area. Although Neon's land area is very small compared to Xia Kingdom, Neon's land area actually exceeds that of most traditional European powers.

As for the strength of scientific research...

Even though Neon is under the control of the Bald Eagle Kingdom, Neon's scientific research power is still very powerful.

If Anliang has the opportunity to control a certain degree of power in Neon, Anliang is also prepared to provoke a conflict between Neon and the Bald Eagle Country, and let Neon involve the Bald Eagle. It would be best to have a lose-lose situation!

These plans are Anliang's long-term goals. If you want to realize these plans, you will definitely need the support of money. In order to better mobilize funds in Neon, you will naturally need the support of banks.

After all, there are endless cases of commercial banks selling customer information. For example, Huifeng Bank on Hongkang Island sold out Hua Petal Company, which put Hua Petal Company under great pressure from the Bald Eagle Country.

What An Liang planned to do in Neon, if he mobilized funds through other banks, he might be betrayed by other banks, right?

Therefore, Anliang needs Anxin Bank to take root in Neon to provide Anliang with a safe funding channel.

An Liang carefully read the financial reports of Anxin Investment Company and Anxin Bank. Their development is very stable, just like the arrangement of the winner system of life. The return on investment of Anxin Investment Company this year reached 20%. The investment of Anxin Bank The rate of return reached 15%.

Such a return on investment, if announced, would definitely shock the capital circle!

Both Anxin Investment Company and Anxin Bank have a very large amount of capital. It is actually very difficult to achieve this level of profit with such a huge amount of capital.

After all, when a huge amount of money is invested, more needs are to be stable and avoid taking risks, rather than to gain greater benefits.

"Wanxi, congratulations! After reading the financial report, An Liang took the initiative to greet Zhao Wanxi.

Zhao Wanxi looked over in confusion,"Congratulations for what?""

"you guess?"An Liang's answer was deliberately testing.

Zhao Wanxi thought for a moment, but still shook her head,"Give me a hint?"

"I just read the information sent by Anxin Investment Company and Anxin Bank."An Liang responded.

Zhao Wanxi guessed the answer instantly,"I remember that the fiscal year of your family's Anxin Investment and Anxin Bank is the same as the natural year. It is the end of the year now, and the expectations for various financial reports have come out, right?"

"How much money did our family make from its investment?"Zhao Wanxi's additional inquiry

"Anxin Investment’s annual income is expected to exceed 8%, and Anxin Bank’s annual income is expected to exceed 5%."An Liang only said the lowest limit.

This rate of return, let alone large amounts of funds, is also a popular interest rate for small investments.

Now the bank's monetary fund interest rate has dropped to 3%, which is medium. The annual interest rate of risky investment projects may not reach 5%, let alone stable investment income?

"Your family invested 10 billion in Anxin Investment and 12 billion in Anxin Bank, but the investment time was relatively short, and not much benefit has been obtained yet."An Liang added

"Our family will still put funds in your company this year. Will you agree?"Zhao Wanxi asked a little coquettishly.

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