In the face of HRM’s inquiries, GRM immediately responded

"It will take a while for you to continue to attract the attention of the Cybersecurity Department, and by the way, use other organizations to attract the firepower of the Cybersecurity Department. GRM made a suggestion.

HRM responded directly in the negative,"My whereabouts were discovered by the Cybersecurity Department. After the other party discovered us, it was impossible to pay attention to other organizations."

HRM added,"I will expose the dragon-slaying warriors at the appropriate time and ask them to help block the gun." GRM reminded,"

Be careful that the other party thinks the same way.""

"It must be! HRM answered affirmatively,"I guess the dragon-slaying warriors also got the information, so you should pay attention to safety over there.""

"clear. GRM responded,"I will inform others to pay attention to safety.""


On the other side, in a mysterious place in Europa, just as the members of the Desperate Hell Organization guessed, the members of the Dragon Slaying Warriors were exchanging similar plots.

The Dragon Slaying Warriors organization also guessed the intentions of the Hell of Despair organization, and planned to pit the Hell of Despair organization and the Department of Cyber ​​Security against each other, so as to benefit from it.

While leading the team to continuously attack Neon's credit card settlement system, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan was paying attention to the two criminal hacker organizations of Despair Hell and Dragon Slaying Warriors.

Although from a general perspective, the two organizations definitely have a conspiracy against Neon and are enemies of enemies, they are definitely not friends.

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan has been guarding against these two criminal hacker organizations, because No. 4 Tianji Shensuan is also worried that the two of them will do something extraordinary, and then let No. 4 Tianji Shensuan take the blame.

Cooperation between hacker groups, even if there are potential restrictions on the credibility of the dark network, is also full of wariness between each other.

For example, the fact that Seven Sins and Brave Men like to paddle is actually an open secret on the dark web. After all, they are bounty-type hacker organizations. How can we expect such hacker organizations to work hard?

Bounty hacker organizations can only fight with tailwinds. Once headwinds occur, bounty hacker organizations may disconnect.

Interest-based hacker organizations are slightly more tenacious, such as the 9000 Legend organization. If they encounter a favorable situation, they will definitely fight until dawn.

If faced with headwinds, 9000Legend will not surrender easily. Unless it really loses and there is no possibility of a comeback, the 9000Legend organization may disconnect.

As for the credibility of criminal hacker organizations in the dark web, even if they do some dishonest things, they seem to be within the acceptance range of others?

After all, they are all criminal hacker organizations. How do you expect such organizations to have a bottom line?

It’s close to five o’clock in the morning in Neon local time.

At this point in time, most ordinary people are sleeping, but on the Internet, the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau and several hacker groups are fighting life and death.

The Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau's Cybersecurity Department almost failed to withstand the investment in private supercomputers, because they obviously did not expect that both the Hell of Despair and the Dragon-Slaying Warriors would actually prepare supercomputers.

This situation has attracted the attention of the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau!

After all, the use of supercomputers in hacking operations definitely involves a huge cost. Since huge costs have been invested, it must have its own purpose.

Cyber ​​Security Department, First Technical Course.

Tenye Naruhito received a call from Yokotani Military Village, the Cyber ​​Security Director of Fuji Bank. He thought about it for two seconds before choosing to answer the call.

"Minister Yokotani, do you have any new clues?"Tianye Mingren said straight to the point.

Yokoya Military Village responded negatively,"Not yet, we are still tracking the whereabouts of the other party."

"Section Chief Tianye, it is almost five o'clock now, we need to restore the order of the intermediate transaction settlement system as soon as possible, otherwise our losses will be very heavy!"Henggu Military Village explains the situation.

"Do you have any suggestions?"Tianye Mingren asked back

"We cooperate with each other!"The Yokotani Military Village explained,"The forces of both of us are now dispersed. We are resisting each other's invasion and trying to reverse the tracking, and so are you. Therefore, we divide the work and cooperate. We concentrate on fighting the invasion, and you concentrate on the reverse tracking. ,how?"

Tianye Mingren thought quickly and agreed,"No problem!"

Under the current situation, they really need to divide their labor and cooperate.

After the network security departments of major banks in Neon began to cooperate with the network security department of Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, very good results were quickly produced. The networks of major banks in Neon The security department has resisted the intrusion and is trying to seal the system vulnerabilities. The

Cyber ​​Security Department of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau has also concentrated its efforts to start reverse tracking of the intrusion traces related to the Despair Hell and the Dragon-Slaying Warriors.

Faced with this situation, whether it is No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, the Despair Hell Organization, and the Dragon-Slaying Warriors are all on high alert.

Because Neon has found a way to deal with it, they must find a way to break the situation.

The next moment, in the Internet world, the Dragon-Slaying Warriors Throwing out the intrusion clues of the Despair Hell organization, Despair Hell also performed almost the same operation, throwing out the relevant intrusion clues of the Dragon Slaying Warriors.

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan watched the two criminal hacker organizations targeting each other, and he There is no feeling of relief, because although this blame was not thrown to the Dead Soul Clan, it also means that the two hacker organizations must think that the other is a competitor.

‘These two hacker groups have the same purpose! 'The No. 4 Tianji divine calculator judged the answer immediately.

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