Kongshan Tea House.

Faced with An Liang’s straightforward inquiry, Yuan Haowen also answered straightforwardly,"I have three requests."

"you say."An Liang responded calmly.

"First, I need your help to expose the academic scandal of Professor Jin He from our school. This deceitful guy embezzled my friend’s R&D results, spread rumors and slandered my friend for academic fraud, which ultimately led to my friend committing suicide at home due to depression.."Yuan Haowen stated the first condition.

An Liang nodded slightly,"We will investigate. If the matter is true, we will help you solve this problem."

"It must be true! Yuan Haowen said firmly,"That bastard has a very bad reputation. You can find the problem with a little investigation in our school.""

"In fact, this time I chose to sell my scientific research results because that bastard was targeting me. If I didn't sell it myself, he would definitely cause trouble for me."Yuan Haowen explained the reason

"What about other conditions?"An Liang asked

"You should have investigated my information. I am from Zhuma City, Beihe Province. I hope to stay in the Imperial Capital, so I hope you will provide me with my household registration in the Imperial Capital and a technology transfer fee of 20 million Xia Guoyuan."Yuan Haowen made a second request

"The house I'm interested in costs 18 million, and I still need to decorate it, so I want 20 million Xia Guoyuan in technology transfer fees. Yuan Haowen added.

An Liang nodded slightly,"Okay!""

"The third condition is that I want to work for you. I have been exploring the field of soybean research and development for many years. The current high-quality Beihuang soybeans are not the end. I hope to continue doing research in the field of soybeans."Yuan Haowen said the third condition.

But this condition...

It should be considered a condition, right?

"No problem at all! An Liang smiled and agreed,"Even if you don't have this condition, we will make this request and hope that you will continue to conduct research in the soybean field for us."

An Liang added,"This condition is invalid. You can make another condition.""

Yuan Haowen shook his head,"I have no other conditions, I just hope that bastard gets the punishment he deserves!"

Facing Yuan Haowen's non-greedy choice, An's conscience was full of good feelings.

"We'll help investigate right away. An Liang said in agreement,"However, we also have to give you a task." Yuan

Haowen cleverly guessed the answer,"You want me to cultivate more high-quality Northern Wilderness soybean seeds, right?""

"Yes. An Liang smiled and nodded,"You must have heard about our plan, right?""

"There are some rumors that you are planning to rent land overseas to establish a planting base. The specific situation is not clear."Yuan Haowen responded.

An Liang didn't mean to explain more,"You try to cultivate more high-quality Beihuang soybean seeds. We will need a lot of seeds later."

"Brother Yuan, I’ll leave this matter to you." An Liang looked at Li Cunyuan.

Li Cunyuan agreed,"No problem, we can purchase a large planting base in Beihe Province to cultivate corresponding seeds. An Liang nodded,"


Having said this, An Liang looked at Qin Tianxiang,"Send Mr. Yuan back to school first, and investigate the situation of Professor Jin He. If it is indeed what Mr. Yuan said, then inform Lao Huang to solve the problem."

"receive."Qin Tianxiang said in response.

Yuan Haowen didn't ask any more questions. He left directly with Qin Tianxiang.

After Yuan Haowen left, An Liang looked at Li Cunyuan and said casually,"Brother Yuan, this technology is in your name. how?

Li Cunyuan waved his hand directly,"No!" Brother Liang, don’t hurt me!"

Li Cunyuan continued,"If this technology that breaks the monopoly of the four major grain merchants is placed in my name, it will simply bring hatred to me. Besides, this technology is equivalent to becoming a seed supplier for everyone. I am timid and I am more afraid of something happening."

"How do you think it should be handled?"An Liang asked

"Of course, leave it to the group! Just like the graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology, we put this high-quality soybean technology into the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, thus becoming the common property of all of us."Li Cunyuan explained.

An Liang was secretly satisfied, and Li Cunyuan also learned to share!

If Li Cunyuan wants to monopolize this technology, even if An Liang has no objection, others will definitely find trouble for him.

Because this technology involves too much Benefit, you can even become the upstream supplier of all overseas agricultural planting bases. In order to avoid such a situation, others will definitely target Li Cunyuan.

Fortunately, Li Cunyuan is also a smart person!

"Then follow Brother Yuan’s advice and put this technology into the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. An Liang said in agreement.

Li Cunyuan immediately asked additionally,"Brother Liang, I have made a contribution to the club. Can you give me some contribution points?""


An Liang looked at Li Cunyuan speechlessly.

Li Cunyuan said distressedly,"The more contributions the better, of course. Besides, I am often beaten by autumn wind, and there is nothing I can do about it!"

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