Faced with such a sensible Avora, An An was secretly satisfied.

But on the surface, Anliang still made his attitude clear,"We are cooperating with each other!"

Although in essence it is exactly what Avrola said, it is still a cooperative relationship on the surface.

"Do you have any ideas about the location selection of overseas agricultural planting bases? An Liang asked in turn.

Avrola thought about it for a moment, but still did not give a specific answer,"As for the location issue, I need to contact my father before I can answer this question.""

"Contact now?"An Liang signaled

"OK Avora did not hesitate. She immediately used a confidential and secure communication solution to contact her father Vasilevich Nekov Kobel.

Although there was a time difference between the Xia Kingdom and the North Bear Kingdom, Vasilevich was still fast. Answered the call

"What's up? Vasilevich asked.

Avlora quickly explained in Russian about overseas agricultural planting bases and graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology.

"Dad, with graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology, the profits of agricultural planting bases will be very high! Avlola added.

Vasilevich is the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Northern Bear Country. Of course, he knows very well what kind of profits Avlola can bring.

"Please wait a moment, I will contact the Emperor immediately."Vasilevich did not decide on his own.

In less than five minutes, Vasilevich responded to Avlora with the chosen answer.

"Avora, tell Mr. An that we will use Fengdan as the base camp of our overseas agricultural planting base!"Vasilevich explained.

Avora had no surprise.

In fact, this answer was also her choice.

"OK, Dad."Aflora responded and then hung up the phone.

An Liang saw Aflorala hanging up the phone, and he took the initiative to ask,"Where did you choose? Zhao

Wanxi answered on the side,"If I guessed correctly, you should have chosen Su Dan.""

Aphrola asked back,"Why such a guess?"

"On the 11th of this month, you and Sudan formally finalized the cooperation agreement four years ago. Sudan will allow your country, the Northern Bear Country, to establish a naval logistics center in Sudan. You can even send nuclear-powered ships to Sudan."Zhao Wanxi explained the reason.

"Under this agreement, your nuclear-powered submarines and nuclear-powered destroyers can enter Sudan's waters unimpeded, thereby providing the most powerful protection for your interests in Sudan." Zhao Wanxi added

"In addition to the force conditions, Sudan's local environment is also a very important reason."Zhao Wanxi continued to analyze

"Sudan has a serious shortage of fresh water resources. Eighty-three percent of the country's land has become desertified, and water resources are seriously polluted. The per capita annual income of local residents is less than one thousand U.S. dollars, but prices are extremely exaggerated."Zhao Wanxi sighed a little.

Prices in Sudan are indeed very outrageous!

For example, the price of sugar is as high as 60 Xia Guoyuan per pound.

In a country where the per capita annual income is less than 6,000 Xia Guoyuan, the price of one pound of sugar is as high as 60 Xia Guoyuan. This is simply outrageous. Arrive home

"Sudan has a land area of ​​more than 1.8 million square kilometers and a population of more than 44 million. It seriously lacks fresh water resources and the income of local residents is seriously insufficient. You also have a naval logistics center in Sudan. Under various circumstances, you will inevitably choose Sudan." Zhao Wanxi made a comprehensive analysis and came to a conclusion.

An Liang said jokingly,"It seems that Sudan is your little brother. Whatever you ask Sudan to do, Sudan will do. You want to establish agriculture in Sudan Planting a base is simply relaxing and enjoyable!"

Aflora did not refute, she nodded slightly,"Yes, we chose Sudan."

Zhao Wanxi smiled calmly.

An Liang gave Zhao Wanxi a thumbs up.

"Mr. An, we need the entire Sudan region as the base camp for overseas agricultural planting bases."Aphroela relayed what her father meant.

"No problem at all."An Liang nodded in agreement.

"According to Sudan's situation, you have completely controlled the situation, and Sudan must be yours."An Liang sighed.

Afrola pressed for details,"Mr. An, I have another question. Regarding Sudan's agricultural planting base, can we decide the scale ourselves?"

"sure!"An Liang answered affirmatively.

"As long as you can ensure safety and solve the early problems, you can go as big as you want. An Liang added,"We have signed a contract with you for at least thirty years of graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technical support.""

Aphrola breathed a sigh of relief. As long as we sign a thirty-year contract, it will be no problem!

An Liang added,"If your planting base area is very large, we will not fully guide your planting. Plan, we will only provide part of the planting plan, for example, let you plant soybeans, corn, rice, etc."

"In addition, in terms of purchase price, we will follow the market trend and will not ask you to sell at a low price just because we provide you with key technical support."An Liang put forward another preferential condition.

To make the other party obedient, of course it has to be beneficial to the other party.

Otherwise, who would be willing to obey?

Even if you are forced to obey due to certain factors, you will be unwilling to accept it, and in the end the gain will outweigh the loss!

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