The Tyrande Power Management Bureau is a key point that cannot be bypassed no matter what!

Faced with An Liang's question, Song Ren explained,"You should now have a rough idea of ​​the structure and situation of Tyrande's power energy market. With fourth-generation nuclear power technology, you dream that the future energy group will dominate the upstream power generation field."

"The Tyrande Electricity Authority is the only agency in the midstream transmission sector responsible for delivering electricity to every corner of Tyrande and there is certainly no way we can skip it. Song Ren added.

The Tyrande power energy market is completely different from the Spanish power energy market. It is impossible for the Tyrande court to agree to the Dream Future Energy Group to build an independent transmission network like the Spanish court.

"Since we can't skip it, let's join it. We will still solve the problem people and integrate the Tyrande Power Administration into our interest group!"Song Ren proposed a solution.

An Liang raised his eyebrows,"You mean we cooperate with the Tyrande court?"

"No, no, no, we are not cooperating with the Tyrande court, we are cooperating with the Tyrande Electric Power Administration. We will cooperate with whoever controls the Tyrande Electricity Administration. Song Ren explained.

An Liang was silent for a moment before asking,"Is this kind of cooperation safe?""

"According to the power we both control in Tyrande, it is almost 100% safe. Our choice to cooperate with Tyrande Power Administration is to abide by the rules of the game. If the other party does not abide by the rules of the game, I can ensure that the other party abides by the rules."Song Ren said coldly.

Song Ren and An Liang jointly control almost all of Tyrande's gray power.

What if some people in Tyrande don't abide by the rules of the game?


That's great!

For those who don't abide by the rules of the game, Song Ren has rich experience in handling matters, so Song Ren is not worried about someone not following the rules of the game at all, but is looking forward to someone not following the rules of the game.

"Brother, when you have established cooperation in the power and energy market in Spain, I have already laid out the layout for Tyrande, whether it is the Electricity Management Bureau, the Guman Electricity Bureau, or the Provincial Electricity Bureau. We have solved all the problems."Song Ren said confidently

"Although Tyrande cannot give you all kinds of extremely outrageous conditions like the Western Hemisphere, under our operation, the conditions given by Tyrande are actually no different from the Western Hemisphere." Song Ren added

"Especially in the area of ​​power transmission and sales, we can directly use Tyrande's existing system, thereby saving initial investment funds and speeding up the progress of commercial operations. Song Ren added.

An Liang asked,"How much profit do we need to take out?""

An Liang knew very well that these convenient conditions must have requirements, and it was nothing more than the amount of profit distributed.

Facing An Liang's inquiry, Song Ren did not hide it, and responded directly,"The Tyrande Electric Power Management Bureau needs 5 % profit, the Kobang Electricity Bureau needs 3% profit, and the Provincial Electricity Bureau needs 4% profit.

Song Ren added,"All three companies requested to send financial supervisors to protect their interests.""

"In addition, 2% of profits are also needed to solve some related problems. Song Ren added,"Including relevant personnel from the Tyrande court and the military.""

An Liangliang did some calculations. According to Song Ren's explanation, he only needs to pay 14% of the profit to enter the Tyrande power energy market, and can use the existing resources of the Tyrande power energy market. This is a cost-effective Very high choice.

Although the scale of Tyrande's electric energy market is slightly smaller than that of the Spanish Hemisphere's electric energy market, taking 2019 as an example, Tyrande consumed more than 180 billion kilowatt hours of electricity throughout the year, and the Spanish Hemisphere's electric energy market It consumed more than 220 billion kilowatt-hours.

But this does not mean that Tyrande’s electricity energy market is really inferior to the Spanish electricity energy market.

Tyrande’s electricity consumption is in short supply because the total power generation cannot To meet the total consumption, Tyrande’s total consumption is only more than 180 billion kilowatt hours.

If the power generation can be more, Tyrande’s total electricity energy consumption will also increase.

After all, Tyrande’s population More, the future development index will be higher, and it is destined to be a large energy consumer.

Therefore, the potential of Tyrande's power energy market is very good

"Brother Song Ren, how much share are you going to ask for?"An Liang asked.

Song Ren was involved in promoting the Dream Future Energy Group to enter the Tyrande power energy market. It is certainly impossible to simply help. Even if he has extremely high loyalty to An Liang, it does not mean that Song Ren is a thoughtless puppet

"I have no ambition, I can accept whatever you are willing to give me. Song Ren responded with a smile.

An Liang scolded with a smile,"You are leaving the most difficult problem to me!""

"Then I want 1% profit! Song Ren made the request directly,"Although I am a little greedy, in the Tyrande power energy market, I can provide subsequent security guarantees and cooperation foundations, so I want 1% of the share.""

Only 1% of the share?

"1% share is too little! An Liang responded directly, and then took the initiative to raise the price,"I can give my brother a 6% share!""

"I reject!"Song Ren refused without hesitation.

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