The Dream Future Energy Group, which was at the tip of the iceberg empire, surfaced and showed its true strength. The outside world suddenly discovered that the Dream Future Energy Group, which had always been unknown, was actually so powerful?

It was close to eight o'clock in the evening local time in Spain, and the Spanish Internet was still busy discussing Dream Future Energy Group's entry into the Spanish power energy market.

An Liang received the information sent by Huang Guoxiang through the National Security Investigation Bureau's confidential communication software

‘Huang Guoxiang: You actually succeeded!’

‘An Liang: Nonsense?’

‘An Liang: According to the current situation in the Western Hemisphere, shouldn’t I be able to succeed?’

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, if you have something to say, don’t talk nonsense!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I just remind you that after you come back, we will discuss the matter of Arlia’

‘An Liang:...’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I am worried that you have forgotten!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Remember to take us to the car this time’

‘An Liang: Remember! remember!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I will remind you again when you return to Xia Kingdom. '

The two parties had just finished communicating. An Liang received an anonymous call. Judging from the caller's number, it was Tyrande. An Liang answered the call casually.

"Good evening, brother."Song Ren's voice came over

"Hello, brother Song Ren! An Liang greeted with a smile,"It must be early morning over there with Tyrande, right?""

"Yes. Song Ren responded, and then added,"I have good news here!""

"What good news?"An Liang asked cooperatively.

"I read in the news that you are planning to monopolize the Spanish power energy market, right?"Song Ren asked back.

An Liang answered without concealment,"Yes, we plan to use Dream Future Energy Group to completely monopolize the Spanish power energy market. Starting from the most upstream power generation to selling electricity to end users, we will complete the integration. monopoly."

In fact, Anliang is even planning to bring the convenience of paying electricity bills via mobile phone to the people in Spain!

Anliang continued to add,"We have fourth-generation nuclear power technology. With this technology, our comprehensive power generation cost is far lower than traditional power generation solutions. , once our project is fully launched, we can suppress our competitors through price wars in the Spanish power energy market.

Song Ren sighed,"Awesome!""

"How profitable is this project?"Song Ren asked additional questions.

An Liang still had no intention of hiding anything, because the interpersonal relationship scanning system confirmed Song Ren's loyalty, so there was no need to worry about Song Ren's problems.

"Because the investment in infrastructure construction is too large, it is basically impossible to make a profit in the early stage. However, according to our estimates, once the project is completed and put into commercial operation, it will only take us three years to recover all the investment, and the future profits will be very considerable!"An Liang explained the situation.

"Brothers, let’s join forces to replicate a cooperation in the Spanish power energy market! Song Ren suggested.

An Liang said clearly,"Brother, what do you mean, we have a monopoly on the power energy market in Tyrande?""

"Yes."Song Ren answered affirmatively.

An Liang frowned slightly. He patiently explained the situation to Song Ren,"Actually, things in the Spanish power energy market are not as simple as they appear. We dream that in the future the energy group can monopolize the Spanish power energy market. , it is more that the Spanish power energy market itself has problems."

"The Spanish power energy market is currently monopolized. The Spanish court has no control over the Spanish power energy market, nor does it have the power to price electricity. The Spanish court introduced our Dream Future Energy Group to allow us to Create competition with the current monopoly giants to break the monopoly."How could a smart man like An Liang fail to understand the little calculations of the Western Hemisphere court?

An Liang continued to add,"The situation in Tyrande is different. Tyrande has established a Tyrande power grid similar to the Xiaguo power grid. Although Tyrande has private power generation companies and the power generation capacity is very large, Tyrande's power generation companies do not have the support of a transmission network and can only sell electricity to the Tyrande power grid."

The situation in Xia Guo's power energy market is somewhat similar, but almost all power generation companies in Xia Guo are owned by the state, and the scale of private power generation companies is very small.

"The Tyrande power and energy market is firmly controlled by the Tyrande court, and we basically have no chance."An Liang sighed.

According to the mechanism of the Tyrande power energy market, even if the comprehensive power generation cost of the fourth-generation nuclear power plant is very low, because the power can only be sold to the Tyrande Grid, and the Tyrande Grid has the pricing power, That's not fun at all.

After all, under such a mechanism, it's not up to anyone's discretion?

Faced with An Liang's words, Song Ren laughed,"You're only half right!""

"oh?"An Liang was confused.

Although An Liang was not a senior practitioner in the field of electric power and energy, the Dream Future Energy Group had previously planned to build a fourth-generation nuclear power plant in Tailande, and had specially investigated the situation of Tailande's power energy market, so An Liang had no doubts about Tailande. A little impression of the German power energy market

"The Tyrande power energy market was divided into three parts by the Tyrande court, including the upstream power generation companies, the intermediate power transmission business, and the downstream power distribution and sales."Song Ren first introduced the details of Tyrande's power energy market.

An Liang nodded slightly. He knew these things, but he waited patiently for Song Ren to continue explaining.

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