In the cooperation of the Spanish power energy market, both the Spanish court and the Dream Future Energy Group have their own small calculations.

The Spanish court hopes that Dream Future Energy Group and MIBEL will fight with OMIE. It would be best for both parties to fight each other for a price war.

As we all know, when competitors start a price war, they will inevitably pull their peers into a vicious circle of price wars.

Although this routine is very old, it works!

In the past, online ride-hailing platforms and food delivery platforms in the Internet field all used price wars, and they also relied on price wars to eliminate most of their competitors.

Large supermarkets in the real world also like to use this trick!

Take Kairuifu, which was once a hit in the Xiaguo market, as an example. Kairuifu likes to use this trick. After defeating all surrounding competitors with lower prices, it then raises prices again to recover losses.

The Spanish court hopes that the two monopoly giants in the electric energy market will start a price war.

The price war between monopoly giants and monopoly giants is so exciting!

In particular, it is absolutely impossible for a monopoly giant like Dream Future Energy Group, which has invested heavily in assets to build its own nuclear power plants, self-built storage power stations, and self-built nationwide transmission networks, to divest easily.

The same is true for MIBEL and OMIE. They have now become the absolute monopoly in the Spanish power energy market. They are enjoying the continuous profits provided by monopolizing the Spanish power energy market. How can they give up easily?

How can those with vested interests give up their interests so easily?

However, the Dream Future Energy Group is coming aggressively and even directly stated that it will engage in a price war and reduce the price of electricity and energy supply by more than 20%. This is an open challenge.

Therefore, the Spanish court agreed to various conditions of Dream Future Energy Group and waited for Dream Future Energy Group to engage in a price war with MIBEL and OMIE.

The Western Banyan Court has its own small calculations, so the Western Banyan Court has no intention of responding positively on the Internet, but the Western Banyan Court also has a trumpet.

The Spanish court directly uses a trumpet to send messages on Face



@Anonymous-Q: I suspect you are a supporter of MIBEL and OMIE!

Why don't you say that MIBEL and OMIE have now completed their monopoly on the Spanish power energy market?

Why don't you say that in the power energy market jointly controlled by MIBEL and OMIE, the Spanish court does not have any pricing power?

In addition, even the European Union Parliament does not have pricing power for the electricity energy market in Spain and Pudong!

Let’s spread the science again. The biggest role of introducing Dream Future Energy Group into the Spanish power energy market is to generate competition!

We can indeed see from the public information that Dream Future Energy Group is preparing to monopolize the Spanish power energy market, but now the Spanish power energy market is monopolized by MIBEL and OMIE.

Once Dream Future Energy Group enters the Spanish power energy market, the two monopoly giants will compete with each other. Isn’t the final result benefiting ordinary people?

No matter what the cooperation agreement between the Spanish court and Dream Future Energy Group is, the Spanish court and the royal family did the right thing this time.

As for whether Dream Future Energy Group will turn into a dragon after completing its monopoly, you should ask MIBEL and OMIE.

Even if Dream Future Energy Group wants to become an evil dragon, MIBEL and OMIE will definitely intervene. With competition between the two parties, Dream Future Energy Group cannot become an evil dragon.

Even MIBEL and OMIE, who have become dragons now, will return to normal from the dragon state due to competition.

I am now making a prediction. Because the Spanish court and Dream Future Energy Group have reached a cooperation agreement, MIBEL and OMIE will definitely respond quickly. They should lower the price of electric energy and thus obtain a better user image.

After all, in the future, in addition to MIBEL and OMIE, we Spanish people can also choose Dream Future Energy Group.

I even think that this time MIBEL and OMIE may drop more than 10% in electricity energy prices.

If you don’t believe it, we’ll wait and see.

Finally, I would like to remind the general public that please treat Internet speeches rationally, please think independently about rumors on the Internet, and please ask more why, the truth of things often appears this way.


After the Spanish court used a trumpet to speak on Face, it began to secretly promote Anonymous-Q. MIBEL and OMIE secretly fueled Anonymous-Q's previous comments on Face. How could the Spanish court not know?

Therefore, the imperial copying operation of the Spanish Peninsula began to operate, allowing【MO-SIN】The account's comments exploded on Face, causing a large number of people to think independently.

When the Spanish Internet was in a fuss about the cooperation between the Dream Future Energy Group and the Spanish court, discussions about this cooperation also appeared on the Xia Kingdom’s Internet.....

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