Dream Future Energy Group and the Spanish court confirmed the cooperation agreement on the Spanish power energy market at the Royal Villa Hotel, and now only some details remain.

After Louis also wished a happy cooperation, Pang Zhengfeng added,"After our two parties sign the agreement today, we will immediately start preparations for cooperation."

At this point, Pang Zhengfeng motioned to Liu Jingming and Wang Wentian to talk. Specific preparations.

Liu Jingming answered,"We plan to complete the site selection of the two fourth-generation nuclear power plant clusters in early November, the site selection of the power storage station in mid-November, and the nuclear power plant cluster, The overall design plan for the power storage station and power transmission network."

Liu Jingming continued to add,"When the design plan is completed, we will conduct a public bidding process for the entire western half of the country's power transmission network and some power storage station facilities."

"This bidding includes infrastructure, material supply, and catering supply, especially catering. If there is summer-style catering, it will definitely be easier to win our favor. Pang Zhengfeng explained.

There was a smile in Lewis's eyes. He was indeed right. Dream Future Energy Group would definitely choose to supply some materials from the Spanish mainland.

After all, the price of transportation from Xia Country is too expensive!

"Regarding Xiaguo-style catering, please don’t worry. We have a large number of Xiaguo descendants in the western half of the country, and a considerable number of Xiaguo descendants are engaged in the catering industry in the western half of the country. We will announce your plan in our subsequent press conference. , thus reminding catering practitioners."Louis responded

"Regarding our cooperation, we hope to add a confidentiality clause to keep our tax rates confidential." Louis added.

Pang Zhengfeng responded affirmatively,"No problem! Louis continued to ask,"Our press conference will announce your development plan and investment amount. Is there anything you need to keep confidential?"

Pang Zhengfeng responded negatively,"Not yet. You can publish the cooperation information between us." In addition, we will also announce our cooperation information in China, but according to your request, we will conceal the tax rate issue."

After the two sides determined the details, they handed over to each other's legal personnel to handle the specific terms, and the atmosphere at the negotiation site became harmonious. The

Spanish Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology, Torres, who had met Anliang once. ·Baden even took the initiative to say hello to Anliang

"Thank you Mr. An for your support. This cooperation is so important to us in the Spanish Peninsula!"Torres Baden said politely. An Liang responded with a smile,"Mr. Torres is so polite. We are mutually beneficial. Just like the tax rate we agreed on, we will make a fortune together in this cooperation! Torres nodded affirmatively,"Yes, we will make a fortune together!""


At five o'clock in the afternoon local time in Spain, the legal staff of Dream Future Energy Group and the Spanish court completed the work of sorting out the cooperation agreement.

The cooperation agreement is in quadruplicate, written in Mandarin, Spanish and English respectively.

It includes what Dream Future Energy Group should do in the Spanish power energy market, and the fact that when Dream Future Energy Group monopolized the Spanish power energy market, the maximum selling price of electric energy was 1.5 Xia Guoyuan. included in the cooperation agreement.

However, Dream Future Energy Group has made supplementary terms regarding the maximum selling price, indicating that at some point in the future, when the electricity energy price in Xia Guo reaches 1.5 Xia Guo Yuan, Dream Future Energy Group has the right to adjust the Spanish power energy market. The price of electric power energy in China, but the maximum price does not exceed the price of civil electric power energy in Xia.

Secondly, the confidentiality agreement is also written into the contract terms, which is naturally no problem.

It was nearly half past five in the evening.

The legal staff of Dream Future Energy Group and the Spanish Court read all the contract terms respectively. After both parties determined that there were no problems, Anliang entered the front desk from behind the scenes. He will sign the contract with the Spanish Court on behalf of Dream Future Energy Group.

The person responsible for signing the contract at the Spanish court was Chief Minister Paul Peake.

However, in the external publicity photos, the contract person of Dream Future Energy Group changed from An Liang to Liu Jingming of Xiaguo Power Grid. Because the external publicity photos will be publicized all over the world, An Liang certainly does not like to appear in such a scene.

It doesn't matter to Paul Peake, because he was originally the chief minister of the Spanish court. There are many photos of him on the Internet, so he is naturally not afraid of publicity around the world.

Pang Zhengfeng also did not appear in the photos of the cooperation signing. After all, Pang Zhengfeng is a member of the Imperial Capital Circle, and it is inappropriate for him to appear in the photos of the signing ceremony.

With the formal signing, four copies of the contract were handed over to the Spanish Imperial Court, the Royal Bank of Spain, and Dream Future Energy Group. One of the two contracts from Dream Future Energy Group will be handed over to Xia Guo Keep records in Anxin Bank.

At the same time, this piece of paper represents that Dream Future Energy Group has officially taken the step of becoming a power energy monopoly giant!

"Mr. An, we have prepared a dinner."Paul Pique took the initiative to extend the invitation

"OK, thank you Mr. Paul for the invitation."An Liang responded politely.

When the Spanish court invited the negotiating team of Dream Future Energy Group to attend the dinner, the Spanish court had already started to promote this cooperation!

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