Faced with Anliang's inquiry, Andres sighed.

"Mr. An, do you know my salary in the Wiens desalination industry?"Andres asked back.

An Liang shook his head,"We only investigated your basic information and did not investigate into such details."

In fact, the Western Hemisphere Branch of Renyi Security Company investigated these details, but Anliang deliberately did not tell them, so that he can make honest judgments based on these detailed information.

Andres sighed and said,"I work at Wiens Seawater Desalination I worked in industry for 9 years, 7 months and 14 days. At the beginning, my monthly salary was only 1,200 euros. Before leaving my job, I received 4,000 euros. Although it seemed quite high, it was actually not high."

Andres continued,"In the seawater desalination industry, my technical level is indeed not top-notch, but the salary package offered by other seawater desalination companies that invited me to change jobs started at 6,000 euros."

Andres added,"This salary is because I have not announced the benefits of graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology."

An Liang nodded slightly, indicating that he was listening to Andres.

Andres brought the topic back,"Before leaving the Wiens desalination industry, I proposed to improve the structure of the security filter so that the security filter could be filtered. The service life of the device is increased by more than 50%"

"Is this a good thing for the Wiens desalination industry? An Liang asked casually,"But why did you two have a legal dispute?""

"I applied for a patent on the technology to improve the security filter. I hope that Wiens Desalination Industries will increase my salary and pay a patent buyout fee."Andres explained

"I am thirty-three years old this year and I must prepare more money to prepare for the future."Andres added.

An Liang guessed,"Could it be that Vines Desalination Industry rejected your request?"

"Yes."Andres sighed,"Vines Desalination Industry directly rejected my request. Not only was it unwilling to increase the salary level, it was also unwilling to pay patent fees."

"According to Wiens Desalination Industry, I completed the improvement of the security filter while working at Wiens Desalination Industry. According to the supplementary clauses of the labor contract, the corresponding patented technology belongs to Wiens Desalination Industry."Andres introduced.

An Liang raised his eyebrows,"Although I don't know your Spanish laws, there seems to be some problem with such a clause."

"There were certain problems, so both of us were involved in legal disputes. In order to avoid such disputes arising from the graphene reverse osmosis membrane desalination technology, I resigned directly from Wiens Desalination Industry."Andres explained the reason.

Anliang thought about it silently and asked inquiringly,"If you cooperate with Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, what kind of treatment do you hope to receive?"

Andres thought about it for less than ten seconds before responding,"If I hand over the graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology to Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and let Dream Future Graphene Technology Group register this patent, I hope to receive a technology transfer fee of no less than 1 million euros"

"I hope to get a work contract with a monthly salary of no less than 6,000 euros and a term of no less than 10 years." Andres added

"During the contract period, if I do not violate local laws or company regulations, if you terminate the contract early, you must compensate me for the corresponding period of salary."Andres added the conditions cautiously.

Listening to Andres's added conditions, Anliang couldn't help but sigh secretly, so did he miss something again?

Such a simple condition can be exchanged for a project that affects more than 1.5 billion people. technology, should Anliang say that Andres is too simple, or that the Wiens desalination industry is too outrageous?

If the Wiens desalination industry is willing to give Andres a salary increase, he is willing to pay patent fees for the security filter. , then this graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology should also be from Wiens Seawater Desalination Industry

"no problem."Anliang agreed directly,"But you should know that our Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has not launched desalination business for the time being. Once we launch this business, we will definitely build desalination plants in water-scarce areas, and you will need to go to these areas. Work. Andres agreed directly,"

I can accept this.""

"That’s no problem. You can rest assured that the benefits of our Dream Future Graphene Technology Group are very good. For example, the basic annual leave is 15 days, and the years of employment coefficient will be added."Anliang added.

If Andres has worked for Dream Future Graphene Technology Group for five years, his annual leave is 15 days of basic annual leave, plus a 5-day seniority factor.

"It would be great!"Andres answered happily, and then added a little embarrassedly,"I still need your help. My previous application for a visa to Xia Country was rejected...."

"Why was the visa refused?"Anhao is curious.

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