The next day, Monday.

Lenore returns to school life, while Anliang investigates Andres Rubio through the Western Hemisphere branch of Renyi Security Company.

At nine o'clock in the morning local time in Xibanya and three o'clock in the afternoon local time in Xia Guo, An Liang received Zhao Wanxi's message.

‘Zhao Wanxi: The negotiation team has already set off. It came via chartered flight and is expected to arrive in ten hours.’

‘An Liang: Okay’

‘Zhao Wanxi: [Negotiation team list and information】’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I hope this negotiation will end soon’

‘An Liang: Don’t worry, both we and Spain hope to promote this cooperation, so this negotiation will definitely end quickly and smoothly’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Well, I’m going to school first and waiting for you to come back.’

‘An Liang: [Shocked][Shocked][Shocked]’

‘An Liang: You actually have to go to school!’

‘An Liang: I can’t believe it!’

‘Zhao Wanxi:...’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I’m not you, of course I have to go to school’

‘An Liang: I will also go to school, but I only have less time to go. '

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi chatted for a while, and only ended their communication after the Western Branch of Renyi Security Company reported back information that they had found out the whereabouts of Andres Rubio.

"So where is this Andres Rubio?" An Liang asked casually.

Dai Rong, head of the Spanish branch of Renyi Security Company, responded,"The target is in the southern district of Madre near Getafe. The target is a former employee of the Vines desalination industry. Currently, Also works as a teaching assistant at the Polytechnic University of Madrid"

"According to our investigation, Target has a legal dispute with Wiens Desalination Industry, and Target is suing Wiens Desalination Industry for infringement of Target’s technology patents." Dai Rong added.

"Check this out in detail."An Liang ordered

"OK, we'll investigate right away."Dai Rong responded. In fact, Dai Rong had already ordered the investigation of this matter before An Liang gave the order. After all, Dai Rong knew that An Liang would definitely order the investigation.

"Let's go meet the target."An Liang added the instructions.

The Spanish branch of Renyi Security Company has completely grasped the whereabouts of Andres Rubio. When An Liang wants to see Andres Rubio, he can determine the specific location of the target at any time..

At No. 97 Corning Street near Getafes in Madre, Andres Rubio was sitting in a roadside cafe called 'Siri' reading the newspaper and drinking a cup of coffee.

Andres was in the newspaper I saw on the Internet that the Spanish royal family negotiated with Dream Future Energy Group to invest in the Spanish power energy market.

Regarding this matter, Andres has a different view from ordinary people. Andres has learned about Dream Future Energy. Group, he knows very well that Dream Future Energy Group and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group are brother groups wearing the same pants.

According to the technical resources and financial strength of Dream Future Energy Group and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, if they really want to intervene in the West In the Spanish power energy market, there will definitely be an opportunity to break the monopoly of MIBEL and OMIE.

Andres even thought that once Dream Future Energy Group enters the Spanish power energy market, it may become a new monopoly.

But Andres Si also needs to understand that when two monopolies are in the same market, it is equivalent to breaking the monopoly.

"Do you think it's possible for the royal family to succeed?"Andres, who was reading the newspaper, suddenly heard a question. He followed the sound and found that a young man had sat opposite him at some point.

In view of the Spanish spoken by the other party, Andres silently guessed He wondered whether the other party was a Neon person, a Xia person, or a Corea person.

Andres thought about it for a moment before responding affirmatively in Spanish,"The success rate of the royal family is very high!"

"why?"An Liang asked casually.

"Where are you from, sir? Andres asked back

"I'm from Xia country."An Liang answered without any concealment.

"Since you are from Xia, you should know how powerful Dream Future Energy Group and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group are. If they want to invest in our power energy market in Western Spain, there will definitely be no problem."Andres explained simply.

Faced with Andres' words, An Liang smiled,"Mr. Andres is really interesting."

Andres was stunned for a moment, then looked at An Liang warily,"Who are you? Why do you know my name?"

"It appears that Mr. Andres did not investigate enough information. An Liang said with a smile,"Let me introduce myself. I am An Liang, a shareholder of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Dream Future Energy Group.""

Andres looked at An Liang in shock. Of course he had heard of An Liang and knew who An Liang was. He hesitated for a moment before curiously asking,"Mr. An, who are you and our Princess Lenore? what relationship?"


Is this Andres so nosy?

Andres continued,"Mr. An, the gifts you gave to Princess Lenore are of very high value, especially those trade orders, they will be given to us Spain brought considerable help"

"So I guess Mr. An has a very good relationship with Her Royal Highness Princess Lenore, right?" Andres continued to gossip.

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